They don't work no more, but you can always use Maximuscards, Play-Asia or PCgamesupply.T-0800 said:Do Entropay accounts still work on US PSN? I haven't used mine in over 12 months and remember hearing something about Sony blocking them. I'd rather not wait another few weeks.
Trojan X said:Ah, yes. Thanks for pointing that out, you are right. You just completely reminded me about Shinobi on the PS2 developed by Overworks. Ok, I got no choice but to retract the Shinobi statement I made even though the SEGA talk was true. Maybe my words didn't fall on deaf ears?
It's unfortunate that the style for Shinobi wasn't adopted here in the same way as Ninja Gaiden and the gameplay itself wasn't "good" enough for gamers to pick up even though Shinobi sold reasonably in Japan.
The only part SEGA could have tried harder is by delivering a better game (I believe the average review score was 73%), but I can't fault them entirely for that for at least they didn't deliver a Beast Rider and every dogs has their day.
Again, thanks for pointing that out.
DonMigs85 said:They don't work no more, but you can always use Maximuscards, Play-Asia or PCgamesupply.
DonMigs85 said:They don't work no more, but you can always use Maximuscards, Play-Asia or PCgamesupply.
360 only.herzogzwei1989 said:sixfortyfive, do you have a PS3 we could race together on?
Should've given it to IGN.Chacranajxy said:Bah, Shinobi for PS2 was fucking awesome. Reviewers were just mad they couldn't finish the game because it was tough.
Most people will have the XBLA one because in PAL-land, that's all we have.herzogzwei1989 said:Ive been playing the shit out of Daytona USA, loving every second of it, I too am having trouble with the rocket start, it's not easy like the Dreamcast version but only because I assume it's the arcade version. God I love Model 2 graphics in high res. This is the best game on PSN. Anyone have the XBLA version? I need people to race against on PSN.
Sixfortyfive said:360 only.
Hmm, that's weird. I just bought a $10 card the other day and it worked fine. Did you use a credit card or Entropay?T-0800 said:Tried to buy a card at Maxi and after accepting my details it said Problem Processing Your Order. I don't know if it has charged me or not.
This is right on. Shinobi on PS2 is fantastic. The sequel, not as much, but still good. Overworks did a tremendous job bringing Shinobi into 3D, but the game is hard and people just don't like hard games anymore.Chacranajxy said:Bah, Shinobi for PS2 was fucking awesome. Reviewers were just mad they couldn't finish the game because it was tough.
The music alone makes it at least an 8.5/10.
They're two separate things, and GRID has great arcade-like handling. Its exhilarating to round a corner on two wheels after popping off a curb and slide just to within a whisker of the fence while maintaining super high speed in GRID. Daytona has different thrills.herod said:This has better handling and physics than GRID.
Trojan X said:Wow. Official Xbox Magazine's review of Daytona USA got completely destroyed and stomped by their own readers:
What a joke! Is this what journalism stooped down to?
DonMigs85 said:Lolz. Model 3 also looked superior to Dreamcast in many ways.
Warm Machine said:Naomi and the DC were better than Model 3. Ran in higher resolution, handled translucency better and power differences were on par. Virtual On OT was a better looking game on DC than in the Arcade same with Virtua Striker 2. We never really saw many Model 3 ports to DC. The only failing one was Sega Rally 2 and that was because it went through Windows CE to accomodate networking at the time.
What the...Trojan X said:Wow. Official Xbox Magazine's review of Daytona USA got completely destroyed and stomped by their own readers:
What a joke! Is this what journalism stooped down to?
As it should have. That's a pathetic excuse for a review... absolutely pathetic. For a guy who is old enough to have gamed for 30 years, he should have a better grasp on why the game was released and what a success it is to even HAVE it released, let alone at the quality it is right now.Trojan X said:Wow. Official Xbox Magazine's review of Daytona USA got completely destroyed and stomped by their own readers:
What a joke! Is this what journalism stooped down to?
Yup.Bucket-o-roadkill said:As soon as I got to the page, I saw the summary and noticed this as the first positive bullet point: + Rewind feature lets you correct mistakes.
kyubajin said:I have a Saturn but since I'm not really into driving games other than OutRun and MotorStorm I never tried this game. From YouTube it looks like fun, however I don't really see what's to be excited about. Can anyone truthfully explain what's so great about this game?
