Live Free or Die
How important is renown? I see I cant buy anything from Wayne tech until I have earned enough renown. Should I be concerned with getting renown this early on in the game or should I wait until I get to level 30?
How important is renown? I see I cant buy anything from Wayne tech until I have earned enough renown. Should I be concerned with getting renown this early on in the game or should I wait until I get to level 30?
Cool, thanks for the help and link. I gave it a quick glance and its going to help me a lot. Whenever I'm doing missions or Alerts with others, I always felt like I should be doing something more than just fighting. Lol
Ahh, Controlling is such a thankless role. I love it, but holy fuck do people not appreciate the steps involved to do it properly, in my experience.
How important is renown? I see I cant buy anything from Wayne tech until I have earned enough renown. Should I be concerned with getting renown this early on in the game or should I wait until I get to level 30?
I always appreciate a good Controller! You're right that it's easy to take them for granted but it's glaringly obvious when a 'Troller is missing or not there.
I have another question. I see when I press up on the D-pad it says i can switch role. what does that mean?
This is the armor suit I want. It looks sweet.][/quote]
Each power has a support role (either controller, tank, or healer) and a damage role (dps). While in the damage role you deal more damage and your powers buff up your weapon based attacks. In support role you either get no damage buff or a damage penalty, but your powers will be buffed towards supporting the group (power over time/debuffs if you're a troll, buffed heals for a healer, increased aggro and def for a tank, etc...).
You can check your current role by looking at the upper left icon on the status bar. Everyone starts as a DPS (flame icon), at level 10 you unlock your support role and can switch to it by pressing up on the D-Pad or T on a keyboard. Here are the support role icons:
Each power has a support role (either controller, tank, or healer) and a damage role (dps). While in the damage role you deal more damage and your powers buff up your weapon based attacks. In support role you either get no damage buff or a damage penalty, but your powers will be buffed towards supporting the group (power over time/debuffs if you're a troll, buffed heals for a healer, increased aggro and def for a tank, etc...).
You can check your current role by looking at the upper left icon on the status bar. Everyone starts as a DPS (flame icon), at level 10 you unlock your support role and can switch to it by pressing up on the D-Pad or T on a keyboard. Here are the support role icons:
Yeah, especially if you queue up for the instance as the party troll.Oh ok, so if I'm doing a story mission in a group or an alert I should switch to a support role so I can give my group members power?
Yeah, especially if you queue up for the instance as the party troll.
Yeah gear is the progression system used once you reach lv 30. I think the Bat suit is Tier 2 so you'll have to get some Tier 1 pieces (Steel, Flash, & Raven) before you can get the T2 pieces.I beat the main part of the story. Now I'm a member of the justice league. What should I focus on now? My character is level 30. I think my combat rating is 31 right now. should I be focusing on buying that battlesuit armor from batwoman?
Yeah gear is the progression system used once you reach lv 30. I think the Bat suit is Tier 2 so you'll have to get some Tier 1 pieces (Steel, Flash, & Raven) before you can get the T2 pieces.
The easiest way to go about it to join a noob friendly league that is willing to help you gear up. They should be able to carry you into a higher tiered instance so you can earn tons of marks for the armor.
If you lone wolf it you'll have to grind some of the content geared towards your current CR until you have enough marks to buy the T1 suit. I'm not sure how it is on the hero side, but hardly anyone shouts for lower tier content on the villain side so you might have a hard time grinding it by yourself.
You should also give Legends a shot if you're interested in PvP. Gear doesn't matter in Legends so you don't have to worry about gearing up for it, you just have to understand the basics of the combat system.
Pretty much. Almost all of the lv 30 stuff has lockouts based on your CR. Since you need gear to raise your CR you can't just go and purchase the best gear from the get go. A T2 suit requires a 43 CR, a T3 suit is 53 CR, T4 is 70 CR, T5 is 84 CR, & T5.5 is 95 CR.Oh ok, so I have to go in order for the battle suit armor? T1 then T2 etc...? I'll look around for a league to help me gear up. If I can't find one I'll just go it alone. lol Thanks, again for all the help. Hope I'm not getting annoying with all the questions. lol
You're on PS4 right? Add me to PSN: wquinn - I have a 2.5 Tier hero controller (dubq) that I'd love to get back into (all of my hero friends went villain) and could group with you to make some of the earlier On Duty stuff a bit easier.![]()
Pretty much. Almost all of the lv 30 stuff has lockouts based on your CR. Since you need gear to raise your CR you can't just go and purchase the best gear from the get go. A T2 suit requires a 43 CR, a T3 suit is 53 CR, T4 is 70 CR, T5 is 84 CR, & T5.5 is 95 CR.
