Deified Data
First few invasions and co-op on PC and everyone's a hacker. Usually it's benign - skeletally thin Smough armor or dude with giant head. Then had one guy who seemingly couldn't be backstabbed - is that a thing? Anyway, not complaining or anything, just wondering if it's usually like this?
Edit: Just five minutes ago. Invaded by someone named "Ephintus". I'm waiting by the altar in the Undead Parish for the guy to come down the stairs, but he never does. Suddenly I get a backstab animation but there's no one there. I get cursed and eggheaded simultaneously. Worst of all, when I respawn at the bonfire I find that I'm no longer able to wield the Flamberge I was successfully wielding seconds before - when I use the one-handed attack it gives me the animation I'd get if I didn't have enough strength. My stats didn't change at all. The curse and egghead I can deal with, but regarding my ability to use weapons...did this guy ruin my character?
Edit: Just five minutes ago. Invaded by someone named "Ephintus". I'm waiting by the altar in the Undead Parish for the guy to come down the stairs, but he never does. Suddenly I get a backstab animation but there's no one there. I get cursed and eggheaded simultaneously. Worst of all, when I respawn at the bonfire I find that I'm no longer able to wield the Flamberge I was successfully wielding seconds before - when I use the one-handed attack it gives me the animation I'd get if I didn't have enough strength. My stats didn't change at all. The curse and egghead I can deal with, but regarding my ability to use weapons...did this guy ruin my character?