I dont think I could disagree with this moreAll the characters who survive in the first game aren't all that particularly interesting. The only boring survivor in DR2 isSonia.
I dont think I could disagree with this more
but I'll only list two things, Aoi is a far better character than Akane, and kirigiri is the best character in the series
while Chiaki wasn't much better she was more of an interesting character.
The kind of "lighthearted" atmosphere DR2 had in comparison was a good way to differentiate it, tonally, from DR1. I'd want DR3 to go back to the more claustrophobic and oppressive feel, though. Or, at least, go for something totally different.
If anything I'd like DR3 to be less formulatic.
Such as:
.Stop bringing back Junko, god damn.
you can't have Danganronpa without Junko, she's the reason that everything's happening, she's the center of the problems the world is facing, she needs to be there because she's the main antagonist
All the characters who survive in the first game aren't all that particularly interesting. The only boring survivor in DR2 isSonia.
Well, to be fair... (Massive DR1/2 spoilers)Regarding what is and isn't a series mainstay, I heaven't followed that conversation completely, because it seems like people might be discussing AE spoilers, but I think the only constant this series should have is Monokuma. That doesn't necessarily meanthat Junko has to be there. However, her influence on the series will probably be felt for as long as it goes.
Well, to be fair... (Massive DR1/2 spoilers)
Monokuma IS Junko, technically speaking, so Junko is the main antagonist of the whole series.
No,she isn't. Monokuma is the avatar Junko uses, not Junko herself. Anyone could embody that avatar, despite it being a Junko creation. Junko is dead, but Monokuma could easily live on through other means. I wouldn't even be opposed to the concept of someone else using the Monokuma avatar, but it having a different personality as a result.
Endgame SDR2 spoilers
But...World Ender doesn't actually exist, it's just a name Monokuma made up for the Future Foundation. I guess you might mean Ultimate Despair, but basically everyone in that group is dead or trapped on the island.
Back to Endgame SDR2 spoilers.
Really, the only thing the Future Foundation has to 'fight' right now is rioting and other sorts of clean up (air purification, reestablishment of governments, etc.)
Everything about this sentence I disagree with in degrees I never felt possible. DR1 survivors were awesome.All the characters who survive in the first game aren't all that particularly interesting. The only boring survivor in DR2 isSonia.
Yeah, that was the highlight of my playthrough, especially when I went back in the original OT for DR2 & read reactions.This case 5. WTFFFFFF (DR2)
Seems I'm the minority in DR GAF too. Kazuichi, Akane and Peko were my favourites of DR2. For DR I liked Asahina, Sakura, Kiyotaka and Hifumi.
Also Sonia isn't really bad but she has no real chemistry with any of the cast, she was always the strong, independent type but not really that interesting.
Everything about this sentence I disagree with in degrees I never felt possible. DR1 survivors were awesome.DR2's best survivorByakuya, Kyoko, Asahina, and Toko. Pretty much every character in the game I thought 'deserved' to make it to the end (minus Chihiro ;_. Except for Yasuhiro, which admittedly, was the worst thing ever, but the good far outweighed the bad in terms of characters.
was Sonia. Well, aside from Fuyuhiko, who was damn amazing in every facet, and arguably the best character in DR2 period. But Sonia was an incredibly funny, charming, and shockingly intelligent character and a character that really stuck with me, ultimately. The relief I felt when the game closed after spending the entire experience convinced she was doomed to die, or be a culprit, was immense. And the fact that Kazuichi survived while Ibuki or Peko didn't will never cease to anger me. Fuck him.
Just finished the first game. That ending. The twists. What. I love Danganronpa.
Just finished the first game. That ending. The twists. What. I love Danganronpa.
People suggest taking a break before playing DR2...but honestly I took less than a week's break and aside from the very beginning I don't really think playing recently was a problem. Can't hurt I guess.
How's she not bad? She's incompetent, knows about pointless things, seemingly, sheracist (she makes an ultimately irrelevant but highly suspicious "this place would even surprise an Indian" remark about the funhouse in chapter 4)and her talent/self are completely useless.fetishizes serial killers
Regarding survivors,I've come to terms that most everyone I like will die and the people that live will be super boring and/or terrible for the most part.
Finished DR2. I don't know what to believe anymore.
How's she not bad? She's incompetent, knows about pointless things, seemingly, sheracist (she makes an ultimately irrelevant but highly suspicious "this place would even surprise an Indian" remark about the funhouse in chapter 4)and her talent/self are completely useless.fetishizes serial killers
Regarding survivors,I've come to terms that most everyone I like will die and the people that live will be super boring and/or terrible for the most part.
https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/571508862475476992Got a question for the series writer of #Danganronpa? Tweet us, and @NISAmerica will ask him next week at GDC!
I just beat Danganronpa 2 today, and I enjoyed this game a lot more than the first one. At first I hated almost every character but by the end, this cast was better than the original imo
Nagito is the best character in the series so far. ;p
DR1 and DR2 end spoilers:I have a question about DR2.How does Nagito have Junko's hand and how the other ultimate despairs did things to her body when she was completly crushed in the first game. There shouldn't be any parts left?
I have a question about DR2.How does Nagito have Junko's hand and how the other ultimate despairs did things to her body when she was completly crushed in the first game. There shouldn't be any parts left?
edit: Found it, I was talking about this.