I had a legends match (PC) yesterday that went wrong. We were fighting and all of a sudden no one had any animations. It kinda lagged out, and then it showed my dead body next to other dead people and it gave 8 minutes as a respawn time. I laid there for about 3 of those minutes and said screw it. I never found too many issues with the grind up to level 30, but the grouping instances are where the game seemed to shit on itself.Willy105 said:So this game is still unplayable. I'll see again tomorrow then.
No, weapons have their own styles too. 1 handed has axes, swords, chokutos, daggers, Scarecrow's cleaver (rare drop), etc... and they keep adding more styles as they release new content. Here's a couple of the different styles:Mxrz said:Kept playing my fire dude, and he improved a bit with more skills. Also didn't realize Flight had its own attacks and things. I want to add a 2nd weapon stye, but not sure what yet.
- Is 1Hand always axes? What style does the Nature/Werewolf mode use? That was fun as heck.
- Would taking a lot of iconic & movement powers lead you down the road of the gimp? Dive bombing stuff seems like it would be a hoot.
Level 12'ish. Think I'll try the scarecrow stuff in a bit. I went into pvp as Robin had no idea what I was doing so I just button smashed. Apparently the game thought I did well.
No, but each time you die by a NPC attack your gear losses its durability by about 10 points. When it gets down to the 20's you have to repair it if you want to use it. You can repair at any time by visiting a vendor, but the less points your gear has the more expensive it is to repair. It shouldn't really be an issue until you hit lv 30. You change your gear so much during the lv 1 - 30 missions that by the time you need to repair something you've already exchanged it for a better stat item.OneMoreQuestion said:Just started a while ago, PC EU PVP server (The Emissary).
Only level 7 so far but I'm loving it.
Is there any penalty for losing all your HP and fleeing?
spk said:Is there any way to change my color scheme/costume once I've created my character? I'm getting tired of it even with the mods.
Where do I learn weapon proficiencies? How do I respec (am I able to change my power from say Ice to Fire)?
I'm logged in nowShouta said:US PC servers down and I wanted to play some more.
Likewise.Toki767 said:Seems like I just get stuck on the loading screen after being done in the queue.
The League/Friends server might have crashed. It crashed frequently when the US PS3 megaserver launched along with the text chat/voice chat/mail servers and when it did you couldn't use your friends/league list or communicate in game. Don't worry about it, it should be back next time the server crashes and they have to reset them.xKilltheMx said:anybody unable to add friends on usps3? All of my original friends are gone and it won't let me add anybody back or new.
Also yay it let me warp to hq so I'm not stuck infinitely falling.
Are you not able to "deputize" your current toon with GL content? Do you have to create a new character to get access to the content?PsychoRaven said:Yup. It's really cool. You start like normal and can make a character that is inspired by Green Lantern or Sinestro. Then of course you can pick your style like Martial Arts, Brawler, etc just like any other character. Then you go through the starting area like normal and end up in the areas like normal based off who your mentor is.
It's really cool because your powers etc have that Green lantern style. LIke giant claws, boxing gloves, Apache attack choppers, giant machine guns, etc. It's really freaking fun.
Not completely sure, but from what I read on the forums only people who were subscribers when the content was released got Light power respec tokens. People who purchased the content now that the game is F2P didn't get the tokens.gotee12 said:Are you not able to "deputize" your current toon with GL content? Do you have to create a new character to get access to the content?
To answer my own question...gotee12 said:Are you not able to "deputize" your current toon with GL content? Do you have to create a new character to get access to the content?
I guess you do get the respec tokens. You can have more than 2 Light power characters, but the only way to switch an existing character over to Light is by using those tokens. Not sure if they fixed the glitch yet, but it used to be you could get 2 tokens for every character you had by claiming the item separately on each character.gotee12 said:To answer my own question...
I bought the GL DLC and I was given an item in my inventory. It's a *shock* GL ring that allows me to deputize up to two toons. I applied it to my current toon and it gave the warning that "you'll never go back to being un-Lanternized". It then allowed for a complete respec of my toon with all the points I'd collected so far.
According to my inventory, the ring only has two uses. Can you only have two Lanterns per account? You don't have to buy more "rings" at $11 a pop do you?
Would it give you the option when creating a new character?gotee12 said:To answer my own question...
