The arcade dump is about 15 megs.Tizoc said:Surprising that this game is 200-ish MB in size, back then this was like 20 GB lol.
The arcade dump is about 15 megs.Tizoc said:Surprising that this game is 200-ish MB in size, back then this was like 20 GB lol.
Lol wat?!Tizoc said:Just did a quick race in Begginer, and it was fun lol.
Graphics look fine in HD for a game from 1993.
Surprising that this game is 200-ish MB in size, back then this was like 20 GB lol.
schennmu said:The only thing I need to know is if this port is arcade perfect!
I don't EXACTLY remember how much the average HDD storage space was for PCs back then, and I may have overexaggerated the size, but reading the previous post, I'm surprised how much they could put into this game with the size being 15 MB.ResidentDante said:Lol wat?!
My first Win95 machine was 1.5 GB IIRC.Tizoc said:I don't EXACTLY remember how much the average HDD storage space was for PCs back then, and I may have overexaggerated the size, but reading the previous post, I'm surprised how much they could put into this game with the size being 15 MB.
Ah, I understand what you meant now. I wonder if the original arcade machine had a HDD or just stored everything on chips, like a Mega Drive cartridge. Putting that whole game on 15MB was incredible though!Tizoc said:I don't EXACTLY remember how much the average HDD storage space was for PCs back then, and I may have overexaggerated the size, but reading the previous post, I'm surprised how much they could put into this game with the size being 15 MB.
dwu8991 said:If only 4 LAN play was possible. SOB.
Shaneus said:Where the fuck is it?!?!? Fucking Australia.
Excuse me, we choose not to associate with them thank you very much.robut said:Australia? It's near New Zealand.
Shaneus said:Where the fuck is it?!?!? Fucking Australia.
Referring to XBLA. I knew that PSN was likely going to be Nov from here given that we're generally considered EU, but as far as XBL releases they've pretty much universally been exactly the same time, regardless of region.T-0800 said:November.
Do you Entropay accounts still work on US PSN? I haven't used mine in well over 12 months.
Desibabu said:Daytona is just as fun as I remember. Really wish I could get the hang of drifting though. I'm running into walls like it was 1993 all over again.
4-1-4, full throttle. All day.Gaspode_T said:I hope one of the Daytona experts replies but I thought drifting in most racing games is briefly letting go of accel, sharp turn, then pump the gas and accelerate, or am I wrong??
Desibabu said:Daytona is just as fun as I remember. Really wish I could get the hang of drifting though. I'm running into walls like it was 1993 all over again.
Gaspode_T said:I hope one of the Daytona experts replies but I thought drifting in most racing games is briefly letting go of accel, sharp turn, then pump the gas and accelerate, or am I wrong??
Desibabu said:Thanks for the tips TrojanX. Although now I feel like I should get a steering wheel to get the complete Daytona experience. Promised myself I wasn't going to be one of those people.
Desibabu said:Thanks for the tips TrojanX. Although now I feel like I should get a steering wheel to get the complete Daytona experience. Promised myself I wasn't going to be one of those people.
KennyLinder said:I slam the gears into 1st then quickly 3rd, then 4th on the Sonic corner for max drift and high speed. I love Dino Canyon for gearshift drifing, the left then right out of the tunnel is dreamy. Take a tight line then slam in 2nd then 4th for a quick short drift and through the checkpoint. Then 1st>3rd>4th on the tight left hander then 2nd, 3rd, 4th on the final bend.
Fuck, I love Daytona!!![]()
Trojan X said:US = 1up. AUSTRALIA = 1up. UK = zero.Still waiting on my end and checking Xbox Live around the clock.
Keep that singing up, you'll need it for KARAOKE MODE!!!!leca said:Yes!Just spotted Shaneus playing it, was a good reminder to get the download started.
Burai said:It's not up on the Latest tab. I found it in the alphabetical listing.
Trojan X said:NOW you know how I feel!
I seriously wished that SEGA listened to me more. I kept telling them about this for YEARS. It's only now it feels like my words has landed on listening doors.
You are god. God is correct.reggie said:This is seriously the best thing I have ever seen. My life is now complete.
With the accuracy of this port, this has to be an exact port of all the code and nothing less. Everything has been thought of. Time Lap mode is even included.
Fucking Sega. They rape Sonic then they give us this. y u no consistent?
If they are this capable of porting this, there's no way we can't expect exact duplicates of Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter 2 and SEGA FUCKING RALLY.
KennyLinder said:I worked for SEGA at the Sega Racing Studio and it was awesome but at the same time difficult to get the message across. Those were great game development games, miss it dearly
Did you like Sega Rally Revo and SR3?
KennyLinder said:I hope SEGA Rally comes out now, there was a very very good port on Japanese PS2. It's amazing of course, and SR also has the best road texture of all time, I love it!
Saturn version but the same. Love that tarmac![img][/QUOTE]
I think the main problem to be expected with porting SR would be licensing Toyota and Lancia. Mind you, they had no problems with them for the new Sega Rally (3) Revo so maybe that's not such a big hurdle?
[QUOTE=herod]9/10 from Eurogamer.[/QUOTE]
> Uncharted 3 ahahahahaha
[QUOTE=ChuckNoLuck]Just played the trail and it seems really cool, but trail makes the races super short. I might pick this up on sale.[/QUOTE]
Seriously? Just buy it now.
Trojan X said:Excellent! I also use to work for SEGA over several years ago during the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast and still got really close friends in Sonic Team and other department. I miss those magic times.
I really like SEGA Rally Revo but, no disrespect and being completely honest, the game didn't capture the real essence of SEGA RALLY which led to one of the many reasons why the game didn't achieve high sales. You see, the real X-Factor for SEGA RALLY is actually... how can I put it:
A great racing allows you to concentrate on the course and not just on your opponents whilst walking on a fine line between realism and fantasy; your opponents are just Ghosts.
The fundamental problems is that SEGA Rally Revo and 3 appears to have focused on recapturing the multi-player thrills and spills when played on the Arcade game. This was a good idea but it wasn't the ideal one to take because that was a secondary experience of SEGA Rally. Also, another problem was the terrain interaction which supposed to be what makes SEGA RALLY Revo & 3 unique (the product's X) - the changes in terrain was an AWESOME idea (seriously, it was) and I remember one of your old Producer's explaining to me how it worked when I met up with him at E3 a few years ago, however I told him that there are flaws with this idea to which would result in the player not receiving enough "feedback" from the vehicle. So I told the Producer my ideas to solve this but unfortunately, my ideas weren't realised in the final version of the game, and my fear came to reality.
So yes, I do like SEGA Rally Revo (I like some of the music too!), but I prefer Sega Rally 2 on the Dreamcast and the original Model 2 Sega Rally more as they provided a deeper and more fulfilling experience on both single and multiplayer. I'm sure you understand.
KennyLinder said:Yep, totally agree. It's just "one of those things" that didn't quite go 100% right. Also, we really tried SO hard to getting it running at 60 but it just wasn't possible. We even wanted to remove the deformation so we could run at 60 but at that point the marketing wheel was rolling and that was one of the USPs of the title. We also had to heavily reduce the affect of the deformation for various reasons so it never really worked quite as well as intended (or as it did during earlier development).