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Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair |OT| Sun, Fun, and Despair

You're correct. It is said at the end of (almost) every chapter where they show the chapter card and around the same time the pink blood starts filling the screen from the top.

I think it is before they do the remaining students count.

Not sure if it is on the soundtrack or if someone will have to manually record/rip it out of the game...

They are all on the soundtrack, but the voice saying Danganronpa is not a seperate sound effect so if you were to rip it out of either the title screen or chapter end songs you'd hear some music in the background too.
I'm trying to hang out with Nagito since I have a crush on him, but I don't know how to trigger his first free time event. Is there some special way to do it? I'm at the part right after you
visit Fuyuhiko in the hospital.
For some reason even if I give him one of the highest tier gifts, nothing happens.


I'm trying to hang out with Nagito since I have a crush on him, but I don't know how to trigger his first free time event. Is there some special way to do it? I'm at the part right after you
visit Fuyuhiko in the hospital.
For some reason even if I give him one of the highest tier gifts, nothing happens.
Had to talk to him during Chapter 1.
I'm trying to hang out with Nagito since I have a crush on him, but I don't know how to trigger his first free time event. Is there some special way to do it? I'm at the part right after you
visit Fuyuhiko in the hospital.
For some reason even if I give him one of the highest tier gifts, nothing happens.

You have to start his events it in Chapter 1
Chapter 5 not despair-ish spoilers and DR spoilers
I like how the survivors remind me of the first DR game:
Hajime+Nagito=Naegi; Chiaki=Kirigiri; Fuyuhiko=Togami; Kazuichi=Hagakure, Akane=Asahina and I guess Sonia=Fukawa? lol Okay, almost.
Kazuichi is so awesome. I mean, he made a Minimaru. A Minimaru.Though it really sucked when Sonia started thinking him as a stalker and wanted to go against him. Even Hajime said it he felt bad about the situation. And that explosion where Kazuchi was sent blowing off reminded of the bomb scene in the chapter 5 of the first Dangan Ronpa with Fukawa, lol Nagito's laugh is really creepy and pleasant to hear at the same time.
Nope, go back and finish it. You must.
Don't let the shock of this stuff stop you from playing. Finish the game so you get an idea of everything. You'll feel better that way.
you're playing it wrong. you must finish the last few chapters in one sitting for maximum des.. err enjoyment :D
Sorry. I really wanted to do that, but I needed to study for two exams today and I spent most of the day with DR2 while studying at the same time, so by the night I wanted just to be at Chapter 5 before the murder happened, but (Chapter 5 spoilers)
when the base where Nagito was in fire and things where starting to feel weird, and then when they entered the base and it really gave a super weird vibe....I knew it, I knew something must have happened to Nagito, and I just couldn't stop watching..... and then I saw it.
But now that I'm free, I can continue with the rest of the chapter.
It's this part, right? Starts at the 14 second mark.
If you don't mind replaying a bit of the chapter, you can always Chapter Select back to Chapter 1 and do FTEs there. Doing this also allows you to get FTEs for characters who have died.
Awesome avatars.

Chris R

It does make sense, however it's not something you'd be likely to figure out without a bit of paper on hand.
You probably already know you need to turn the Vita 90 degrees to read the binary chart correctly, however you actually need to do the same with the code you get from the lights. Write all 4 sequences of lights as binary vertically on separate lines, then turn that 90 degrees and read it like that.

Ah ok, didn't write things out but just glad to see the answer really was there, I just couldn't get it in my 6 or 7 tries and ended up getting the solution from Monomi
Chapter 5 spoilers

Welp, let's continue.
I still can't believe it. Damn. Spear of Gungnir huh? I was expecting Nagito to have a smile under the duct tape, at least him dying happily will make me feel a little better.... but no. "Jesus! Shit! You son of a bitch!" lmao You know, when Sonia gets "panicked"... it has happened sometimes before.... "God damn it all to hell!" Well, at least Sonia doesn't seem suspicious anymore, but then again, thinking this could fire me in the back.

