NISA just charged my card. Anyone else?
I loved Kyoko, and I really liked Asahina too. Kyoko was just a really compelling character with a great attitude towards problem-solving, and what I think is probably the strongest character arc in the game, besides Byakuya and Sakura. Asahina is just a totally bubbly and feel-good character to be around, and I really liked her design too. Not as good as Kyoko's, but what is?
If School Mode counts, then I'm gonna say Mukuro was my favourite. Loved her little anecdotes about her life in the military and how she kept trying to justify it as 'normal' stuff to fit in with her disguise, and her ending was straight up the best School Mode ending in the game. Just a character I really didn't expect anything from (although I liked what little of what we saw of 'Junko' in the primary game), that wound up being hilarious, likably rough-around-the-edges, and kind of poignant, in the end.
...Mukuroooooooooooo ;___________;
what could never be ;_;DanganRonpa: IF will ease the pain
or make it worse
Probably already posted, but in case anyone hasn't played the first game yet, it's on sale now 19.99 on PSN in the US.
DanganRonpa: IF will ease the pain
or make it worse
I mean, you can do it. It's not really recommended though.If you've watched the anime, do you think skipping the first game will make you miss out on much before going into this one?
If you've watched the anime, do you think skipping the first game will make you miss out on much before going into this one?
If you've watched the anime, do you think skipping the first game will make you miss out on much before going into this one?
The anime was so incredibly rushed. There's really no substitute for playing the game. I think you'll miss out on a lot. The anime hits the plot points but that's about it.
Then again, if all you wanted to know was what happened in the last game, the anime isn't that bad for it. (Though you could just use a bullet point summary and it would basically be the same thing and in less amount of time)
Nice, I am so jelly right now.![]()
Yesssss!!!!! I managed to grab the last oneeee!!!
Tonight...I dine on despair.
First, some Bon Chon for dinner.
If you've watched the anime, do you think skipping the first game will make you miss out on much before going into this one?
If you've watched the anime, do you think skipping the first game will make you miss out on much before going into this one?
This was my theory from the start.They just look really, really similar and when he's introducing you to people on the island he acts the most familiar with Byakuya, even though they supposedly just met.
We have a Dangan Ronpa 2 spoiler thread in the gaming community section that'll be moving to the general gaming section closer to the street date. If anyone who has beaten the game has any questions, I'd suggest asking there.Then tell me more in spoiler-tagsbecause I've played through the game and I'm quite sure he's not and he doesn't behave like him either
I know there aren't really any residuals in game voice over, but any chance a certain amount of sales could get you, like, five boxes of Dunkaroos or something? You know, purely to advance your career and enable you to hone your craft even further?SUPPORT MY CAREER
Houk, this is important, if DR2 sells well, you owe me DunkaroosI know there aren't really any residuals in game voice over, but any chance a certain amount of sales could get you like five boxes of Dunkaroos or something? You know, purely to advance your career and enable you to hone your craft even further?
True masterminds:
I know there aren't really any residuals in game voice over, but any chance a certain amount of sales could get you, like, five boxes of Dunkaroos or something? You know, purely to advance your career and enable you to hone your craft even further?
Houk, this is important, if DR2 sells well, you owe me Dunkaroos
Also, I'm looking forward to seeing how NISA translates the masterminds' names.
Is there no official release date or are stores just breaking the street date?
Does anyone know if the North American version of Danganronpa (1 or 2) is playable on the Playstation TV? (the one that's coming out in NA, not the Vita TV)
I hope so. Plan on doing another playthrough once PSTV drops.Does anyone know if the North American version of Danganronpa (1 or 2) is playable on the Playstation TV? (the one that's coming out in NA, not the Vita TV)
Yeah, the game was completely touch-screen optional. I mainly used the back touchpad for the noise that'd appear, but otherwise, I recall sticking to buttons.It should be. I never used either touch input in the entire game, but I remember some optional touch screen stuff.
So if I would rather buy this as opposed to the first is that a huge issue? It seems like there are some graphical and game play improvements. I realize it is a continuation but if I for instance enjoyed VLR without playing 999(just read spoilers), could I do the same with this game?
So if I would rather buy this as opposed to the first is that a huge issue? It seems like there are some graphical and game play improvements. I realize it is a continuation but if I for instance enjoyed VLR without playing 999(just read spoilers), could I do the same with this game?
I would play the game, I wasn't a big fan of the anime. Then again there is only so much they can cover in such a short amount of episodes. The game is still amazing even if you know what's gonna happen because the anime just kinda zips by everything and doesn't really develop any of the characters very much and just boils everything down to the main story/case trails.
You'll probably miss out on some plot points as some loose threads from the first game are tied up here.
And yeah, sure if you just decide to read spoilers of the first game, you can totally jump in.
But then again, the first game is on sale this week on PSN~
So if I would rather buy this as opposed to the first is that a huge issue? It seems like there are some graphical and game play improvements. I realize it is a continuation but if I for instance enjoyed VLR without playing 999(just read spoilers), could I do the same with this game?
Play the first game! It's still damn solid, and it would be tough going back after 2.
Fair enough. With it on sale I don't see why not. I take it that if I don't like the first the second would have been a waste of money anyway?
I wonder if they'll release Another Episode here in the west?
imho, it's way better than the first one. Story wise and character wise especially. Not completely sure gameplay wise though, as I have only read/watched walkthrough/let's play.
i'm not done with it yet, but personally i'm enjoying it better than the first game, story wise and character wise at least
Not significant enough to make the first game hard to play, especially if you start with it. The controls are snappy, and the second game added gameplay more than it needed to refine it. That's all secondary to the story.How big of a deal are the improvements on the new game? With the old one on sale I may just pick it up first but not if there are major improvements. i.e. visuals or the little mini game stuff being a lot better.
Fair enough. With it on sale I don't see why not. I take it that if I don't like the first the second would have been a waste of money anyway?
I really hope DR turns into a big series. I'd even welcome some copy cats provided they're at least half as good as what they're imitating. It's my favorite new franchise in a very long time and it deserves even more praise and mainstream visibility.
Hopefully Schreier is serious when he says it's getting GOTY (though I doubt it). Kotaku giving it that would be incredible.
NISA really took a gamble with it, since they did the voices for both games at the same time IIRC.Hope the series does well to bring over the sequels and spin-offs too! It's pretty amazing to have both games release in the same year.
NISA really took a gamble with it, since they did the voices for both games at the same time IIRC.
Aye. I say the same time since when DR1 launched, one of the English VA for DR 2 (Kazuichi Soda's, I think) accidentally tweeted about how they voiced a character in a game that released that day... Only they flashed Kazuichi's picture, essentially leaking that NISA was doing DR 2, or were at least betting that DR 1 would sell enough.Didn't they say the first game sold more than what they expected?
Aye. I say the same time since when DR1 launched, one of the English VA for DR 2 (Kazuichi Soda's, I think) accidentally tweeted about how they voiced a character in a game that released that day... Only they flashed Kazuichi's picture, essentially leaking that NISA was doing DR 2, or were at least betting that DR 1 would sell enough.
Am I making sense?