Spent about 6 hours with Darktide, got my Zealot to lvl 16, enjoying it quite a bit! First and foremost this is a great showcase for the Pro, 4K60 with barely a hitch no matter how chaotic things get, some of the environments are amongst the best I've ever seen in a game, incredibly atmospheric with some truly stunning lighting. I will say there is occasional texture pop-in but it's a minor quibble.
Structurally things are a bit more chaotic than Vermintide for example. You're given this planetary map a bunch of random missions with no indication of what you're meant to do. Missions have a difficulty rating but no info on what level you should be, trial & error I guess lol. I got used to it after about an hour though, I'm now tackling level 3 mission where things really start to ramp up!
I'm happy to report you can immediately launch a mission solo and get into the action but chances are randoms will join your game 95% of the time. My experience with randoms has been mostly positive, I always try to be a team player and I've seen the same from those I've played with, no mics needed. The game should absolutely have competent bot support but as is it works well and relatively seamlessly.
I'm impressed with the level design, these are sprawling, multi-layered, labyrinthine playgrounds to really let loose on. I've settled on chainsword and bolt pistol as my "main" weapons and they both feel fantastic in no small part to the DualSense haptics. The action is fast and furious with plenty of intense by-the-skin-of-our-teeth moments. One oddity though: is there no dismemberment?? I've tried various weapons and haven't seen it yet which is beyond bizarre, battles would look and feel 10x better, Vermintide had it so I don't know what's up here.
Overall I'm having a blast, happy I picked it up. Don't know how much time I'll ultimately spend with it but for now it has my attention