I'm Cold Front on the US PC side, in case I forgot to mention it or you didn't check the database. 
Sblargh said:I think my standard behavior torwards MMO from now on is to wait until they are F2P.
Willy105 said:Pretty much.
Sucks for The Old Republic though, being such a very big budget game at a time when MMO's are all going to a new business model.
Nope, which I'm surprised to see. Games Workshop is probably keeping them from going F2P though.JWong said:WAR isn't even F2P, right?
I only got to play the tutorial, but I like the combat.TrAcEr_x90 said:So whats the verdict on this game? Seemed pretty positive when it first came out? But I don't hear about it what so ever anymore? I downloaded it, might try it tonight. I only played about 9 hours of WoW and stopped. I'd like to get into a MMO someday.
HarryDemeanor said:Nope, which I'm surprised to see. Games Workshop is probably keeping them from going F2P though.
TrAcEr_x90 said:So whats the verdict on this game? Seemed pretty positive when it first came out? But I don't hear about it what so ever anymore? I downloaded it, might try it tonight. I only played about 9 hours of WoW and stopped. I'd like to get into a MMO someday.
Professor Beef said:I only got to play the tutorial, but I like the combat.
I completely forgot they were making a MOBA from it.BattleMonkey said:Yup WAR is not free probably because of licensing issues. That's why they are making a separate warhammer f2p game based on the same engine.
ReaperXL07 said:probably the best game we will ever get for alot of DC characters, and the Universe as awhole. I stopped playing awhile back because of other responsibilities but i'll probably jump on again soon. Anyone know if characters were deleted after the jump to F2P? I have a bunch of characters in tier gear, and ready to rumble if not.
Hows the F2P model treating the game so far? Lots of issues going on, because if so I may wait alittle while to let them fix up some of the issues.
The model they're using is fine. I personally don't like the current cash limits for Free and Premium players. 1500/2000 is low even if cash at the moment is worthless.ReaperXL07 said:Hows the F2P model treating the game so far? Lots of issues going on, because if so I may wait alittle while to let them fix up some of the issues.
The silly part about that is Premium only gets an extra 500. It's one of those why even give extra if you only give that much type deals.HarryDemeanor said:The model they're using is fine. I personally don't like the current cash limits for Free and Premium players. 1500/2000 is low even if cash at the moment is worthless.
HarryDemeanor said:The model they're using is fine. I personally don't like the current cash limits for Free and Premium players. 1500/2000 is low even if cash at the moment is worthless.
Akkad said:Fucking US PS3 server is down again.
Oh sorry for misreading. Haha. That was my fault, not yours.ReaperXL07 said:No, sorry. I was asking more about the performance related issues. I would expect with it going free to play that it would be a pretty big hurdle for them to overcome for atleast alittle while. They had some issues with server side stuff for awhile after the game released (although I did not get hit by alot of it.), Should have been more clear.
It'll continue where you left off.MrPliskin said:So if I cancel this download midway, will it resume later, or start all over again?
You will resume where you left off when you cancelled it.MrPliskin said:So if I cancel this download midway, will it resume later, or start all over again?
HarryDemeanor said:You will resume where you left off when you cancelled it.
lol Imagine having to wait 10 hours again...MrPliskin said:Thank GOD. Our good router took a shit, so we've been using an old back up. Estimated time to completion right now is 18 hours.
Deadmeat said:We will be reopening the server soon. Although we do not have a fix yet for this problem we have added additional code to try and catch and diagnose the problem. I apologize in advance if we crash again, but know that the information we get will help to make sure we solve this problem as quickly as possible.
Seems like it's up right now. Queue is probably something ridiculous though.xKilltheMx said:Are the servers for US PS3 back up yet? =\
PC Forums. Looks like they're up at the moment.evil solrac v3.0 said:are teh PC servers down as well?? fuck man I want to play!!!
IMOWilly105 said:Pretty much.
Sucks for The Old Republic though, being such a very big budget game at a time when MMO's are all going to a new business model.
Professor Beef said:Just made a villain on the PvE side for PC, and it's awesome.
spk said:DCUO made the top 10 in Steam Stats
6,361 6,361 DC Universe Online
Willy105 said:Pretty much.
Sucks for The Old Republic though, being such a very big budget game at a time when MMO's are all going to a new business model.
Gabe from Penny Arcade regarding his recent hands-on with TOR:
In the short time Ive been playing SW:TOR I have already given more thought to my character than I ever did in all the years I played WOW. Ive had to make hard choices with my Bounty Hunter that have made me honestly think about who he is and what hes like. At first I intended to play him as a real ***hole but some of the moral quagmires these quests put you in just arent that black and white. Do I do what gets me the most credits? Do I stay loyal to the person who gave me the job even it means hurting Innocent people? As a result of all this I have a character that is a hard ass bounty hunter who has a soft spot for people in trouble and children. The only thing I could tell you about my WOW character Dudefella is that he was a mage and a hell of a good dancer.
You need to be the same faction to group up. There's a ton of heroes in the game and most of the content is hero centric causing a huge faction imbalance that I imagine will only get worse with all the F2P people. I would recommend going villain, you'll have an easier time with the PvP queues. They've been hinting that same faction PvP queues are coming, but that might take a while.Bradach said:Myself and a few friends will be playing for the first time this weekend. In order to party up do we all need to be either villains or heros? Or can we be a mixed group
Doubt it. They need to patch the servers to handle the traffic before it'll be stable otherwise it'll keep crashing when it gets hammered.Dunlop said:I was on the USPS3 server (PVE) this morning before work and my connection was flawless. Hopefully everything is still like this tonight
Yup. They had the same issues when they implemented the US PS3 megaserver and it took them weeks to iron it out.BattleMonkey said:I imagine this is all a problem with there megaserver tech. It was implemented with small playerbase and not really tested for 100+k new players.
More styles become available to you later on in the game and that makes the customization a tad bit better.RPGCrazied said:Finally got to play it, and it runs pretty smooth so far. I have it at max settings. Though I'm running it on a 6 core machine @ 3.2, 6gigs of DDR3 and HD Radeon 5770 1gig.
I have to say, I like it more than Champions Online, but it is a letdown on customization. Not a big deal, I like the combat, feels nice and arcadey. I might pay the one time $5 for the extra stuff.
Don't know if this is a spoiler but,Do you need a group to take down scarecrow? My level 6 Gadgets/Bows can't survive down there.
RPGCrazied said:Ok, thanks. Is there anyway to stop the pop-in the game has? It's kinda distracting.
The game uses Unreal Engine 3RPGCrazied said:No, actually I'm on PC.