He responds to almost everyone that sends him a thing. A courtesy laugh to a bad joke isn't really joining in on that silliness.
Swery apparently engaging in the console wars.
Anyways, just grabbed an XB1 and thinking of downloading this title. What would those of you who've played it compare it to? I watched a few trailers and I really can't get a good read on it
It's a Telltales game on acid. Even if you're not really a fan of point and clicks, it's different and quirky enough to enjoy. Plus it actually has decent Kinect controls.
Just buy the game. Well worth the $15 and we need Swery to make more episodes.
I don't have Kinect...it doesn't require it, does it? I didn't see anything about that on the game page in the store.
Nope, controller works fine. At that point it's basically a telltale style game though you don't have direct movement control.
You can double your stamina by equipping the right combination of clothing. Plus the cat shop is available pretty early on in each dive. I bought a rabbit's foot but have never used it nor seen whatever happens when your stamina hits 0.I will have to agree that the Stamina bar is a little annoying if you want to fully explore an area, ending the dive, eating, diving in again takes too much time for being a substitute.
I will have to agree that the Stamina bar is a little annoying if you want to fully explore an area, ending the dive, eating, diving in again takes too much time for being a substitute.
You can double your stamina by equipping the right combination of clothing.
Before I go to the bathroom I am trying to explore every nook and cranny of the apartment. And it's SLOOOOOOWWWW and BOOOOORRRING. The way you highlight objects and the lack of free roam are killing my vibe.
My big problem with the stamina is that it prevents me from slapping girls' asses as much as I'd want to.
Alright, GAF, it's time we need to talk about some serious spoiler material and unravel some of this stuff.
Major Plot Spoilers + Speculation follows:
Real Bloodthe super drug, how does it tie into all this? It clearly gave Philip Cheney electrical super powers, and abuse of it seems to result in spontaneous combustion according to news articles. Is Real Blood connected to the fact that all the blood was drained from Little Peggy's corpse?
The night Little Peggy diedis a strange series of events. David claims there was an intruder that injured him and killed Little Peggy, then he passed out. He woke up in the hospital, and when he returned Peggy's foster dad, August Oldmann was there mourning her death asking if the past could be changed. David also claims August's hair turned white OVER NIGHT, which is both a Twin Peaks reference and sign that August is up to some bad shit. Did David (or August) kill Little Peggy or is there actually a third party involved?
What about Little Peggy's pregnancy? Did the baby die? Was the baby taken?
Alright, GAF, it's time we need to talk about some serious spoiler material and unravel some of this stuff.
Major Plot Spoilers + Speculation follows:
Amandais clearly David's cat, as scene in the flashback when you interact with the TV in the Prologue. Why does he now see her as a human?
Real Bloodthe super drug, how does it tie into all this? It clearly gave Philip Cheney electrical super powers, and abuse of it seems to result in spontaneous combustion according to news articles. Is Real Blood connected to the fact that all the blood was drained from Little Peggy's corpse?
The night Little Peggy diedis a strange series of events. David claims there was an intruder that injured him and killed Little Peggy, then he passed out. He woke up in the hospital, and when he returned Peggy's foster dad, August Oldmann was there mourning her death asking if the past could be changed. David also claims August's hair turned white OVER NIGHT, which is both a Twin Peaks reference and sign that August is up to some bad shit. Did David (or August) kill Little Peggy or is there actually a third party involved?
What's with the repeated "It's like I've grown wings" line that Peggy says. Is she high on Real Blood?
What about Little Peggy's pregnancy? Did the baby die? Was the baby taken?
According to hypochondriac Deborah Anderson's notes, she was a nurse when "the giant" Roland Walken operated on David when he got the bullet to the brain the night Peggy died. Why does David see him? Is David in a coma or something?
Little Peggy's dad,or dads, seem to be the key to this. We see her real father in the Prologue tutorial. It's implied he died as Little Peggy is then raised by her foster father, August Oldmann.
August Oldmann is clearly a future version of David Young. Literally Oldman Young.Look at this picture. Aside from appearance, there are other clues like the fact that they disguise his voice and Little Peggy remembering similarities such as the fact that August played hockey just like David. So why would David go back in time to raise his wife? Desperation to change the past and control future events? Is Kaysen loyal to Oldmann?
Why did August create the "Oldmann Medical Research Facility" taked about in Episode 2? Did they create Real Blood?
Oliviais obviously connected to Little Peggy somehow, but in what way? I'm getting an Orphan Black vibe from this. Did they take Peggy's blood to clone her or something? Is Peggy "gifted" in some way?
The Owls Are Not What They Seem.Finally, what's the deal with the owl? Is is supernatural? Is is real at all? The owl in the plane cargo hold vanishes when you touch it. Why does August Oldmann wear an owl feather on his jacket? Does the owl have a connection to time travel?
Please speculate with me, this driving me crazy.
I can't find one observation in the Prologue still and it's driving me nuts! Sitting at 107/108 Observations and I have no idea what it could be. I've replayed this Prologue nearly 10 times already too. Where could it beeeeee?
Did you get the oneon the TV when you turn it on for the second (I think, maybe it has to be after Amanda is introduced) time?
Did you observe the clover touch action figure in your bedroom?
Hmm...what's that? Can't say it sounds familiar...
You only get it after beating Walken's second case in the second episode. You use it to start the clover drop mini-game.
Oh, so there's a few things you have to return to Episode 1 and the Prologue for? Ha, I've been trying to keep myself away from Episode 2 until I exhausted the prior two chapters. I really should just finish Season One (but I don't want this to end!!!).
Only 9000 on the leaderboards. Very disappointing to say the least....
There needs to be a campaign. Launch trailer, marketing campaign, the works.
Phil pls.
It is pretty sad how this game was just sent out to die with absolutely no fanfare. I want more episodes, and unless it starts selling we probably won't get any more.Only 9000 on the leaderboards. Very disappointing to say the least....
There needs to be a campaign. Launch trailer, marketing campaign, the works.
Phil pls.