I bought the GL DLC and I was given an item in my inventory. It's a *shock* GL ring that allows me to deputize up to two toons. I applied it to my current toon and it gave the warning that "you'll never go back to being un-Lanternized". It then allowed for a skill/powers respec of my toon with all the points I'd collected so far.
According to my inventory, the ring only has two uses. Can you only have two Lanterns per account? You don't have to buy more "rings" at $11 a pop do you?
Ok, so the tokens allow for current characters to become Lanterns but I can create as many new characters as I have slots and make them lanterns from the get go. I'm cool with that.Killthee said:I guess you do get the respec tokens. You can have more than 2 Light power characters, but the only way to switch an existing character over to Light is by using those tokens. Not sure if they fixed the glitch yet, but it used to be you could get 2 tokens for every character you had by claiming the item separately on each character.
Yeah, you can make as many as you want by creating a new character.spk said:Would it give you the option when creating a new character?
Do another mission or race, lv up, and then go back to beat him or just group up. You don't have to beat him alone.Toki767 said:I could really use some tips on beating Cyborg. I swear that's the only early part of the game I ever have trouble on.
gotee12 said:Yeah, so if anyone is wondering if becoming a reserve Lantern is worth the $11, it is. It sooo is.![]()
Yes, a purple icon on the minimap or purple name means that the player is on the opposing faction.GoldenChicken said:I have a couple of newb questions. Are the people with purple names villans (or opposite faction)? Is there any way to target players and inspect them?
Opposite sides (if you're a hero then purples are villains and vice versa). Also if you hit f4 and select "nearby" you can select other players near to you and check out what they have equipped.GoldenChicken said:Now that the servers are more stable I have to say I'm really enjoying the game. The combat is a nice change of pace from WoW. My guys name is Bandage Specter on USPC/Hero/PvE feel free to add me. I have a couple of newb questions. Are the people with purple names villans (or opposite faction)? Is there any way to target players and inspect them?
They're opposite faction members with their PvP flag off, they'll become red and you'll be able to target them if they turn their flag on. If you switch over to the PvP phase every opposite faction members will automatically be red and you'll be able to target them.GoldenChicken said:Now that the servers are more stable I have to say I'm really enjoying the game. The combat is a nice change of pace from WoW. My guys name is Bandage Specter on USPC/Hero/PvE feel free to add me. I have a couple of newb questions. Are the people with purple names villans (or opposite faction)? Is there any way to target players and inspect them?
Professor Beef said:What's the orange bar under my health and mana? The instruction booklet says it's a "supercharge" meter, but it doesn't expand on that at all.
Roto13 said:I can't actually tell what's going on most of the time. IT's not a very SDTV-friendly game.
I believe you can change the font size in the settings menu. Don't hold me to it, though.tim1138 said:The font is pretty tiny on a HDTV too, that's my only real complaint
There's a blue box in the lower left corner I'm assuming is for text chat and possibly information about what's going on around you, but I can't really tell because it's just a blue square with some yellow lines in it to me.tim1138 said:The font is pretty tiny on a HDTV too, that's my only real complaint
There's an option for font size in. I think it only applies to the chat box (the blue square) so check the chat settings for it.Roto13 said:I know you can change the screen size but it ends up cutting off a bunch of stuff. I didn't notice a way to change just the fonts, but I guess I'll take another look the next time I try (and fail) to play.
There's a blue box in the lower left corner I'm assuming is for text chat and possibly information about what's going on around you, but I can't really tell because it's just a blue square with some yellow lines in it to me.![]()
Betting with the recent flood of people they can afford a few more servers now.Angelus Errare said:Are there really only like 4 servers? These queue times are ridiculous, I want to try the game out but good lord.
Also anyone else download it from Steam and when they finally get into a game it just sits on a load screen forever?
So not cool, especially when I just waited 20mins to get into the game from the queue.
Angelus Errare said:Are there really only like 4 servers? These queue times are ridiculous, I want to try the game out but good lord.
Also anyone else download it from Steam and when they finally get into a game it just sits on a load screen forever?
So not cool, especially when I just waited 20mins to get into the game from the queue.
It sure does. I've got Motioninjoy to get my PS3 pad to emulate a 360 pad and it works like a dream.Unicorn said:Also, does this support gamepad?