"She begged me to do it while she was licking my black eye." Never change Monokuma, never change. Aww, I would have liked to see each entrie of Monomi's diary. Huh, Monomi was acting serious for once, you know, ever since she was "killed" by the Monobeasts and then returned saying she can't be dead, I've been wondering if something happened there.... Oooh, after they noticed the poison, I totally remember the way Sakura died, and how there was a statue of her with the name ogre in the funhouse. Did Monokuma call her that? I mean, I was thinking for a second the survivors made the whole island a place for the new students to live peacefully and left Monomi in charge of it or something, and then Hagakure made that statue somehow...but then again, Asahina wouldn't let him put "Ogre" as her name. This is way too confusing.

"Yeah, like porn" Say whaaa, do Hajime seriously thinks Nagito is the type to do that? lol And I'm kinda surprised he actually mentioned porn, since I have seen "the goods" being used for it.

"That" Togami's true identity?.... Ultimate Imposter?! HE WAS A FAKE?! HOLY SHIT. I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED THIS. I MEAN, WHY THROW ONE OF THE SURVIVORS OF THE FIRST GAME ONLY TO KILL HIM FIRST. That means Togami is alive!! And that means, the one person who tried to save everybody died being a nobody....

Well I already know this isn't the last trial so I'm curious to what's gonna happen next. Awww, Minimaru isn't gonna participate? Man, seeing the elevator with just 6 people, it's gonna be depressing when it turns to 5. Hajime thinking about Nagito and how he progressed until his end affects me, dammit. I was so sure he was gonna make it one till' the end. Still, with all the evidence, with Togami being alive, with Monomi's diary, with Nagito's death....
this trial is going to be interesting.

OMG Aero

Without spoiling anything, could anyone let me know if there are any more free time events after the trial in chapter 5?
Everything seems to be getting close to an end but I just need to spend time with someone two more times to finish their hope fragment so I was wondering if I'll get a chance to do that before the game ends.


Without spoiling anything, could anyone let me know if there are any more free time events after the trial in chapter 5?
Everything seems to be getting close to an end but I just need to spend time with someone two more times to finish their hope fragment so I was wondering if I'll get a chance to do that before the game ends.

IIRC, no. You can finish Hope Fragments by replaying chapters Free Times though.
Without spoiling anything, could anyone let me know if there are any more free time events after the trial in chapter 5?
Everything seems to be getting close to an end but I just need to spend time with someone two more times to finish their hope fragment so I was wondering if I'll get a chance to do that before the game ends.

pretty sure no after chapter 5


Case 4 wrapped


:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

best case so far, probably because of the whole
locked room aspect to it reminding me more heavily of the first game

OMG Aero

IIRC, no. You can finish Hope Fragments by replaying chapters Free Times though.

pretty sure no after chapter 5
Damn, thanks for the replies.
From what I remember
I've ranked up at every free time event so it's weird that they don't give you enough free time events to finish every fragment you prioritise, I'm going to be left with three completed and one nearly finished.
Im finding whats after chapter 5 really intersting.
Im the trial right now, holy shit we were the bad guys all along.
I really really hope the fucking Junko's dead body was a monokuma lie. I really gasped out loud in the middle of the night because of that revelation, and it was 4am
Better than chapter 5 for me sincerely.
Although I think chapter 6 makes better chapter 5 retroactively. I was afraid that they didnt explained all the background that was happening similar to not really telling you what was outside in the first game (and that tied with the first part of the investigation and trial being predictable, and the trolling killing of Chiaki), but they are covering it in spades.
I am going to not try to spoil anything, but because of how Chapter 4 and 5 are set-up it is hard to finish out hope fragments
since you cannot have access to the whole island during those chapters
. So you may want to use those chapters to build up those that are lower.

Any that you missed can be done after the main game, so do not worry about the blank ones.
When you beat the game, Island mode allows you to build up any you missed.


I want a prequel set

(spoilers for DR2, read only if finished the game)

before the events of the Tragedy with Junko trolling the world and you commanding the army of the Remnants before they were the Remnants.

It must have lots of madness, gore and broken characters.

It could be glorious ><


I am on chapter 3 and now my vita is basically fucked. It is skipping all the text, my touchscreen stopped working and when the left thumbstick is stuck moving left. Is this a problem for anyone else?
Reboot your Vita, I've had similar issues in other games like Destiny of Spirits where the entire touchscreen completely locked up until I tabbed back to the home menu, let the whole system freeze up for a few seconds and then went back into the game. Judging by how it is skipping text it's acting like you are constantly pressing on the touchscreen.
I am on chapter 3 and now my vita is basically fucked. It is skipping all the text, my touchscreen stopped working and when the left thumbstick is stuck moving left. Is this a problem for anyone else?

