Is the postgame thing for this game better than the one for the first game?
Monomi's RNG-based equipment collecting minigame was such as pain in the butt.
Is the postgame thing for this game better than the one for the first game?
From the PSBlog interview:
Really? Doesn't Another Episode spoils DR1 and DR2? I'm sure people here that have played the game have said that.
This is true! Well, I've mentioned before that it's at least worth bugging Yen Press about it.
Monomi's RNG-based equipment collecting minigame was such as pain in the butt.
Monomi's RNG-based equipment collecting minigame was such as pain in the butt.
WTF the trip tickets aren't even bad, the first game had the exact same system.
I really liked IF.Mukuro remains best girl.
IF is way too hard to read, I honestly gave up just because of that. It's just not pleasant to read THAT much text all at once with nearly no images or breaks, and the pages not appearing instantly without mashing buttons got old really fast.
IF is way too hard to read, I honestly gave up just because of that. It's just not pleasant to read THAT much text all at once with nearly no images or breaks, and the pages not appearing instantly without mashing buttons got old really fast.
I liked IF.
Where can I read Zero?
Around the web, I got it from the Dangan Ronpa general on 4chan.
There is no western release?
Kazutaka Kodaka: So originally the idea [for the Monokuma Theaters] was to create some space between the scenes of the game. I was trying to think of the best way to do that, and what I came up with was Monokuma Theater. It was the first idea I had, but it ended up being the best idea and the one we went with. So that’s why it’s in the game.
Actually the idea came out of nowhere, but worked well for the first game. For the second game, those became more and more difficult to write. I feel like the ones in the second game aren’t up to par.
The only part I didn't get wasMaradai being called "Ultimate Hacker" rather than a bodyguard/multiple siblings. I guess Junko just kind of tossed that out there?
There are fan translations, but no official release yet, no.
I'd almost say it'd be a good idea to have it an alternate version of nonstop debate. Say, make a way where the player leads the discussion in a certain direction to provide a conclusion everyone can agree on. Each one starts with MC asking himself a question. Options are given quickly by MC and others. The end, the player picks an option from three possible ones. This happens three times. At the end, MC tries to follow the line of logic (like closing argument) and, if it doesn't match up, you have to restart.
I agree that the segments in 1 were better than 2.
Huh? It's not too different from reading a regular book. I really like reading, so I read through it in around 45-50 mins.
If I had to mash X to read a normal book I'd never have finished a single novel. Annoyingly you CAN just press L/R to switch full pages instantly but only after you've "read" them.
Well, for the purpose of time, that's why you have the fast forward part, and why overall it should be about the length of a nonstop debate session.I like this idea. It's a bit different conceptually since it involves the input of other characters rather than the main character having an epiphany on their own, but that doesn't really matter. The potential problem with this is that, without that hand-holding you mention, I could see scenarios where this is frustrating when a player can't follow the proper logic, and has to repeat these potentially lengthy segments numerous times as a result.
Still, incorporating this as an alternate form of Nonstop Debate is cool. I think this would be a good way of expanding the core mechanic of classroom trials, and these segments could be used several times during a trials as opposed to the limited times Logic Dives actually appear (partially, because they're so involved). The main character is often the one who leads the direction of the discussion, anyways, so it would make sense. Also, there are often moments where characters are speculating outside of a Nonstop Debate, which usually lead into a multiple choice question or a Hangman's Gambit that the player has to resolve. These "group speculation" moments would fit right into what you're suggesting.
Thanks for the info!
Remmy8199, I’m sorry you didn’t really like the ending of the first game. There’s actually a light novel called Danganronpa Zero, which acts like a precursor for the game and explains a bit as to why the first game ends the way it does. You should check it out!
CTdan – sadly Zero hasn’t been published in NA yet, but you can find translations on the interwebsSome translations can be a little broken but it really adds to the overall plot!
This is what I think, if Danganronpa 3 is to be mechanically similar to its predecessors:
The FurYu Sakura, worth $50 new? Anyone have it?
The FurYu Sakura, worth $50 new? Anyone have it?
So Zero is a novel like IF, right? No visuals included like a comic/manga?
So Zero is a novel like IF, right? No visuals included like a comic/manga?
Sooooo I got this today, gotta make time to watch this someday.
Sooooo I got this today, gotta make time to watch this someday.
Not in my hands as yet, but it's on it's way. If $50 includes shipping, then it's okay. If that's excluding shipping then it's a bit expensive. I got mine for $30 excl. shipping. Sent you a link.
As per the course this last couple of weeks, Gamasutra interviewed Kodaka during his appearance at GDC.
...when it comes to Nagito? He's my favorite character in the series, and I'm not that nuts. I definitely understand why he does what he does, but being able to relate to him for what he does? That'd take a special kind of person.Well, I can kinda relate to this guy. I can kinda get behind what he's doing.
So, it was planned. About three months before the game came out in Japan, we announced the voice actors and stuff like that. People were speculating on the web. They were like, "Oh, this is an anagram. It's the same guy!" And in the development room we were all laughing because, "Of course. That's what we wanted to do to you guys!"
I also feel that I personally have a short attention span, and I want to put a little comedy in there to break up the monotonous seriousness.
But what it actually evolved into, as I was writing the character, is my own personal feelings about things -- the things that I wanted to say. Every character has a fact-sheet about them, but Monokuma has none, because it's kind of my own, personal inner thoughts and inner ways of thinking.
If I had originally gone with the original idea of this "black and white" character, it could have been more of a mascot, in a way. But what it turned out to be is more of an author-expression vehicle, where I could just talk about what I wanted to say.
What I think I would like to do right now, is social games are really popular in Japan. I'd like to poke fun at social games as well.
That's an awesome example of what Danganronpa is all about: Hope and despair, all wrapped into one. [Redacted]'s a good symbol for the series.
I laughed so much at the accurate parts of that