Also - the Lightning Strikes DLC adds in a Tier 2.5 level with a CR of 62.
Hit me up if you ever need some one to run anything with you, my character name is Disenchant.I have been replaying DCUO on PS4 for a little while now after taking a long break from briefly playing on the PS3 years ago but I have been having a lot of fun now, even got myself a 3 month sub for the first time.
I did some research and got to grips of what post level 30 life would be like and since then just been either doing feats for skill points or playing alerts etc for marks of triumph. Annoyingly I have a exploration feat glitched so I cant complete them all and I think one of my investigations is glitched as its missing 1 part even though I have found it (Island of Doctor Morrow).
Up to Tier 2 matches now, slowly working on getting the Jokers Punch line outfit for my DPS character so I can move onto tier 3 but since I only have (nearly) 2 pieces its gonna be a while before I can afford the rest.
Havent tried out any raids yet but I figured I would get some better gear first before doing that, technically I dont even have enough Dominance for some of the tier 2 matches but I manage fine (as long as my team mates are decent too of course).
Anyone wants to add me and play together some time feel free: Dirtyshubb
Hit me up if you ever need some one to run anything with you, my character name is Disenchant.
I was doing some of the wanted missions the other night, and I got to talking with one of the guys helping me with the mission, and he was saying that the stats don't matter for gear what really matters is the item level number? Is this true?
I guess. It's the item level that contributes to your Combat Rating, I believe. That being said, stats still do matter. If you're a controller who wants to do POT instead of Debuffs, then Vitalization is more important that Dominance.
I guess. It's the item level that contributes to your Combat Rating, I believe. That being said, stats still do matter. If you're a controller who wants to do POT instead of Debuffs, then Vitalization is more important that Dominance.
What's your power/role again?
You should think of respeccing your weapon to ranged if you're sticking to controlling. Easier to build your own power from afar (and stay alive) than to be up close with melee. Unless, does martial arts have a ranged mode as well?
They added skill matchmaking a while back. The system will pair you up with people who keep losing or people who keep winning depending on how you're doing.Ever since they brought the Gunslinger trench coat back I've been trying to do PVP... good lord, I hate it. 4 marks for a win and 2 for a loss. Gonna be a long grind to 150.
Is there any sort of skill matching when it comes to PVP or do they just slot you against anyone regardless of how much higher their stats/gear are than yours?
Did they ever change the game world or is it still covered in Braniac ships/bubbles?
Did they ever change the game world or is it still covered in Braniac ships/bubbles?
I have a question. Since I'm a controller, I read I need to focus on vitalization and dominance. I use martial arts so I put points towards vit and dom for that weapon. I see I have access to other weapons like dual pistols, hand blasters etc... And I see they have vit and Dom options as well. So I was wondering, even though I don't use those other weapons if I max out each weapon's vit and Dom does that count towards my total vit and dom rating or does it only matter what weapon you have equipped?
Counts toward your total.
Go for VIT over DOM if you do a lot of power healing and power over time stuff. Go for DOM over VIT if you want to concentrate more on crowd control like stunning and debuffing. I go more for VIT but still put a good amount into DOM so I can fulfill both roles should the need arise. Of course, now with Armories, I can just spec out a few different kinds of controllers, which is really handy, I must say.
Oh ok, so even if I don't use those other weapons I should still spend the skill points for vit and dom on those other weapons? Ok. I was wondering why my vit and dom were so low. Lol thanks for the info and tip!
I will say one thing i hate though, the airfield duo mission, god what a piece of shit that one is. I just cant stand having to worry about all those damn red lanterns all the time, i end up just flying in, grabbing a bomb and then I'm quickly jumping/running over to the power battery for me to just die once i have set it off., then rinse and repeat at least 2 more times until you can take Vice out.