Reboot your Vita, I've had similar issues in other games like Destiny of Spirits where the entire touchscreen completely locked up until I tabbed back to the home menu, let the whole system freeze up for a few seconds and then went back into the game. Judging by how it is skipping text it's acting like you are constantly pressing on the touchscreen.


Just finished the game. It didn't disappoint, which is a pretty big feat considering how much I liked its predecessor. The
twist was a bit weak IMHO -- it felt like
an easy way out
, but the way they made use of the
visual (and story) possibilities it offers
made it all worth it.

Reboot your Vita, I've had similar issues in other games like Destiny of Spirits where the entire touchscreen completely locked up until I tabbed back to the home menu, let the whole system freeze up for a few seconds and then went back into the game. Judging by how it is skipping text it's acting like you are constantly pressing on the touchscreen.
Funny, I had the exact same problem an hour ago or so.
Chapter 5 spoilers

This is it guys....time to feel all the despair everyone was talking about....

Before it begins, the only one I still suspect of is Sonia. :( The game has already made me doubt her in like 3 or 4 class trials already. Otherwise, I don't think I have any idea, hopefully it turns out to be someone different like the chapter 5 of the first game and everyone keeps being alive, or maybe Akane can be the killer!.... Yup, that's not gonna happen. :/ I like how some people have different "dead" marks over their portraits. Mikan has the X in a different position, like the symbol for some hospitals, Teruteru has a knife and fork, Gundham has a different type of X, and I think Nagito's one is different too. These montages of Monokuma punching Monomi seem weird to me. Is there something I don't get about it?

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" Hajime x Chiaki OTP "Damn right it is" Finally, Sonia talked to Kazuichi without insulting him or something like that for the first time. So Nagito could possibly have comitted his own murder? I can see him doing that just so they could overcome despair and stuff like that, and that would mean no one would be executed.... Please let it be true. "Make sure they pay you first!" I have fear of Sonia's past. "Fine, I just gotta get a Benjamin from him before I let him touch me, right?" What's a Benjamin? "I need to record it....for reasons....t" LOL No Hajime, don't interrupt the vote!! Man, their friendship is so cool.
This case has been pretty awesome so far.

An accomplice?! Please no.... Wait, nononono "the way Nagito could have brought the poison may be related to what Akane just said" that means....Sonia was the one who suggested to use those things....is she....the accomplice?!...... Uff, nevermind, I guess not. But still, this is all too weird. And Kazuichi really wants to end the trial to vote for Nagito, but so do Fuyuhiko and Akane. OH CRAP Now Sonia's acting all nervous. "It would mean.... he didn't kill himself" FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. So it was the plan of Nagito to force someone to throw one of the grenades and it could be anybody....ANYBODY! alkdslasiwanxczsa

"And one of those visits seemed to take a while..." "P-please stop! I will never become Queen" My God. I loved how in the comic book game everyone was the killer thingy, that was pretty awesome.

Man, poor Chiaki really seems to be affected by this trial. "Why?..." Hajime's expressions are soooo good. Don't tell me...Hajime just selected....Chiaki....as the traitor... "Yep, you're correct." CHIAKI'S THE TRAITOR?! "Cuz...Chiaki isn't the traitor?" OMG PLEASE LET THIS BE TRUE Why Chiaki......WHY?! Chiaki and Monomi are sisters? I admit Monomi selfdestructing two times really made me laugh. Monomi's going to the executed too?! Why...why are they saying goodbye... IT CAN'T BE LIKE THIS


AnD NOw wHat thE.... fuck is happening now?... Gundham and Chiaki are alive?..... No... that can't just be... "Deep down, I always wanted to become a protagonist myself..." But you turned out to be the antagonist....at least you were playable for a short time.

11037....11037....11037...11037....11037!!!...Backwards that is.... LEON..... Leon Kuwata, the murderer of Sayoko Maizono......, her dying message that saved everyone..Those ruins....those are....Hope's Peak Academy....and.... Naegi or Kirigiri must have used 11307 as a password when they left the Academy.....
What the fuck is happening now? Is that trial the last one where Junko was defeated? STAGE CLEAR?
The fuck

Ah, these chapter 5 reactions never get old. Despair is addictive, upupupu.


