The only good dragon fight in Souls was Kalameet. I think the bigger your dragon gets the less interesting or more boring the fight gets because you're basically just poking it's ankles. They probably realized that the bigger dragon you have the more impressive it looks but the shittier the fight is.
Kalameet was a motherfucking boss though. I co-op'd that shit so much in DS1, one of the best fights of the series.
Was finding the game very easy up until I reached Irithyll. Fuck that dragon on the bridge.
Sinh was a really good fight too, although I would choose Kalameet as the best.
Guys at least correct the him. I was so confused. There is no dragon in Irithyl. It's a puppy.
For coop, I think it's the worst. (Maybe tied with PS). I think I had one success in 20, and that was for me as host. It's the arrows with spear blast that gets you.I am helping people with Aso I can farm some souls before continuing and man, this boss can be a real piece of shit. I must have gotten lucky on all my solo attempts because the win/loss ratio of all these co-op sessions is very poor.ldrich
For coop, I think it's the worst. (Maybe tied with PS). I think I had one success in 20, and that was for me as host. It's the arrows with spear blast that gets you.
Killing before a Darkmoon shows up is par for the course for me. Sorry Smurfs, but you are just too slow. Also landing a heavy R2 weapon art is very satisfying.lmao I just got invaded by a Dark Spirit with 50k souls. By the time the Darkmoon guy finally showed up I had already disposed of him though. Invader ate a fully charged 2h R2 from my Greatsword and then didn't account for the backswing of the 2h R1.
I love this weapon. Really do.
That was similar to my experience as well. I didn't end up dropping my sign there that much. The boss I was talking about above also has a certain move that catches lots of hosts.For coop, I think it's the worst. (Maybe tied with PS). I think I had one success in 20, and that was for me as host. It's the arrows with spear blast that gets you.
it's impossible to no-shield enemies in Irithyll. The tall skinny guys, holy shit. They are relentess, have ridiculous reach, and hit like trucks even when I'm wearing good armor.
I dunno. I just wish I could kill a Corvian, get it's Greatknife and then beat the game with it if I play right.
Has anyone killed the Anciin an honest fight?ent Wyvern
I'm REALLY disappointed in how that fight ended. Honestly, I'm disappointed in DS3's dragons in general.
I've yet to play DS1, but it's dragon designs are AMAZING. Seath is such a fresh take on the concept, and Gaping Dragon is just wtf. I hope their actual fights live up to expectations, but their designs are some of the best in Dragon art.
Then we have DS3 and we get3 dragons that are just....spikey. Lame. And you have to annoyingly whittle them down with arrows (I know you can judge dodge them and kill their inner abyss, but same thing, you're not fighting the dragons, just their inner black goo). And then when we get our first real dragon fight, you're supposed to run away from it, so you can kill it in a very unsoulslike 'cinematic' moment that is hilariously contrived because it requires the dragon to just stay in the same position.
I tried fighting it, but I didn't get too far because it's hitbox's are fucking STUPID. You could be 10 feet from it's swinging tail, it will hit you. But I might manage it if I have my weapon hit hard enough.
Why can't you?
Has anyone killed the Anciin an honest fight?ent Wyvern
I'm REALLY disappointed in how that fight ended. Honestly, I'm disappointed in DS3's dragons in general.
I've yet to play DS1, but it's dragon designs are AMAZING. Seath is such a fresh take on the concept, and Gaping Dragon is just wtf. I hope their actual fights live up to expectations, but their designs are some of the best in Dragon art.
Then we have DS3 and we get3 dragons that are just....spikey. Lame. And you have to annoyingly whittle them down with arrows (I know you can judge dodge them and kill their inner abyss, but same thing, you're not fighting the dragons, just their inner black goo). And then when we get our first real dragon fight, you're supposed to run away from it, so you can kill it in a very unsoulslike 'cinematic' moment that is hilariously contrived because it requires the dragon to just stay in the same position.
I tried fighting it, but I didn't get too far because it's hitbox's are fucking STUPID. You could be 10 feet from it's swinging tail, it will hit you. But I might manage it if I have my weapon hit hard enough.
I'll be right back.
Edit: Alright, from...5 seconds of research it appears that the knife just has dick-ass scaling. For a knife weapon it actually tops out at some silly high damage, at +10 it beats out every other knife and the Tailbone Short Sword is it's closest competitor when it's at +5 with worse Strength Scaling. Then again, it has Double D scaling in Str/Dex so it looks like even with high Str/Dex it might be best to go in Raw with it. Doesn't make sense to make it a Bleeding Weapon because you could just max the Bandit Knife and get the same bleed rating with better damage/scaling (though amusingly not too much). It can also be buffed which is nice. I'll have to take a look at it's moveset and speed to see how viable it is to use because if it has a normal knife speed attack at that high damage it might actually be able to rack up damage real quick.
I think I'll finish up my Pyropantser run and then start a new game, rushing to the RoS to farm for the Knife, and see if I can make a viable build for it. Probably go the lowest stats for a Raw one and focus on Pyro/Sorc/Faith buffs.
What's the best place to invade endgame? Don't say Irithyll to because everyone expects it and ganks the shit out of you. I'm talking a good old hunter vs prey scenario.
Well if tradition holds we might get a cool dragon boss fight in the DLC.Bad dragon fights is a Souls series tradition. You don't want to spit on tradition by playing a good dragon fight, do you?
try the high wall area.
My friend uses the great club and enjoys it so far. Try that maybe.
Sinh was good too come onThe only good dragon fight in Souls was Kalameet. I think the bigger your dragon gets the less interesting or more boring the fight gets because you're basically just poking it's ankles. They probably realized that the bigger dragon you have the more impressive it looks but the shittier the fight is.
Kalameet was a motherfucking boss though. I co-op'd that shit so much in DS1, one of the best fights of the series.
Amusingly enough, it appears like I literally only have to fight Gundyr and Vordt before getting it. Get to Undead Settlement, run through it and take the elevator, elude the asshole down there and open the door to the Road. Then farm it up there and play the game normally.
Strangely enough Kalameet and Sinh are awesome fights but they are DLC. I hope DS3 DLC will have awesome dragon fights.
Strangely enough Kalameet and Sinh are awesome fights but they are DLC. I hope DS3 DLC will have awesome dragon fights.
feels like some of the best boss fights are in DLC. Artorias (DkS1), Maria (BB), Alonne (DkS2) etc
feels like some of the best boss fights are in DLC. Artorias (DkS1), Maria (BB), Alonne (DkS2) etc
Sinh was good too come on
Start as an Assassin and the Spook spell cuts out a whole chunk of Undead Settlement.![]()
Yeah. Spoopy scary cathedral which kept me busy for 2+ hours in my first run? 10min inc. boss fight in NG+ lolit's amazing how much you can skip by just running through the game to the bosses. i was just rushing through NG+ and NG++ for the trophies and i was laughing how entire areas just quickly flew by as long as i wasn't trying to find everything.
So I just killed an enemy with a hat in catacombs. Skeleton. I am assuming he triggers something...
So I just killed an enemy with a hat in catacombs. Skeleton. I am assuming he triggers something...
The levels often have some disappointments though, mostly good, some less so.DLC has probably the best content in each Dark Souls game, especially with bosses.
So I just killed an enemy with a hat in catacombs. Skeleton. I am assuming he triggers something...