Death Metalist
Bought the game and leaving it to download while I sleep. Can't wait, impressions here sound great and will write my own when i'm done with both episodes!
I'm almost to this point of want.I paid ~$450 for this game.Worth. Every Penny.Cost of Xbox One + overnight shipping + download.
This game alone is making me swing towards a Xbox One again, coupled with MCC and Killer Instinct. Of course, I'll be buying Scalebound and Phantom Dust when they come out too. I'm sure that it'll become my new media box as well. (Netflix, HBO GO, Blu-Rays, etc.)I paid ~$450 for this game.Worth. Every Penny.Cost of Xbox One + overnight shipping + download.
That's some dedication. I'm waiting for supergreatfriend to bust out a playthrough video, hopefully.
This thread is killing me. I want to play this so bad.
I'm almost to this point of want.
Typed this post through squinted eyes as to not read the spoiler.....
There's definitely something going on with the achievements. The first time I played the game, none of them popped up, so I thought that they simply didn't want to disturb the gameplay in that manner; when I checked the achievements app, a bunch of them were unlocked. Now they pop up as usual.
Try clapping.So far i'm loving it, Playing with Kinect controls, I had a problem with the, any way around it? I played at about 4am so had to take the failure on it...shouting during the fight
Try clapping.
Miles, as a fellow TT fan I bought this game off nothing more than your reactions in this thread....into episode 1 I am not disappointed. The motion controls take some time to get used to but other that this game is great! Good call, my friend.
I want this on PS4 so bad.![]()
Perhaps we need to start bombarding Phil's twitter account to show how much demand there is for a new season?
I've uploaded all of the game's dinner scenes here if you want to relive the magic.
It also shows off some of the game's costumes:
Clam Chowder
Hot dogs (don't these outfits look FAMILIAR?)
I did my part already. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to bother Greenberg as well, he's their head of marketing now, and this game is getting none.
#IwanttheDAny suggestions?
Excellent, glad you're enjoying it.
This has set a new bar for me in terms of story driven interactive games. Not sure I'll be happy going back to the TT mode. I'm just really hoping this is successful enough that we keep getting seasons throughout the generation, that would be simply incredible and the memento mechanic allows for them to do as any episodes/seasons as they want.
Perhaps we need to start bombarding Phil's twitter account to show how much demand there is for a new season?
Or why not just use the existing #D4 hashtag?
Yup. Best way to do it.
they said more will come if it sold well, how can it sell with 0 promotion. They just shit this out.
I thought you could move by pointing two fingers in that direction, has that been changed or is it only for the episodes ? I thought that feature was a great idea when I heard about it in the previews, and grabbing footstep icons is the only think I dislike for now.
I've gotten used to Kinect in exploration, most of the time I can move through the environment with ease and smoothly join the actions. It still goes haywire randomly, though.
And it's totally inappropriate for that clover mini-game, has anyone here gotten all the related achievements? I'm still missing the last two (up to 758 now that I've changed the pointer speed to fast; still not enough), and it angers the hell out of me whenever I play it. I also gave it a try with the controller, but I found it even harder to play when things get hectic.
I really hope they nerf the difficulty in a patch.
Real talk - David's banging that cat girl, right?
any new review? edge, eurogamer, ign, ...
I know the game has always been said to only be coming to xb1, but I saw this on swery'a Twitter
I don't lol the sound of the phrasing of that, it's as if it's suffering from bad sales?
"D4 makes the incredibly odd decision to make every action (including investigating objects) use up Young's stamina meter. If the meter empties (which it will pretty quickly if you investigate everything) you either lose progress or give up a sizable chunk of in-game currency.
Rather than let you explore this thoroughly weird world at your own pace, D4 pushes you to find the critical path through the game and not linger too long on anything. That may work for other games, but I want to lose myself in Swery65's worlds, not grind through them in a rush to the end."
I want to explore everything but i cant because literally every step decreases stamina.
You are aware, that you can use the menu button anytime, get home to a free meal and sink that fill up your stamina and vision?
I guess that's why he implemented it, so you don´t just follow the main story arch, but go back home in-between and do the side missions.
yes after i finished Ep 1 someone here told me this, but to me it just really disrupts the game completely. i want to stay in there and explore and every few steps im either buying something from the cat or going back to the house to do this. It ruins the immersion completely.
Even if you don't want to go back to the apartment to refill (and you should, because there are things in the game that you can't find and experience otherwise), the stamina bar really doesn't decrease that quickly. You can always go to Amanda (the real cat on the plane) and buy food. It will cost you some money, but since you're exploring everything in the first place, you should have more than plenty. On subsequent replays you can buy and equip clothing items that increase the size of your stamina bar.
That i didnt know. Is this just the clothing in your closet at home? do you buy it with in game creds or is this DLC with real money?
The cat thing i knew about - i was constantly going back to her.