None of the NPC invasions were as fun as anything from Dark Souls 2's DLCs ):
Maldron, I love you....
I need to give DS2 another try. First try was only 8 hours.
None of the NPC invasions were as fun as anything from Dark Souls 2's DLCs ):
Maldron, I love you....
By the way you can respec in this game unlike BB.
Only 5 times per playthrough, and if you don't care about finishing Sirris' side quest.
The same way a person just telling me to start a whole new character with a focus on a particular stat doesn't appeal to me, going to a Rosaria to respec doesn't seem as fun and intuitive as just being able to whip out a staff and start magicking fools whenever I want.
You can do sirris quest and respec.
Edit: Sorry DP.
I need to give DS2 another try. First try was only 8 hours.
I go to the cathedral after the knights for a couple reasonsPicked up the game again since I've got some more time.
Just defeatedAnd now I can go through catacombs or the Cathedralthe abyss watchers
Where should I go first?
I'm really loving my int build with pyromancy and a into scaling rapier.
About ashes in secretI saw after I cleared it out you could pick up ashes in that place. They werent there for me, I could not find them. And yes ive looked in the right cornerFire Link Shrine
Yah I've been replaying it recently.
While I still like the whole experience, I think its real quality is back-loaded. The more interesting (visually) areas are the back half of the game and while I like the macro-structure of the first half of the game, they're pretty drab to explore...
But if you're going to play it, make sure you have the DLC. I really like DS2 and rank it higher than 1 and 3 but that is solely on the backs of the 3 DLC areas.
Sirris quest doesn't end until I get to the. That's a pretty long way to go before I can just decide to be a pyromancer. The game will be almost over and I'd have to get used to the new playstyle on new enemies.Twin Princes
A lot of people play by the limitations that the series presents. And that's cool, each has their own playstyle. But for me, if I go, "Boy, this sword is fun and all, but I want to use magic now" and then just switching equipment and using magic is better than if I have to go respec, which will then mean I lose what progress I've made in the other specs. I'd rather just have all specs filled out.
I know it comes late, just wanted to clarify, both things are posible, since your post implied otherwise.![]()
Quick covenant/grinding-related question; if I would decide to move on from NG to NG+, will the difficulty in grinding covenant items from offline enemies increase by a lot? (take the knights in Londo/Lothric for example)
The grind so far is killing me, especially since I missed some items that increases the Item Discovery. I figured I'd go into NG+ and get them, but then if the enemy HP goes up by a lot, it might be counter-productive.
I just realized that Sulyvahn's Beasts are a reskinned Watchdog of the Old Lords...
... Same animations (melee attacks, and bites) and attack patterns too, just replace fire with lightning.
Is there a way to sheath your weapon when you're not using it that doesn't involve taking out the bow or something? I like having my sword at my back when I'm not in a hostile area.
I talked to Patches in Firelink, and wanted to get back down. As I always do, I took a little shortcut dropping down towards the thrones. There was Ringfinger Leonhart, who I landed on, making him aggressive. I killed him.
Which sidequest/covenent/items have I fucked for myself? I already have his Red orbs and I killed the Darkwraith in High Wall, since then I don't think I have spoken to him much...
I talked to Patches in Firelink, and wanted to get back down. As I always do, I took a little shortcut dropping down towards the thrones. There was Ringfinger Leonhart, who I landed on, making him aggressive. I killed him.
Which sidequest/covenent/items have I fucked for myself? I already have his Red orbs and I killed the Darkwraith in High Wall, since then I don't think I have spoken to him much...
You could two-hand your shield, but that would look extra silly.
You only screwed his personal questline. You can still join the Covenant he was a part of. I think you only lose one key item and a weapon if you simply kill him, and the key item only functions as a way to kill him and get the weapon.
How do got exactly farm the Symbol of Avarice?
Is there a way to sheath your weapon when you're not using it that doesn't involve taking out the bow or something? I like having my sword at my back when I'm not in a hostile area.
How do got exactly farm the Symbol of Avarice?
Yeah, I left a message "If only I had a ladder..." there but it only got 1 rating.Found a little DS2 throwback that I totally missed the first two times through playing the game. Remember that corpse that you get the "Stretch Out" gesture from in the tower next to the bonfire in the? Well if you inspect the corpse you'll see it's actuallyProfaned CapitalCan't believe it took me a few playthroughs to actually stop and spot that! Explains theLaddersmith Gilligan from Dark Souls 2!all over the tower!ladders
Picture link to avoid spoilers:
I've found NG+ even easier than NG, to be honest. I have been one-shotting most bosses so far, either solo or with just one NPC summon. Since you know what to expect from each fight and you already have all your equipment leveled and optimized, you just go in there and sweep. Normal enemies don't seem to change much in NG+ either. Maybe it's because the actual changes aren't that noticeable until a few more "pluses" or because you offset those changes with your gear... but, really, it's not much of a difference.
How do got exactly farm the Symbol of Avarice?
Is there any way whatsoever to make the Dancer's Blades not completely suck?
I did the trick to get them early and... I wear the fire clutch ring and it's still horrible Damage. Feels like there is no hope.
DS2 had it and in a boss fight no less. I actually miss the Necromancers, I feel a bit short changed by not having them in.I'm actually surprised in that this is one of the few Souls games without it. Demon's had it, Dark 1 had it, Bloodborne had it. I don't remember if 2 had it or not. I actually expected it in the catacombs and was quite surprised when it didn't.
What are the Purple Mad Phantoms that I encountered when playing offline? I could summon one in the Farron Swamp and he attacked me immediately. He was a bitch, killed me 5 times (lost 5 Embers) on NG+.
He did not left anything (no Covenant item) and gave like 1000 Souls so waste of my time.
Okay, thanks dude. I was so stressed, lol. I don't like missing stuff, and I've been so paranoid talking to everyone every time I'm in Firelink, and I'm playing blind so I'll probably miss stuff anyway, but I'm trying!
Took down Dragonslayeras Dragonslayer Ornstein:Armour
His delayed hits as well as his out of no where shield bash took me a while to time my dodging.
Somebody in the Mound Maker covenant. When they're summoned, they can attack regular enemies, the host, and other summoned people/invaders. So basically, they can choose to be either friendly or hostile.
If you pass through a boss fog door, they disappear, so they can't help you with bosses (or fuck you over while you're attempting one).
I'm never going to summon one, as I don't see the point. Why would I trust a Mound Maker when I could summon somebody who can't attack me?
Is there any way whatsoever to make the Dancer's Blades not completely suck?
I did the trick to get them early and... I wear the fire clutch ring and it's still horrible Damage. Feels like there is no hope.
But I was 100% offline - it couldn't be a real player from the Covenant. Was it like a Red Phantom (but summonable at will) from previous games?
I'm never going to summon one, as I don't see the point. Why would I trust a Mound Maker when I could summon somebody who can't attack me?
is no joke, his second phase is insane. Very little opportunity for attacking if you don't parry.Champion Gundyr
He needs to calm down a bit. Only safe time to heal was after parrying.