Chance Hale
All of the clothing and beard options are great but it's a shame you can't change the horrible hair 
This is the kind of thinking that will make it so no more episodes are created.I think I want this but I have the sense this will be on Games with Gold in the next few months.
This is the kind of thinking that will make it so no more episodes are created.
strange... I remember an interview where sweary said exactly that, and back then I thought he was trolling..I've always said I'd never be that guy, but I really haven't encountered any issues Kinect so far. That said, I have only played the prologue, so it's entirely possible it'll start to play up when I get to the more action packed sequences.
Sucks that you're having issues though. Using Kinect has really changed how I view games like this, I'm not sure I'll be all that happy going to back TWD or TWAU and using a controller...
kinect instructions from D4: if it's been asked before, but do you have to stand up in order to play this game with the Kinect?
So I've finished downloading this and when I start a new game it keeps telling me installation is not complete and I can't begin the game. How long do I have to leave it installing for? Haven't encountered this issue with other xb1 games
Digital distribution only?
Digital distribution only?
Does anyone else's arms get tired? I can only play about thirty minutes before my arms start getting sore from keeping them up.
This is taking FOREVER to DL. Can I play a decent portion of it before the 100% mark?
So I've finished downloading this and when I start a new game it keeps telling me installation is not complete and I can't begin the game. How long do I have to leave it installing for? Haven't encountered this issue with other xb1 games
Maaaan, the streaming is still busted for me. Really annoying.
Kinect is a mixed bag. The more physical sequences work great, the aeroplane fight was just so much fun to pull off. Absolutely exhilarating stuff, I can't imaging it being nearly as engaging with the controller, although I'll give it a try on my next replay. On the other hand, it really sucks for navigation and exploration; it's too unreliable and jittery. I don't know, maybe I should try recalibrating, but it's unnecessarily frustrating at times. I feel like a hybrid approach might have worked really well here.
This game is amazing. I have had an Xbone since launch but have literally not bought a single game. This is my first real Xbone purchase and I'm loving every second of it.
Is it just going "Broadcast failed" immediately? Because that is what's happening to me and I have no way of diagnosing or fixing it.
and the little pseudo-QTE things for opening doors don't work well at all, since it's "move your hand along the line" rather than just "move your hand up/down/left/right", and I always seem to start with my hand on the wrong side of it
I think I want this but I have the sense this will be on Games with Gold in the next few months.
I'm buying this despite probably not buying a Xbone for awhile. SWERY needs my money as soon as possible.
I hope that's simply the case. Had to use my shitty Roxio HD and it wasn't a pleasant experience.Yup. I even tried to boot it in another game and go to D4 but it goes right to that screen each time.
I guess the sudden release is screwing with it and the system doesn't think it's released or something.
I'm buying this despite probably not buying a Xbone for awhile. SWERY needs my money as soon as possible.
Yup!I'm buying this despite probably not buying a Xbone for awhile. SWERY needs my money as soon as possible.
Is the $15 just the prologue and eps. 1 and 2?
Or just the prologue?
Gonna buy it tonight after work.
Also just watched some gameplay demo, what is the MC's accent?? Driving me nuts...
Is all three the season 1?Yeah all three for 15. It's a Boston accent
Is all three the season 1?
Played through the prologue and episode 1. It's ridiculous in a great way. That clam chowder scene was great.
I'm using Kinect for my controls. I echo REMEMBER CITADEL's thoughts on it. Some parts with it are fantastic, but some of the navigation is clunky. Grabbing didn't always work, and swiping was hit or miss.