"I lose cos my team is bad" is a poor excuse. Look to yourself.
Nah, not in my case. At least not during soloqueues. And everyone that plays with me knows it.
I'm hanging around Nova 1-2 for most of my days, main reason being me as a EU person playing on US servers (with ppl from gaf) - and I play with alot of very low ranked ppl often (Silver 2-4ish) - seeing as I dont have a smurf.
In normal games (with higher ranked gaffers) on EU servers this often happens,
I can hold my own among AKs etc.
Just.. when I soloqueue on Nova 2 I get matched with teammates that are usually so bad that even 30 bombs and carrying isnt enough to make the team win. And that was the thing I was referencing in my post to cHinzo - hardly a poor excuse for me
Edit: This sounds so pompous lol - not my intention though. Just justifying my "excuse" lol.