Despite a less than stellar promotion period, Dead Island: Riptide has debuted at number one in the UK games chart. The zombie title appears to have accumulated less than half the launch week sales of the original game, but still manages to come out on top.
I didn't think they could make an enemy worse than the Infected, but they did it. Two, in fact. One is the standard Walkers that will throw knives at you. In this game, they're completely capable of one-shotting you at full health. In the last game they were just a minor inconvenience, but now it's fucking ridiculous. Meamwhile, the Screamer not only soaks up a ridiculous amount of bullets, but can briefly prevent you from attacking while everything else in a horde tears you apart. It also doesn't help that they spawn on every other street corner similar to Rams in the first game.
Wow, is that fashion victim DLC for real?
There's like no difference.
yeah, pretty pointless, smacks of laziness really.
A few emails and Twitter exchanges later and they managed to resolve it for me.
I have to say the level of customer service I received after my initial concerns were addressed was second to none.
It was actually Igor Cipolletta (CEO) who managed to resolve the issue after some communications with Koch Media.
Stunning level of support in this day and age.
Laziness? From Techland? Naw...
I enjoy the game plenty but I feel I'm right at the cusp of it turning sour and walking away from it. A little concerned because I've been thorough in the first act so to speak, and I'm in the high 40s.
I am sure I read that you could carry over your progress (level ups, weapons, money) from DI1 to DI:Riptide?
My brother has DE:Riptide and whereas he is a level 50 Sam B on DI1, he cant find a way to import his progress into Riptide. Did I read wrong or misunderstand something?
Found out that you have to press Y at the character selection screen. That worked for my brother. Though he's a bit miffed. "He got onto the plane with all that stuff, why wouldn't he get off the plane with all of it?"
The easy answer is, they were taken into custody. Its makes sense narratively.
I am playing this on the 360 and jus started having some big problems.
My girl and I bought two of these games so we could play Co-Op over system link. Everything was going great the first few days we played but today we started having major problems. No matter who hosted it, the connecting player would experience a hard lock about 5 minutes in. This would happen consistently, no matter who hosted, no matter where we were and no matter what was going on.
Needless to say we are pretty pissed because we bought this game exclusively for Co-Op and its broken and there is nothing we can do. Can't refund video games, so we have to just wait and hope a patch fixes it. Glad I paid full price for two broken games.
We have been getting multiple reports of similar issues occurring when joining coop games on the Xbox 360 since yesterday, whereas we didn't receive any reports at all on release day.
We believe this might be caused by a temporary server problem on Microsoft's side due to high traffic.
We hope that this problem will be solved soon.
Please try again at a later time to find out if the problem still persists.
We apologize for the inconveniences caused.
We have been getting multiple reports of similar issues occurring when joining coop games on the Xbox 360 since yesterday, whereas we didn't receive any reports at all on release day.
We believe this might be caused by a temporary server problem on Microsoft's side due to high traffic.
We hope that this problem will be solved soon.
Please try again at a later time to find out if the problem still persists.
We apologize for the inconveniences caused.
Your always online console future, ladies and gentlemen. It's not our internet going down that most are worried about. It's Xbox Live, It's PSN, It's EA/Origin, It's UPLAY... Does no one else remember the other Christmas where no one could play their Ubisoft games due to the UPLAY servers going down? Or the PSN security hack back in 2010 or 2011? At the very least, even if it's not console-wide, both companies seem to be willing to put always online in place on a game-by-game basis at publisher/developer request. I am so not looking forward to this...
As someone who hated the first game (it's just so repetitive) and stopped at, should I even consider trying this ?Chapter 2(or 3) : the village with the church
Is it really the same ?
As someone who hated the first game (it's just so repetitive) and stopped at, should I even consider trying this ?Chapter 2(or 3) : the village with the church
Is it really the same ?
Me and my friends were having this issue playing co-op over XBL and I sent an email to Deepsilver about the issue here's thier reply:
you may want to email their support and let them know its their game that's broken and not XBL
[email protected]
That response is the biggest load of shit I have ever seen. It has nothing to do with Live and all to do with their terribly buggy game. Even if the Live servers are getting hammered (doubtful), it shouldn't cause the game and console to hard lock. It sounds like them refusing to take ownership of the issue and pawning it off to the nebulous "Live problems."
Edit: Also because we play through System Link, so I am pretty sure Live has little to do with that.
yeah that's why I replied to your post if you're playing system link and I'm playing over LIVE and we have the exact same issue it has fuck all to do with LIVE and everything to do with the games netcode itself.
on a side note I imported my lvl 49 Sam B and just hit lvl 70 and am having a difficult time continuing on. Hopefully there are more orange mods and developer mods to find. The weapon mods are more plentiful and better in this iteration
we have today been getting similar reports from users playing coop system-link.
We have heard from the developer that they are working on the next patch. We do not yet know which issues will be addressed by the next patch, or when it will be released. We hope that this will be among the issues addressed.
We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences caused.
After 10 hours I am having a hard time enjoying this like I did with DI
The first boat section is terrible. The QT event is very tricky and if you miss it they spam zombies at you and you die within seconds - after that you spawn at the dock again and have to WALK BACK TO THE BOAT, the checkpointing is just terrible.
The amount of zombies around is annoying, they gang up on you and the analogue combat is not very well suited for that. Digital is okay but it feels spammy and I run out of stamina too fast. Not to mention I feel like zombies spawn behind me very often.
I have not even finished the second chapter, still at the first zone.
I just finished playing the game in the Steam free weekened. I liked it, this game felt like a melding of old school jankyness(complete with cheesy story) and modern game design.
I hope for the next Dead Island they overhaul the melee combat. The melee combat did get tedious; it would have been more fun if it had a block button or a shield mechanic(how about using trash can lids, etc.?), maybe even some grappling moves.
Did you craft effects into your weapons? The tougher enemies are easier to beat when you have weapons with poison/electricity effects, it causes them to become stunned for a few seconds. I had an AK that shot electric bullets and beating the final boss was easy with it, I only died twice but that was due to my own stupidity(I kept getting stuck in the environment which made me easy prey).I finished it a couple of weeks ago as well, and found it pretty entertaining. Excluding the repetitive and tedious defense sections, and the end boss fight, which were clearly meant for team playing. I actually watched a playthrough video of the last fight on YouTube after I finished the game, and it seemed really easy when playing with a team.
Did you craft effects into your weapons? The tougher enemies are easier to beat when you have weapons with poison/electricity effects, it causes them to become stunned for a few seconds. I had an AK that shot electric bullets and beating the final boss was easy with it, I only died twice but that was due to my own stupidity(I kept getting stuck in the environment which made me easy prey).