It's really disappointing. I can invade quite easily, and can't even get a moments break when using the faithful covenant. But I can't be a protector at all during the best time for PVP. Sad![]()
It sucks. I've had both W
lue Sentinels
It's really disappointing. I can invade quite easily, and can't even get a moments break when using the faithful covenant. But I can't be a protector at all during the best time for PVP. Sad![]()
Wow dude, fuck people who heal when they invade...
Wow dude, fuck people who heal when they invade...
Wow dude, fuck people who heal when they invade...
Wow dude, fuck people who heal when they invade...
I'm also not sure exactly what triggers it. Sometimes I'm in range and nothing, sometimes it happens from far away.
Also, fuck invaders who attack me when I'm busy fighting an enemy.
Let me finish, damnit!
I never tend to heal when invading...however if the host heals then all bets are off and I'm chugging that estus as well.
Also, fuck invaders who attack me when I'm busy fighting an enemy.
Let me finish, damnit!
Not only will I heal, I will throw anti healing items at you and then run into ennemies.
When I invade, I invade for keeps and with the rage of a thousand suns
It sucks. I've had both Wand Batchdogson for most of the game and I have never been summoned once either. Putting down a sign or getting invaded/being an invader works fine though. Really bummed about it.lue Sentinels
Same, it's really pissing me off because this is my first Souls game played at launch, and now is the time to PVP.
I'm so glad they brought back seed of giant tree for this. Nothing more satisfying than watching a punk ass invader suddenly eat a gank squad from hell.Just as bad as the ones who run away into enemies. Now I just go all out and invite as many mad phantoms and other invite signs as I can to cause all out chaos. Usually all the mad phantoms just gung-ho for me instead of the invader first and then me...
I'm so glad they brought back seed of giant tree for this. Nothing more satisfying than watching a punk ass invader suddenly eat a gank squad from hell.
If only scraping spear and soulsuck made its glorious return.
I'm so glad they brought back seed of giant tree for this. Nothing more satisfying than watching a punk ass invader suddenly eat a gank squad from hell.
It's an item that drops in firelink that agros enemies to invaders.whats this now?
Ais pissing me off with some of those attacks. Summoned cuz I was getting sick of the runback and all the phantoms keep dying before me.ldrich
It's an item that drops in firelink that agros enemies to invaders.
A pal of mine told me it has a 10% drop on first invader, 20% drop on second, then 50% until it drops. After you pick it up the drop rate then resets.No idea how often that thing drops though or how to trigger a drop. I do have one but I used it for something else.Trade
Wow dude, fuck people who heal when they invade...
Also, fuck invaders who attack me when I'm busy fighting an enemy.
Let me finish, damnit!
It sucks. I've had both Wand Batchdogson for most of the game and I have never been summoned once either. Putting down a sign or getting invaded/being an invader works fine though. Really bummed about it.lue Sentinels
Same, it's really pissing me off because this is my first Souls game played at launch, and now is the time to PVP.
I think by default it would be a bit chaotic, but I do think my suggestion above is reasonable. Once enemies get attacked they go all out on anyone who is near them.
so it makes the game how it should have been from the start? neat
Which attacks are you having trouble with?
Oh god the scraping spear.
A similar "fuck you" item was the acid grenade from DaS2 which was also quite nasty if thrown at the proper moment.
I am a bit ashamed but instead of fighting straight up, I do find enjoyment in tormenting players from afar.
I was incredibly giggly after nailing a host player with my greatbow which made him fall into a pit of mobs. I am a terrible person
No it's not. Although it's still good to do Cathedral first, at least to grab the. If for whatever reason, you're masochistic and trying to play as a "pure" ranged Sorcery build at that point, you'll definitely want to go through Farron first.Poisonbite ring, and the bone dust
It's funny reading posts that talk about how the combat is so shitty in Dark Souls 2 compared to this, yet this game has so many of the same issues, if not more. Even without the agility requirement to have i-frames, the dodge is still way worse than in Demon's and the first Dark Souls. You get clipped by enemies that read inputs, or do the train station turntable swings that track you. Then there's the seemingly infinite stamina enemies that just keep attacking, like the later Knights with the tower shields.
Rain of arrows followed by that soul arrow. So damn fast.
I looked up a guide and they confirmed some attacks are RNG which I noticed as well. Ah well. Need to keep trying.
Man, I am really hating Irithyll Dungeon. I get lost continuously. Everything feels like it's meant to fuck you over. It's just a cave/dungeon like area, so I don't even get the benefit of dying in a place that's pretty like the last area. I really hope I can get out of here soon >.>
Who are these people that keep saying there's an illusory wall?
I hope a bird shits on your car tomorrow.
I need those grasses for items. (needed I stopped being a watchdog once I got everything)
What level are you and what area are you in? I get summoned pretty frequently. I got like 40 invasions as watch dog and it would even sometimes summon 2 of us in to kill a host. I stopped hanging around that area though and leveled up. The more I leveled the less invasions I would get.
For blue sentinels I am still getting summoned occasionally. I would say one to two times per hour, certainly not as much.
Some do attack invaders. I know crabs do and there are a few others that will.
Disagree about DS2. There are zero weapons with that exact moveset. It's always been one of the most common weapons in PvP because it is so viable infused or uninfused. Perhaps only the Loyce Greatsword is more common now.
No surprise on the crabs. Those guys are just assholes end of. lol
Giant enemy crab returns with a vengeance.
I finished this game but I think I totally missed areas. Just saw a guy streaming fighting a boss in. Can someone point me to it? I'm not even sure where to start from to get there.Archdragon Peak
Oh god the scraping spear.
A similar "fuck you" item was the acid grenade from DaS2 which was also quite nasty if thrown at the proper moment.
I am a bit ashamed but instead of fighting straight up, I do find enjoyment in tormenting players from afar.
I was incredibly giggly after nailing a host player with my greatbow which made him fall into a pit of mobs. I am a terrible person
Way of Blue was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.
I make sure to appraise every single fake illusionary wall message
I used Way of the Blue for like 20 min, to help the community with getting the rewards. Had someone summoned to me right away. Sucks that it just never works for me.