Gives all the fucks
Being able to read others' reactions is one of the reasons why I'm so glad I got into games like this & Virtue's Last Reward.


Just finished Chapter 1 - impressions time...

- While I was initially surprised at Byakuya being the first "victim" (and I'm sure there's more than meets the eye here), I loved that he was because it meant we could get lots of exposure for the entirety of the new cast. Extremely smart move.

- It was relatively easy to put together how the actual murder took place (underneath the floorboards), what the weapon was (missing meat skewer) and who the culprit would ultimately be (Teruteru) with all of the truth bullets collected during the investigation phase. Incidentally, I think the sequel may be more revealing in how the clues are disclosed based on the conjecture that Hajime provides when you click on them a 2nd time after the initial trigger. As the last one in any room or phase of the investigation will often result in you getting shuffled around, I always save and revisit the truth bullets in a different order to ensure I get that 2nd bit of dialogue for everything. Just so any added interpretation from Hajime gets fed to me.

- Gundham's earring was an obvious callout during the gathering at Monokuma Rock - a clear tell that he stumbled across how to get under the Old Hotel Building dining hall and would reveal it during the trial. I was worried for a second that there wasn't a path and he just had one of his hamsters trained to squeeze through a hole and fetch the earring for him.

- What I wasn't expecting was how blatant Nagito would be at outing himself as a clear antagonist right away. It was obvious that he had an agenda all the way through Chapter 1 (Makoto Naegi anagram/soundalike notwithstanding) but I didn't realize how actively engaged he was in setting up the murder and effectively entrapping Teruteru as his accomplice/scapegoat. Clearly the most fascinating character in the game and he'll make a fun foil for Hajime - if I have any complaint, it's that he's almost outshining Monokuma right now. The bear's supposed to be the big baddie, right? Thus far he's just been going through the motions and doing abusive sketch comedy routines with his joke of a sister. I definitely don't want the antagonist focus to shift away from Monokuma as the bear pulling the strings but for now I'm willing to see where this goes.

- It also seems quite clear that Nagito knows exactly what Hajime's "ultimate talent" is.

- I have to say I'm kind of disappointed by the supporting crop of girls this time around. A lot of them are way one-dimensional right now. Hiyoko's an amazing troll - but that's seemingly all she is. Akane is the female Yasuhiro. Mikan is just Stephanie Sheh doing a first-rate Fluttershy impression. Sonia's just doing her fish out of water/tourist routine. Peko's been a real disappointment - she's like a Sakura-clone with social anxiety and no Hina best buddy storyline. Plenty of time for those last two to get some depth added to them in future chapters - I have little hope for the other 3 although I sort of expect Akane will stick around forever as she'll be too dumb and pose so little threat for anyone to want to kill her (just like Hiro) unless the food supply is in jeopardy.

- The other three have some long-term potential. Chiaki's sort of got that nerdy Chihiro-thing going on. I like that she has a relationship with Monomi and expect that will come into play as it develops. Love how Christine Marie Cabanos has her say "hey hey". I could do without all of the meta "this is how it would play out in a video game" allusions. They're really playing up the "all men are scum" angle with Mahiru - which seems to me like she'll eventually get won over by Hajime only to then get tragically snuffed out. And I adore just about everything about Ibuki - but I doubt there's very little beneath the surface there.

- None of them have long-term villain potential apart from Sonia Nevermind. Because it's easy to fake the princess/tourist bullshit.

- On the guy side of the fence, Teruteru is no great loss. If anything, his death is an even greater loss for Monomi because she had actual brief utility as a Cajun-speak translator. I had Kazuichi pegged as the likely first victim before the party subplot took over - so much for that. I do like his character design but not much depth to his personality apart from his Sonia crush (which I can see being his undoing down the road). Gundham is hilarious - hope both he and his hamsters stick around a while. Nekomaru is too preoccupied with bowel movements. That's like the only impression I have of him right now. If any of you watch Big Brother, he's the Jocasta of this group. I think very little of him and he has a fecal fixation just like her. Fuyuhiko has plot armor by virtue of not having any social link opportunities in Chapter 1.

