After all the patches, does anyone have what the best armor combination is for a medium armor INT build?
Im still running elite set, gold hemmed skirt, gold hemmed hood, wanderer machete, and Im getting destroyed on New Game Plus.
any recommendations would be much appreciated!
with out some heavy armor, like havel's or giatns + you woll get destroyed all the time.
secret is, to not get hit.
You don't have enough INT. You need 10 for Soul Arrow.
he said he equipped the soul arrow.
can you even do that, when you dont have enough int?
got my knight's shield and finally got to the first blacksmithUpgraded a bunch of shit and got all the repair boxes. Feel much better about everything now. My claymore feels badass - i think it's +3 or +4
buy one of two kite shields at andre(the "first" blacksmith).
it weighs less, but has better stability.(the most important stat for a shield)
one of the best normal shields.
only one better are balder and black/silver knight shield.
but the weig more.