a Master Ninja
ViaOn November 20th, D4 original soundtrack will be available for download at:
CD baby
iTunes Store
Amazon MP3
There will be two discs: "DavidYoungDisc" and "LittlePeggyDisc."
Each of them contains 22 tracks.
Each disc includes a live version played by Video Game Orchestra.
On sale for $14.99USD. You can purchase the tracks individually.
Yep.That came with the costume pack I believe.
I sure can't do it, but the patch did allow me to get a 75% in the second sequence in Episode 2, thus get the full 1000/1000.New patch for the game. Might be possible to 100% action scenes with a controller now?
XboxMAD: Ive previously seen some furore on twitter regarding a perceived lack of promotion for D4 amongst Microsofts marketing materials - do you think D4 has suffered from under-promotion? could it be a symptom of Microsoft putting Kinect integration on the back seat?
SWERY: "D4 is a downloadable game, and a small scale title. For a title that is by no means a Blockbuster, I think we've gotten a lot of PR. The game was at E3 and TGS, and has been the subject of special media interviews. It's been featured on the internet and in SNS blips as well. However, I still don't think we can say it has a high degree of visibility. It's not that we aren't doing enough PR, it's more due to the way we're doing PR, the release timing, D4's difficulty as a title, and other complicated reasons. But there's a truth that exists in this world. "Things that are truly good will definitely be accepted." So we're going to keep working hard at our PR!"
XboxMAD: Finally, when can we expect to see the next episode of D4?
SWERY: "I'm sorry, but I can't answer that. Of course, I want to give you all the episodes as quickly as possible, but as you know, I'm SWERY. It took me around 6 years to complete Deadly Premonition, and it took around 4 to complete Season 1 of D4. Therefore, you're going to have to be a little patient.
Bought this immediately to support SWERY and I'm only now getting to it. Great game.
Question: Is a guide "required" to find some of the side quests in the game or are they easy enough to come by in a second play through? Took my time through episode 1 and it still seems like I missed a lot.
Thanks a lot. I didn't exit at all and I didnt use vision nearly enough, so that explains why I missed so much.They're fairly easy to find if you're talking to everyone and exiting the dive. People will be highlighted in the vision mode if they have something new to say as well.
Thanks a lot. I didn't exit at all and I didnt use vision nearly enough, so that explains why I missed so much.
Sweet. Downloading now.getting Rock Band DLC 12/17
Heard alot of good things about this game and just got a xbox one. Would anyone be willing to sell this at a discount to me? The cheaper the better. Money is tight around Christmas.
D4 is going to be free in January for xbox gold members.
D4 is going to be free in January for xbox gold members.
Oh dear, what have I done...
Dammit, I bought this over a month ago and haven't played it yet and now it'll be free in another month. Oh well, I supported SWERY.
Also, WTF is going on with the DLC outfits? When I bought the game I downloaded several of them (but I think there was more that weren't there anymore) and now I just checked and there's only one in the store.
They're cycled out every few weeks. If you want to see your ones you should be able to check your purchases.
So I had some free time and figured I'd replay som D4, only to met by a goddamn 8.7gb patch.
What the fuck. I'm looking at the patch notes and I'm at a loss as to why the patch needs to be nearly goddamn GB...
It makes no bloody sense.
Popular video game T-shirts and hoodies that David Young can wear. We're going to be re-releasing all of the collaboration costume DLC that has been released so far starting on 1/14(Wednesday). It's all free, of course!
Extra: David Young's Unique Facial Hairstyle Sets are also coming back!
Oh wow, they do the "Not Dropkick Murphys" song at the end.Two pages and three months late, but here
VIDEO GAME ORCHESTRA TAIWAN TOUR 2014 feat. D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die