What weapons? I'm doing pyro, been using an estoc but haven't leveled it that high yet or infused.
I've spent hours trying out different classes, still unsure what to do.
Tonight I rolled a Thief and really enjoyed the speed of the shabby shabby daggers.
I cheesed the Uchigitana with my bow and have a fire gem, not sure whether to infuse my bandit's dagger or the uchigitana.
I was thinking of maybe pumping more into luck and trying to have some shabby poison dagger action at some point, viable?
Does the pontiff left eye ring work? It doesnt seem to do what it says. I cant get health back no matter how quick i attack.
Poison is pretty weak in this game.
So, what is luck useful for apart from drops?
Bleed Proc and Item Drop as well as Hollow Infusion Scaling and a couple specific great weapons.
Luck is actually a surprisingly good and viable build this game.
Holy shit. I just finished farmingfrom theWolf's Blood SwordgrassatGrhu.Farron Keep
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It took me around 4 hours to go from 2 or 3 to the 30 I needed. I was using the fatty armor and the Symbol of Avarice, Gold Serpent +1 and that item drop sword, while holding with both hands my Heavy Dark Sword +10. I went in, stomped the two first enemies, then deal with the third one. I'm sure there must be a more elegant way to deal with them, but it worked for me 9 times out of 10... when I wasn't completely stunlocked by those stupidly large spears.
Just how effective is Poise in this game? I remember "poise tanking" back in DS1, but my character always gets interrupted by hits, even at +30 Poise.
I remember this bastard of a boss. Made me quite DS2 the first time. Came back to DS2 when I was preparing for Bloodborne and I rant through all Souls games. Beat him on my firt try on SotFS. Great boss, but he really is a test of your rolling dominance and understanding of the inv frames.Smelter Demon is basically a litmus test for people who know how to dodge roll, and those who do not. Because all of his attacks are super easy to dodge, but if you try to tank his stuff with a shield, yeah, you're gonna have a bad time.
If you mean Blue Smelter, 10000% agreed. Fuck the Iron Passage.The run up to the Smelter Demon was tougher to deal with than the boss himself.
Here's a code for the prima e-guide if anyone wants it/wants to laugh at its typos and outright lies (quote to reveal).
If you mean Blue Smelter, 10000% agreed. Fuck the Iron Passage.
If you mean Blue Smelter, 10000% agreed. Fuck the Iron Passage.
Well I was referring to the normal one, but fuck that area as well. In fact, fuck all the co-op areas in the DS2 DLC.If you mean Blue Smelter, 10000% agreed. Fuck the Iron Passage.
anyone up for vertebrae shackle farming PM me.
PC version btw
Okay, Iis one of the worst areas in the game if not the Souls series.rithyll dungeonsThose women with the irons are fucking horrible. Literally drains an estus each encounter with them. I don't know what's the trick to stopping them from eating at your HP bar like that. Ridiculous enemy.
Anyway, managed to kill the giant and find a shortcut (finally!). Also came across Siegward but I can't find a way to get to him at all. I found the old cell key. I assume it's for him? I'd like to complete at least his quest on my first playthrough. I must save the onion bro!
I've just hit the profaned capital bonfire so I'll be going through there next
But yeah, that area has good design but by god was it frustrating. It's just an amalgamation of all the shit enemies in the game so far.
Okay, Iis one of the worst areas in the game if not the Souls series.rithyll dungeonsThose women with the irons are fucking horrible. Literally drains an estus each encounter with them. I don't know what's the trick to stopping them from eating at your HP bar like that. Ridiculous enemy.
Anyway, managed to kill the giant and find a shortcut (finally!). Also came across Siegward but I can't find a way to get to him at all. I found the old cell key. I assume it's for him? I'd like to complete at least his quest on my first playthrough. I must save the onion bro!
I've just hit the profaned capital bonfire so I'll be going through there next
But yeah, that area has good design but by god was it frustrating. It's just an amalgamation of all the shit enemies in the game so far.
Pat soul level 1...ontiff
key is back in the dungeon so wait and find it before going for the boss
There'll be an enemy npc in a side area, before the boss.before fighting the boss to get to the cell and get the quest reward.Jump into the window next to where you fight him
Here's how to fuck him up at sl1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT1SHAsczXY (spoilers)
Nah, not even close. Just a few Alonne knights. Not annoying archers and mages that slow you down and even silence you so you can't even use magic back on them.the run up to sir alonne was worse
Never had a problem with Iron Keep tbh. The alonne knights are quite manageable.Well I was referring to the normal one, but fuck that area as well. In fact, fuck all the co-op areas in the DS2 DLC.
enemy NPC? I've ran the area unkindled. Darn it, must've missed them. Is there a boss in the. I must've missed an entire area then!dungeon?
Jesus! Thanks for that. I'll have to try it.Here's how to fuck him up at sl1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT1SHAsczXY (spoilers)
Didn't even know you could make him do his first attack more than once. Fuck me, that would've made him so much easier for me.Here's how to fuck him up at sl1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT1SHAsczXY (spoilers)
Jesus! Thanks for that. I'll have to try it.
I'm gonna need to git gud at parrying first though
I've only ever tried fighting him honestly, which is a complete bitch at sl1.
How do you tell if a shield is good (or better at) for parrying?
Black Blade a good weapon?
Right now at almost 300 AR (+1) even with Fire Clutch Ring, just meeting the stat requirements, it does less damage than my sellsword twinblades +3 that have 158 AR (20 dex) on normal enemies in places like the Road of Sacrifice or Crucifixion Woods.
God fucking dammit.
Gonna re-spec I guess. Might have to settle for luck/bleed build and farm the Cathedral for the Warden's twinblades. Still, hollow/bleed infusions are super late in the game right?
Goddamn this game's coal system. Whyyyy
Meh that was in Demon's Souls too.Just use flash sweat, flame stoneplate, stack fire resist armour and chug estus. I haven't died there yet.
Yeah that isn't Anri, that's Sirris. Anri re-appears for the second time in the Catacombs but sometimes they're not there; they weren't there in my first playthrough and just disappeared. Sorry.
My friend uses the great club and enjoys it so far. Try that maybe.
Really? Has that thing finally been buffed in a patch? At 35 faith with the firstborn ring it was still crap... think I used the cleric's sacred chime as it had the best spell buff I had so far.
Yes. It's a strong quality weapon in it's base form and in it's Sharp form it outdoes every other katana short of a Chaos Blade for a pure DEX build without the disadvantage of an HP drain (and it's only weaker than Chaos Blade by like, 15-20 AR).
How do you tell if a shield is good (or better at) for parrying?
I dunno. I just wish I could kill a Corvian, get it's Greatknife and then beat the game with it if I play right.
I am trying to level up the following covenantWatchdogs of Farron. But I hardly get any invasions going. I am about SL50 with a +6 weapon. I just found out that the weapon level does play a part in matchmaking. So my high level and my +6 weapon basically prevent me from being summoned in the low level woods. Is there a way for me to get the needed covenant items to level it up? Preferably by invasions? Are there some other woods where I get summoned later on where I can do this? I hate to have missed out on a cool covenant and some PvP action.