Just played a match on FACEIT. god damn 128tick feels so much better. I don't know if I ever want to play MM again.
After playing that match I no longer feel like I'm doing something wrong regarding my aim. it's my shots not registering. Got 5 clutches, almost an ace and I was hitting all my shots.
I was a little wary of playing, because I've heard in ESEA you just get these assholes that think they're shroud and Hiko. I figured FACEIT would be the same if not worse since it's free. aside from 1 teammate who talked shit despite me carrying him, it was a fun game between both teams.
recommend everyone give it at least one try.
lmao. Not even that bad compared to something that happened in one of my matches on Cache. We got bad info that the guy was rotating to B through T spawn so my teammate is sitting heaven. The guy comes through mid to CT and with 15 seconds left has clear shots on my teammate not moving, he keeps shooting but doesn't even hit him once.
we thought it was a decoy, he turns around at the end of the round and there goes the terrorist dude lol