anyone down for a 5v5 later? I'll probably post an announcement anyway but just seeing if I should even bother.
Leading 8:0.
Lost one round 8:1.
Our team falls apart. One guy plays his first hour of CSGO, he has one kill after 9 rounds.
Two other players both named Bot start blocking, teamflashing etc. One of them gets kicked, the other one leaves.
Then it's me, another guy who knows how to play and the newb against 5 regular players.
We lose 15:10. We both had about 30 kills, the rest of the team has 5 altogether.
Matchmaking is getting so frustrating. In the past weeks I didn't have one game without ragequitting, griefing and fucking things up for fun.
What is happening? Is it the constant sales?
I'm dtf 5v5 or comp if we can't scrounge up a group
just won an arms race using the knife only
so for tonight i think we're at 9 players so far...
anyone else up for it?
My luck right now is hilarious and sad at the same time.
Trade contract, burned a bunch of purples to get a pink... and it's a P250 Cartel.
Opened a case I got today... it's a P250 Mehdni.
2 pinks... no AWP/M4/AK. C'mon son.
I'll use them in my P250 slots.
I'll be home in about 45 mins
lol, good call on that.. not 10 mins later i hit a deer going about 55 mph. ripped my hood completely off the hinges and pole vaulted that fucker over the roof of my car. surprisingly my battle cry of FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK didn't phase the deer, nor did my horn. can't imagine what the guy driving behind me thought. all in all pretty lucky the hood and deer went up or else the deer likely would have come through my windshield and fucked me up rel good. so much for my plans of a new pc, hoods ain' cheap y'all and i never upgraded my insurance to have proper coverage when i switched from an old pos to my new car.
damn dude, I'd say you got lucky though, thats very little damage compared to what a deer usually does
also I was playing Mirage for the challenge missions and it seems like there's a way to glitch yourself inside the corner to the left of CT spawn so you can shoot people and not even be visible, anyone seen this?
We need 1 more on the CSGAF server to play a full 5v5.
Congrats haveheart here is my steam profile Link
Hit me up Ill send you the skins
05:02:24 ClanForge Control ny26 Server is using too much CPU for 10 players [157.081 > 128.529000282288] (new) (restarting)
05:01:28 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 10 players [166.081 > 128.529000282288] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 0 time(s))
04:37:26 ClanForge Control ny26 Server unavailable (restart already in progress)
04:36:52 ClanForge Control ny26 Server TIMEOUT (restarting)
04:35:59 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (TIMEOUT) for 60 seconds (Restarted 0 time(s))
04:21:47 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 7 players [184.707 > 106.470300197602] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 1 time(s))
04:10:49 ClanForge Control ny26 Server is using too much CPU for 10 players [160.032 > 128.529000282288] (new) (restarting)
04:09:53 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 10 players [135.307 > 128.529000282288] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 0 time(s))
04:00:27 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 10 players [145.903 > 128.529000282288] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 0 time(s))
03:57:36 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 10 players [144.639 > 128.529000282288] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 0 time(s))
03:39:38 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 10 players [139.694 > 128.529000282288] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 0 time(s)
03:24:31 ClanForge Control ny26 Server had issues (is using too much CPU for 6 players [138.142 > 99.1174001693728] (new)) for 60 seconds (Restarted 1 time(s))
Just got back into CS today. Used to play 1.5 and 1.6 all the time in my teenage years.
Now I'm playing aim maps relearning how to control my spread and I'm awful. But hey, at least I know not to run and gun...except maybe with some some SMGs? Is that still viable?