I should clarify that I meant officialDR0 has full fan translations
I should clarify that I meant officialDR0 has full fan translations
Hey guys so I have a bit of an odd question. Unfortunately I got spoiled on a certain name from Danganronpa v3. I know his or her name, but I don't know their character design. So there is a way for me to play the game unspoiled, but only if I can actually edit the character names in the files of the game before playing. Would such a thing be possible?
If you change the character's name, wouldn't you then recognise the changed name too?Hey guys so I have a bit of an odd question. Unfortunately I got spoiled on a certain name from Danganronpa v3. I know his or her name, but I don't know their character design. So there is a way for me to play the game unspoiled, but only if I can actually edit the character names in the files of the game before playing. Would such a thing be possible?
Hey guys so I have a bit of an odd question. Unfortunately I got spoiled on a certain name from Danganronpa v3. I know his or her name, but I don't know their character design. So there is a way for me to play the game unspoiled, but only if I can actually edit the character names in the files of the game before playing. Would such a thing be possible?
I believe it was posible to decrypt both DR and DR2 Windows releases in order to play around with the files and rearm the game (not sure if a tool has been relased for DRAE), but as I never used the program I'm not sure if it was either based on hex-values modification or if the app was UI-based.
Of course, any programming toolchain will have to wait until the actual V3 binary is released and people get to tinker with it, but it may be possible at some point - though I don't expect something like that to be easy as it means dealing with UI, script and (possible) scene changes that may expose anyone to spoilers depending on how the internal files are organized.
If you change the character's name, wouldn't you then recognise the changed name too?
Also, wouldn't you have to play the game muted for this to work? All of their introductions would be voiced.
Getting spoiled this close to release is a bummer. I've had some details spoiled, but I'm still largely okay... I think.
I think you're getting too worked up over this. Any attempt the try and correct what you've accidently found is only going to make it worse.
The actual best course of action you can take is to do nothing at all. If you let it go, you'll forget it in due time.
Hey guys so I have a bit of an odd question. Unfortunately I got spoiled on a certain name from Danganronpa v3. I know his or her name, but I don't know their character design. So there is a way for me to play the game unspoiled, but only if I can actually edit the character names in the files of the game before playing. Would such a thing be possible?
If it's just a name on its own I don't think I understand how it's a spoiler? Doesn't seem like too big a deal.
is this demo not representative of the first case like the DR1 demo where Hagakure dies
is this demo not representative of the first case like the DR1 demo where Hagakure dies
From what I understand, the voice patch/download is suppose to improve this?What's up with the sound mixing in the demo? I straight up can't hear some of the characters.
Apparently I'm allowed to announce this? I'm never sure about these things, but other voice actors have announced.
You thought you were rid of me, just because it's a completely new cast?! WRONG! I maintain my kingly status as the only American voice actor to appear in every Danganronpa game, as I take up the role of Monodam. This is not a plot spoiler; Monodam has nothing to do with Byukuya. It's just that I'm *awesome* and they wanted me *back*.
I hope everyone enjoys my beeps and boops!
Hot damn the soundtrack is lit though. Beautiful Lie might be my favorite video game song of the year.
HAHAHAHAHA, WHAT.I'm pretty sure I'm beelining to do Free Time Events with the girl who insulted the main character's "tiny blueberry pancake nipples."
I need to find this character. I can't help but laugh at the idea this was their way of joking "have fun, ya pervy artists, we gave you an idea of how you should draw rule 34 of the main character"
Holy crap, was Ryoma Hoshi's voice that deep in Japanese?
And Big Boss.He was voiced by Akio Ohtsuka in Japanese, e.g. Solid Snake's voice actor, lol.
Edit: I kind of understand why NISA didn't bring him back, but bummer, it doesn't seem like Johnny Yong Bosch voices Hajime Hinata in the V3 demo...
Hey guys so I have a bit of an odd question. Unfortunately I got spoiled on a certain name from Danganronpa v3. I know his or her name, but I don't know their character design. So there is a way for me to play the game unspoiled, but only if I can actually edit the character names in the files of the game before playing. Would such a thing be possible?
I think I figured out what to do, I'll play the beginning of the game muted and block out the name sections of the screen with post-its. I still remember the name unfortunately so this is the way it has to be.
Seems quite a hassle considering they will still mention his/her name in the dialogue boxes and also speak it out loud during trial sections.
Why not just accepting the fact you're spoiled and instead wondering why and how he/she did whatever they have done and how they managed to fool the others? Is it even a big spoiler or just like the case 1 victim?
Honest Game Trailers finally did Danganronpa but I don't know if it's safe to view or not.![]()
NIS America confirmed (from the sounds of it) that we should get the DLC/patch for the Vita version's higher quality audio day one when the game launches.
I would say Danganronpa 2 definitely improves on those two things.Does the franchise improve as 1 goes on and into 2?
Finishing up Chapter 2 of DR1 at last and whilst I like the general vibe and gameplay, the depth to the cases and characterisation is somewhat lacking.