Sorry, guess I ahve zero experience with 360 controller issues ........have either had the Ps3 or the logitech gamepad which mimics the PS3. So on the 360 the l1 and l2 , and the R1 and R2 are reversed?
No, it's just that the
feel of RB (right bumper, equivalent of R1) and RT (right trigger, equivalent of R2) feel really off for Souls controls. It's hard to explain, but if you're really used to the DS3 buttons and then you try to play Dark Souls with those buttons I'm sure you'll feel it too.
He hasn't made it to the Undead Parish yet, how would he upgrade?
Rickert, but yeah it's unlikely.
I do have the pine resin and I am a pyromancer so I have the fire attack, but it takes so damn long to actually cast that it's basically worthless. I'm probably timing my rolls badly because I keep getting hit during them.
You were probably mistiming your casts too, because the pyro's fireball works really well against Taurus. Does strong damage and you can usually find an opening after dodging one of his attacks.
So I've been having some fun at the forest recently fighting gankers (that feeling when the ganker becomes the ganked is too good), but I wanted to know. I'm coming across a lot of people in full havels with great swords and flipping. How high of a level must they be? One guy gave me 600k souls 0_0. I'm lvl 100 btw.
Some are dupers/glitchers (or outright hackers) and are probably at max level. In my very first playthrough, pre-TWoP nerf patch, I invaded the forest at a really low level (maybe 40-50, my best weapon was like the Lightning spear in Sen's) and managed to kill a guy who gave me about 800k souls. He was SL 700+, I couldn't stop laughing. I felt almost cheap, since those souls were acquired by proxy-cheating (not MY cheating but still), but I eventually decided to spend 'em anyway, spent them on maxing out my pyro glove. xD Made the Iron Golem trivial though, but it's okay, he's easy anyway.
I actually am using the longsword rather than the Hand Axe. Should I be using the club instead?
Nah the longsword is a better weapon overall, don't worry about it. If you like the longsword moveset you can keep it for the whole game if you want, so long as you keep upgrading it.
I made a suicide run down to New Londo Ruins and picked up a Fire Keeper Soul and reinforced my Estus Flask,
Booo it's your first playthrough you shouldn't know about this.... stop using guides.
Should I also get a bottomless box from the merchant?
Yes, it's very useful. It's always the first thing I spend my souls on when I make a new character.
Anyone wanna be a brodude and help me kill sif?? ;(
I'm on PC. What level?
Anyone wanna recommend me some interesting weapons to try?
Tried out Washing Pole and hate it. The range is nice, but the damage is terrible. Also, does it swing slower than Uchi or just my imagination? The only weapon classes I haven't really used yet are thrusting swords and whips.
Whips are
really fun, I used them a lot in one of my low-level challenge runs. They are not
good though, they're kind of a lolweapon. I used a chaos whip (lightning scimitar as backup) and a crossbow and had a blast. The notched whip has bleed but requires a bit more dex and whips don't combo well so it's rare that you'll get the bleed effect, sadly.
For thrusting sword you may want to try the Balder side sword? It's a hybrid of slashing with r1 and thrusting with r2, it's a really good weapon, one of the best honestly. Versatile moveset, not too heavy, good dex scaling.