Wow that's quite the giveaway!
Shout out to the shitties at my hotel who saw my NiP jersey and told me "NiP is gonna lose!" (Two seep rate groups of two)
Fucking Doubting the magic.
I'm sitting right next to Thoorin.
Guys... I'm tempted shit post IRL and keep screaming "NIP! NIP! NIP!" All Match.
The Nationwide arena is. It in half for this. It normally seats 18,000 people.The size of the stands and audience is kind of a disappointment compared to Cologne and even Katowice 2015
Couldn't they sell more tickets or did they decide to keep it so small? they won't have soundproof booths at this event.. Even with noise cancel surely they could still hear the crowd??
I'm trying but these fuckers won't do it.NiP chant mentionned by the commentator, god damnit Speedy
idk, looks like a decent crowd considering that columbus is not the biggest city out there
weird that the only NA major is in a state where pretty much no one from NA wants to go to
Ohio is like the Poland of the US for all you europoor
Isn't the MLG HQ in Ohio? MLG probably just wanted to operate from home.They prob went there because it was the cheapest arena/venues to rent out for a week. They shouldve done it in Cali or Seattle or New York but that wouldve been significantly more expensive
Isn't the MLG HQ in Ohio? MLG probably just wanted to operate from home.
They prob went there because it was the cheapest arena/venues to rent out for a week. They shouldve done it in Cali or Seattle or New York but that wouldve been significantly more expensive
I doubt that's the reason, times are terrible for all of NA for every EU tournament.
I wonder if NiP will rebuild this roster, and by that I mean get in a whole new team, or if they're happy struggling to get out of the group stages and losing in the QF's for the rest of time?
They would have beat LG easy with Pyth.Pyth not playing is the best thing that could have happened to NiP
They would have had the same result with him and now they can pretend like they overachieved
This whole trip was a mistake. I just want to go home.
Impact is right. Ohio is bad.
Fuck MLG, fuck Valve, fuck Na'Vi.
Next time Pyth. Next time NiP.
Beat the fuck out of them Fnatic.
At least NiP will have nothing better to do this weekend than to sign your xbox elite controllers!!
Id personally rank the games like this:
Bloodborne = Dark Souls 3 > DS1 > DeS >> DS2
I honestly think DS3 is the best Dark Souls. It has high and low points like all the games but I think the highs are above Dark Souls 1 and the lows are still all way better than anything in Dark Souls 2. This is a temporary rating though, might change when I play it in english and 60fps and have some more time to think about it.
I havent actually done alot of PvP yet, but whenever I got invaded it was usually a good time.
Id personally rank the games like this:
Bloodborne = Dark Souls 3 > DS1 > DeS >> DS2
I honestly think DS3 is the best Dark Souls. It has high and low points like all the games but I think the highs are above Dark Souls 1 and the lows are still all way better than anything in Dark Souls 2. This is a temporary rating though, might change when I play it in english and 60fps and have some more time to think about it.
I havent actually done alot of PvP yet, but whenever I got invaded it was usually a good time.
do you know anything about how graphically intensive the game will be vs like ds2? i barely ran ds2 on 60 fps and i cant exactly just throw around 60$ to try it out when the games released
we gotta play some PvP man, I don't even care how laggy it is