I get 6000 on PC cue, so...Ricker said:Tried to play tonight on the PS3 and the queue was 8,000??? seriously?...is it the same on the PC?...might download it via Steam if the queue`s arent that long on the PC.
Legendary players are supposed to have priority, but according to the DCUO boards, it seems like that hasn't been working out so well.Bog said:Do the people who pay still have to wait in the queue?
Bog said:Do the people who pay still have to wait in the queue?
Happens to me occasionally, although half the time it's because I forget to disable peerblock.Angelcurio said:I have never been into MMOS, but since this became free i decided to give it a try. After creating my character (PS3 version), i was greeted with a 8000 quee, and once the quee was over, the game showed the now loading image, but it never connected, or after a while trying to load, a "lost connection" message appears.
Ploid 3.0 said:I was soloing that Bain supplier boss with Nightwing(robin) and almost got the last add with a comfortable amount of hp and mana then bam, lost connection.
Shouta said:Money seems to be utterly useless so far. Not sure what I can use it for since they don't really sell much gear at vendors and you get stuff from quests. Auction house prices are ridiculous on the PVE side as well.
Restoration is key. The bow will basically just become your way of upping your multiplier (the higher your multiplier gets, the faster you are regaining mana, especially with a controller in the group). You're not going to do a ton of damage as the healer, so I don't suggest trying to. These are old memories of being a sorc healer though, things could have changed.Ezduo said:What are the most important stats for a bow wielding sorcerer healer?
Shouta said:That shit is annoying when it happens. What level are you now? I hit 12 again last night or so.
Money seems to be utterly useless so far. Not sure what I can use it for since they don't really sell much gear at vendors and you get stuff from quests. Auction house prices are ridiculous on the PVE side as well.
If you're on PC, hit F4 to bring up the Social menu. There you can get to your friends list and group up with them. I don't know what the button is on PS3 to bring up the Social menu.Bradach said:quick question;
as a free player can i meet up with other free players i know or is that stuff restricted to paying members? I couldn't find any options to find players / servers
thanks, i'll try thatgotee12 said:If you're on PC, hit F4 to bring up the Social menu. There you can get to your friends list and group up with them. I don't know what the button is on PS3 to bring up the Social menu.
Ploid 3.0 said:Level 10, fought bain, dude is crazy. I changed to a Ice + martial arts character.
Dunlop said:definately going to stick with the PC over the PS3 version, is the lantern DLC the best bang for the buck to get for the premium membership?
I have it already on the PS3 and don't plan on making a latern on the PC, I'll play with my PS3 from time to time
also read on the forums that I picked the weakest controller/DPS but totally loving my dual pistol mental dude with super speed.
Tambini said:What is the penalty for death in this game?
Ricker said:So I figured I would try to play this morning before I head out,Monday morning and all should be quiet and yes there is no Queue`s and I get to my character screen but if I click play from there,the game just hangs on the screenshot after(I can hear the city sound in the background)...tried 3 times,same problem... awesome game so far;P
Dunlop said:I had that issue, to free you character you need to login on a different toon, logout and then log back in on main toon.
I've become quite the expert dealing with the endless DC technical issues
Tambini said:What is the penalty for death in this game?
Cloudius12 said:After some time of goofing around and flying around, how the hell do I get back to Gotham? I've been in Metropolis for a while doing quest and stuff and I don't remember how to get back.
I understand that only Legendary accounts can create Leagues, but what happens to the League if the founder drops his subscription?HarryDemeanor said:SOE finally gave me my Legendary trial time on the PC. If people want me to make a league on both sides I can do that. We could also make a custom chat channel in-game if people prefer that instead.
That's a good question. I don't remember them saying anything about that.gotee12 said:I understand that only Legendary accounts can create Leagues, but what happens to the League if the founder drops his subscription?
I could understand no one being able to administer the League due to no one being a subscriber, but I'm just curious if the League itself would be deleted should there no longer be any subscribers as members of said League.Cloudius12 said:I don't see why the League would be gone if the founder don't have Legendary anymore, that would be really stupid :/
I said this yesterday morning. The 2 times I've tried to log in since then, I've not only had to wait in a queue, but I got endless loading screens after getting through. One was just loading into the world, the other was loading into a night club.Grinchy said:I downloaded it from Steam with no issues. I've logged in about 4 times and never once seen a queue. I guess I've just gotten lucky?
I really have a blast with this game when I can get it to work. Getting it to work is always the hard part.Dunlop said:world server and login server down.
They are really pissing away a golden opportunity that F2P would be bringing them, each day it gets worse instead of better