Finally I get to interact with my Xbox Friends while playing CS:GO.Top PC games show up on Xbox Live: Were bringing the top PC games like League of Legends and XCOM 2 together with the Xbox Live community. Meaning, your favorite PC games will have their own Game Hubs on Xbox Live. Whether youre on your PC, Xbox, or mobile phone, youll be able to see what PC games your friends are playing, share your own PC gaming clips and screenshots with the community, and message your friends on Xbox Live. On both Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs, youll also be able to party chat with your friends no matter what theyre doing.
Finally I get to interact with my Xbox Friends while playing CS:GO.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't have many PC friends, or many people to play CSGO with other than you guys. and not gonna lie... sometimes I feel like you guys don't like me. :c
Newke worst map ever confirmed!
Newke Hixx-sided confirmed!
Momma Quiche is the best <3
my boys rugi and joe are anti-establishment
things are looking up... but goddamn if the losing streak wasn't depressing as fuck. wish I knew more people that have ESEA, my boys rugi and joe are anti-establishment
also no dust2 ever chinzo about to have a stroke
How many rounds did u guys get?still looked better than 14 of our t rounds on inferno last night <_<
Replaced the penalty for the suicide or disconnection of a player. Instead of the elimination of round-end income, a living enemy player now receives compensation equal to the missed kill reward opportunity.
On Valve official servers, the current map will be excluded from the vote options at the end of a match.
Well, this is a welcome change. People I've played with know how much I hated this.
No more infinite Dust 2 DM????
looks really stupid, will be interesting to see how it plays.
mixwell 12-22 weighing down optic
glad my boys TyLoo beat TempOverrated Storm
Astralis actually just fucking choked against fucking CLG.
Come the fuck on Astralis. It's fucking CLG. Don't you fucking dare lose this game.