My head is blowing up! I forgot what this is like. Playing on the Model 2 emulator is all good, hats off to the guy for getting such a brilliant version of the game going. But this game really shines when you're racing against good people online, my word - I feel like I'm in an episode of Initial D! I'm thinking about the race, not in terms of what's currently happening, but in a grand scheme. I'm planning my way through the other drivers based on what they are doing and how skilled they are, clocking their habits and which line they take. I'm anticipating messy sections based on whether or not I'm racing "dirty drivers" or gentlemen, I'm completely bypassing skanky tactics from lesser players by "giving" them the next corner - because I know further down the line I'm faster!
There is this one guy who is absolutely my rival on Advanced. We are .09 seconds apart on the leaderboard! The last time we raced, oh my word it was like Initial D! On the last corner of the last lap, I pushed as hard as I could - too hard in fact. Mid drift, I watched as he entered his drift on the inside. I pushed too hard. My car was swinging too far outwards and I HAD TO brake! I didn't want to - time seemed to stop. I mentally tried to find a solution. But the only solution was to brake - I could either brake and accept 2nd place, or not brake, hit the grass, and get pushed back to 3rd place. NO other racing game is like this.
I cannot believe how people go on about Daytona being a "relic" which does not stand up to modern racing games. What a complete load of rubbish! Daytona is like the driving equivalent of Tetris; it's perfection. You don't need hundreds of cars and tracks to make a good racing game. The only thing which modern racing games do is oversaturate with content. But Daytona proves that the complete opposite is far better. You have 2 cars and 3 tracks. But each and every corner of these tracks is a game in itself.
In no other racing games can you talk to people about specific corners and find that everyone knows exactly what corner you are talking about and they each have their own unique way of taking it. ONE corner of any Daytona track has more strategy involved than the entirety of any modern racing game. 3 courses designed with perfection are far more valuable and worthwhile than hundreds of boring tracks for which you cannot tell one from another.
The comment about "barebones" drifting is ridiculous. I used to play this game religiously in the arcade and even now I'm still managing to push for faster times by improving my technique. The drift system is anything but "barebones", it's incredibly strategic and it's such a shame that we never see anything like this any more. The sheer amount of different ways you can take each and every corner is mindblowing.
kyubajin said:I have a Saturn but since I'm not really into driving games other than OutRun and MotorStorm I never tried this game. From YouTube it looks like fun, however I don't really see what's to be excited about. Can anyone truthfully explain what's so great about this game?
kyubajin said:I have a Saturn but since I'm not really into driving games other than OutRun and MotorStorm I never tried this game. From YouTube it looks like fun, however I don't really see what's to be excited about. Can anyone truthfully explain what's so great about this game?
Or a 360.evlcookie said:God i wish this was available in AU. I really want to play this right now, Might have to buy a US PSN card to get me there D:
Dave Long said:This is right on. Shinobi on PS2 is fantastic. The sequel, not as much, but still good. Overworks did a tremendous job bringing Shinobi into 3D, but the game is hard and people just don't like hard games anymore.
bumpkin said:Great games tonight, Trojan-X! We'll definitely have to catch up again sometime.![]()
evlcookie said:God i wish this was available in AU. I really want to play this right now, Might have to buy a US PSN card to get me there D:
You could adjust the Saturn version's difficulty quite a bit. Default was close to the arcade IIRC. There was a code you could put in for "maniac" difficulty, which made it virtually impossible to win.GillianSeed79 said:Was the Saturn version's difficulty turned down or something? I used to be able to come in first blindfolded, but I suck now lol. I guess it's because I haven't played Daytona in about 17 years.
I'm going to try this next time I play. I had no problem doing it in Daytona 2, because the tires didn't spin as much.op_ivy said:i had a hellava time getting it to work with little help offered here.
the trick is to hold down the brake and keep the rpms in the yellow. when the light switches to green take your foot off the break BUT keep the rpms held at the same level and only floor it when the boost engages.
i kept trying to floor it the same time the green light came and my foot was taken off the break and it would never work.
Shaneus said:I haven't played D2 (I don't think it ever appeared in Australia... at least, I never saw it)
Zuh?Desibabu said:Its next to impossible to shift on a controller.
Desibabu said:Its next to impossible to shift on a controller. So I guess I'm stuck to playing on automatic. Still can't avoid that wall on the last turn in beginner to save my life.