Yes I think 5.1 users are the inly exeption.I think it sounds fine on my 5.1 setup. Is this for headphone people only? Also why does the game say I already own it? I was an early beta person does that mean I get the game free? Or is it a glitch?
I'll be grabbing this on 360 as that's where my friends are. I really hope they don't give up and keep patch this if need.
I think it sounds fine on my 5.1 setup. Is this for headphone people only? Also why does the game say I already own it? I was an early beta person does that mean I get the game free? Or is it a glitch?
Playing the beta on the PC right now... with an Xbox 360 controller.
No word huh SCEE? Gawd, i hate those blog guys so much. What's their job? Drinking coffee and spamming Twitter with old news?
//use 5 for custom color with rgb
cl_crosshaircolor "5"
//dark pink, shows up best
cl_crosshaircolor_r "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "20"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "147"
//put dot in center
cl_crosshairdot "1"
//set to 0 to remove crosshair lines and use only dot
cl_crosshairsize "5"
//choose dot thickness
cl_crosshairthickness "1"
//hold gun in your left hand - if you're using right handed models, you're doing it wrong!
cl_righthand "0"
// removes the shifting of the arm when crouching down.
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0"
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0"
// removes the bobbing of the weapon back and forth, when you run.
cl_bob_lower_amt "0"
cl_bobamt_lat "0"
cl_bobamt_vert "0"
// lowers delay between sounds.
snd_mixahead "0.05"
// causes the scope to move less while moving scoped and reduces bobbing effect
cl_bobcycle "2"
"if you're using right handed models, you're doing it wrong!"
Who wrote this elitist bullshit.
Are you having issues looking up and down with the right stick? Seems very laggy on my end.Playing the beta on the PC right now... with an Xbox 360 controller.
// causes the scope to move less while moving scoped and reduces bobbing effect
cl_bobcycle "2"
Ps3 version was the best version. But I've seen a short clip of the ps3 version in a montage made by sony for e3. I just wanna know the deal with dedicated servers for ps3I've been searching but I can't seem to find any footage fo the PS3 build. Anyone know what's up with that? Portal 2 was great on PS3 so I don't get the lack of exposure here.
Playing the beta on the PC right now... with an Xbox 360 controller.
So on 360, party chat will be disabled right? Completely game breaking if its not.
Wait, 360 version on Wednesday? That most be a typo
I have no idea why but my autoexec.cfg doesn't seem to work. I put it in the /csgo/cfg folder. Help anyone?
A lot of people are questioning Major Nelson on Twitter.. but, as always, he's evading questions.
Try capitalizing CFG. And I always put an echo statement in there so I can check the console at launch and make sure it's firing off.
Wish he evade his dresser..
Wish he evade his dresser..
Annoying isn't it?
The only response I could see to a dozen questions was one of the managers saying it's down to Valve and they'll let us know when more concrete information is coming in.
Concrete information lacking a day before advertised launch? :|
Not the first time either, unfortunately.
Config stuff:
Set snd_headphone_pan_exponent and snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight to 2 (GldSrc) in the console for 1.6 like sound. (thanks to JaseC)
Xbox Live Arcade games are always released on Wednesday, I don't think they would suddenly change they for CSGO
That is just shitty practice, games usually come out on Tuesday so by MS policy let's delay Skyrim because it came out on a Friday!
Still showing up on the dashboard
Is that available for people who are in the Dashboard Preview?
This makes SUCH a huge difference. Thanks for the heads up. I can tell exactly where someone is coming from now. Makes the game so much more fun.
Yes, it's amazing 1.6 like goodness and imo a huge advantage once you use it.
Same here. I was waffling on pre-ordering, finally broke down and then it tells me I already own it. I thought maybe I did it in a drunken stupor? Kinda want the slight discount and TF2 thingy.I think it sounds fine on my 5.1 setup. Is this for headphone people only? Also why does the game say I already own it? I was an early beta person does that mean I get the game free? Or is it a glitch?