True, but you like to kill stuff, which is the most important thing.
You know I always prioritize peace and especially love over killing!
True, but you like to kill stuff, which is the most important thing.
Guys, I have some bad news. I just reviewed my schedule for the coming weeks turns out that I have quite a few obligations on tuesdays and thursdays. This means that I'm unfortunately unable to play with you guys regularly on those days and so in turn I'm afraid I have to withdraw.
That said: fanboi, if there's talk of a new game, don't hesitate to sent me a message about it on Steam. I still would like to play a multiplayer CK2 game, but for now I just don't see it working on a regular basis for me on the proposed days,
I have started a few different games of ck2 the last few days, and my demesne limit keep changing for all games i start. Why is that?
Partially scales with your Stewardship.
Besides stewardship (state stewardship, so your council and wife also factor in) it depends on your rank (count, duke, king, emperor) and the level of legalism in your capital.
Are we starting tomorrow? The OP says the 15th.
In response to your other question, I think we should be okay with switching hosts as long as the new one has all the relevant expansions: in this case, Sword of Islam, The Old Gods, etc. In the absence of the cosmetic DLC, faces will revert to their "vanilla" look and the music just won't play. I think otherwise it should be compatible. But I don't have direct experience with that situation and I'm just basing this on single player, where turning off all but the most necessary DLC doesn't have an effect on the save file. By the way, assuming we ever play to the 1300s (which I doubt will get that far), I would suggest turning off the sunset invasion if you have it.
To much work and all that... we start 15th of May.
Is that today, your time?
Game starts in 2 hours and 6 min.
The first 5 min we will create (for those who want to) our dynasties.
How do I do that? And can I change the name of it later?
I'm still thinking about the dynasty O'skiller. The first ruler would be named Morfe. the heir would be M.G.
Not sure I quite understood, but being in the same company as MGO is always pleasingBe warned though, that may peace-keeping skills are pretty terrible in this game.
Morfe O'Skiller?
I was planning on having a little Rurik practice before tonight, but I ended up playing Shattered World mod all week, so I'm going in blind!
You can be my court jester.Can I swear fealty to the Empire of Mgo On Which the Sun Never Sets yet.
1. Event troops will never replenish. They are only available for certain rulers at the start of the game.1. I started with an army of about 3000 which doesnt seem to reinforce, how can I get such an army again?
2. All my temples are now controlled by tengri or zoroastrian people, should I work towards getting them controlled by Sunnis? Does this even matter?
3. Does the duchies also count towards your demesne?
4. What do I use the money to except creating titles?
1. I started with an army of about 3000 which doesnt seem to reinforce, how can I get such an army again?
Religious unity is decent but not necessary.2. All my temples are now controlled by tengri or zoroastrian people, should I work towards getting them controlled by Sunnis? Does this even matter?
No, only direct land holdings.3. Does the duchies also count towards your demesne?
Use it to build buildings in your territory. Click a province, and then click a holding to enter the build menu.4. What do I use the money to except creating titles?
this is in 2 hours, right?
And out of nowhere, it's in the humble bundle as of now (24hrs).
With so much stupid stuff you own on steam, there is NO WAY you should pass on this (and join us!)
My steam library is the digital equivalent of this
Oh my god, I made the biggest mistake.
I landed all my heirs.
Going to have to plot the shit out of them.
This sounds like it will turn into a nice civil war
Anyways, my wife always want me to change Qadi - where do I do that?
If you've got a wife/concubine of another religion, you should be able to swap via a decision in the intrigue menu.
Yay for last-of-the-dynasty-hey-I-am-homosexual trait.
Fuuuu... well... I guess no fucking will be done.