When will the store be up =(
I've been reloading their page for an hour. I've given up all hope on playing today.![]()
The store is back up, account registration isn't.
Is the website down for everyone else?
currently yes.. i need to download the new launcher, too
I know this game is alpha but it really kicks my GPU's fans into full blast like few games can. GTX 570 SC. Hope I don't overheat it![]()
currently yes.. i need to download the new launcher, too
Limit the frames with vsync or some other program that lets you limit the fps. Your card is spitting out way more frames than needed.
I've had a really unlucky 24 hours. Every time I find time to go to the site, I find that it is down. Can't create an account and buy the game.
Small question, in multiplayer, does your character use your account name or can you make it any like in singleplayer?
You can name your guy whatever you want, that's what's showing in the game for others.
You don't need a key, just go to the "My Games" tab on Picroma.com and you should be able to download it
Can I put these in the OT?![]()
Adventures in world seed 1:
A castle not too far from the starting area. It's full of +3 humans... I'm scared
If you are a Indie developer who dosnt know how to run a website to sell your game. Dont do it.
Yeah, just let a 3rd party handle it like steam or gog...
Steam is apparently really easy to keep updated.
Was it like this?
For those who can't connect to their website or update their game, Wollay's site is getting DDoSed.
The issue is how much money steam wants a cut of, which is a huge factor for these smaller devs. Not to mention you need to go through the whole greenlight process mess too now.
Those losers who are doing this need to be punished. 2 people who have been working there ass off they deserve to earn back they have made.
Got it yes!
Was it like this?
Yet it is 20 bucks?
And I been waiting days and can't buy it. I think I should be able to, since I have the 20 USD.
Nope....can't buy it. I have a friend who has been waiting longer than me. This is ridiculous. Maybe lose some off of the top for you know...people being able to buy it 24/7 instead of days.
If Wollay was using steam you would still be waiting to buy it because of steams shitty greenlight service. Infact I can guarantee the very words out of your mouth would be something like "oh christ why use steam just release the game on your website and use paypal, don't wait for this shitty steam greenlight crap".
I understand the frustration from people but this game isn't going anywhere. Sooner or later things will settle down and you will be able to buy it. Just appreciate that this is a 2 person operation and the amount of demand is actually a good thing because it means this game will be supported for years to come.
Is this game playable without an internet connection?
Why would anyone DDoS his site?? I just don't get people sometimes...
You know whats one thing that I really hope they put in, is an option to turn off the footstep sound effect for the main character / pet.
Jesus christ does it get irritating after a few minutes, not to mention how loud it is
This looks excellent! I think I'm going to buy this right n-
Server maintenance? What. Has this been going on for long?