- Incidentally, instead of waiting for tedious school mode, I go back and replay chapters to max out social links once the victim is revealed. Was surprised to see that I could not go beyond the first 5 hope fragments for Byakuya prior to the trial. Curious as to why that is. Going to give that another try along with clearing out the Teruteru path before moving on to Chapter 2.



Just finished Chapter 1 - impressions time...

Clearly the most fascinating character in the game and he'll make a fun foil for Hajime - if I have any complaint, it's that he's almost outshining Monokuma right now. The bear's supposed to be the big baddie, right? Thus far he's just been going through the motions and doing abusive sketch comedy routines with his joke of a sister. I definitely don't want the antagonist focus to shift away from Monokuma as the bear pulling the strings but for now I'm willing to see where this goes.

Heh... I want to comment on this part so much, but I should avoid doing so to not influence expectations.

I'm looking forward to your thoughts about this as the game goes on, as well as on some of the other characters you wrote about.

Nyoro SF

- I have to say I'm kind of disappointed by the supporting crop of girls this time around. A lot of them are way one-dimensional right now. Hiyoko's an amazing troll - but that's seemingly all she is. Akane is the female Yasuhiro. Mikan is just Stephanie Sheh doing a first-rate Fluttershy impression. Sonia's just doing her fish out of water/tourist routine. Peko's been a real disappointment - she's like a Sakura-clone with social anxiety and no Hina best buddy storyline. Plenty of time for those last two to get some depth added to them in future chapters - I have little hope for the other 3 although I sort of expect Akane will stick around forever as she'll be too dumb and pose so little threat for anyone to want to kill (just like Hiro) unless the food supply is in jeopardy.

- The other three have some long-term potential. Chiaki's sort of got that nerdy Chihiro-thing going on. I like that she has a relationship with Monomi and expect that will come into play as it develops. Love how Christine Marie Cabanos has her say "yup yup". I could do without all of the meta "this is how it would play out in a video game" allusions. They're really playing up the "all men are scum" angle with Mahiru - which seems to me like she'll eventually get won over by Hajime only to then get tragically snuffed out. And I adore just about everything about Ibuki - but I doubt there's very little beneath the surface there.

I pretty much agree with almost everything written here. Look forward to you completing the game and talking about it in the spoiler thread.


Gold Member
This is off-topic, I know, but I was just curious if anyone here knows if an OT thred for Zettai Zetsubou Shoujo Danganronpa Another Episode is being made? I'm importing the game and was curious


Gives all the fucks
It's gonna be hard resisting the urge to visit that OT since I was able to spoil nothing for DR1 & 2, so I wanna go 3-for-3 with Another Episode.
Chapter 6 spoilers

Man last episode was fucking nuts. Still....so chapter 0, at first I thought that was Hajime, then Naegi because he said he had "luck", but then, the way he talked, that's not Naegi at all. And.... FUCKING HELL NAGITO HAS JUNKO'S HAND

Man, what the hell is up with Hope's Peak Academy. The main cast? Extras? Is this leading to where I think of?... At first I thought those people at the manga were Chiaki and Monomi. Izuru Kamukura? Dangan Ronpa Zero? That's the name of the novel that says what happened before DR right? I have read it already before in the DR wiki, but I don't remember that much and I don't want to spoil people here. "it's just no possible, right?" if only you knew Hajime... Is that Mikan on the cover? lol So that's how all the incidents occured, huh.

Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima! Dun dun duuuuun. That's a super mass suicide! I love how Monokuma is just saying "..." during the whole conversation. Hajime is being so harsh on Kazuichi, useless? He has been way more useful than Sonia, Akane and Fuyuhiko. That's the same Hiyoko?! What. Izuru is the founder too? What. “The six of you agreed to join…” Woah, so even Fukawa/Genocider joined too? Lol I guess the Remnants of Depais are the Hope’s Peak Academy’s surviving students aka this cast?

Woah woah, so they are experiencing a digital world or something like that? Huh, that explains how fucked up everything seems since the end of the previous chapter. OMG That’s Fujisaki/Alter Ego!! So if they died in the virtual world they killed them in the real one or something? OH THAT’S NAEGI!! Ohh I was right about the 11307! So, is the “main cast” really coming?
If so, this trial is gonna be so much hype.
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