There was always a panties toggle.
I haven't touched DOA other than 2 and Dimensions. I was thinking of looking back at it now since it's a better game now.
Has there been a confirmed list of changes? Last Round will be my first DOA in a while.
Apparently there's an underwear toggle alongside hairstyle in the character select options menu...
And PC.No panties option?
Only in Team Ninja's secret files X)
Touche!And PC.
And PC.
The fact that Marie Rose came second makes me feel ill.
Japan voted for their favourite girl. Believe the nr1 gets a poster with the game. You guys could probably guess who won.
The fact that Marie Rose came second makes me feel ill.
The fact that Marie Rose came second makes me feel ill.
This is all I'm concerned with.This is the country where Arcana Hearts is a popular game.
I'm sad and scared about what this means for the fighting games I enjoy. :/
I really don't want this loli thing to be a trend in DOA. And for some reason I feel the new girl might be a senran character.
Im ok with loli characters as long as its limited numbers.
Yeah, but Kasumi won so all is forgiven!!!these guys have bad taste. we all know christie and helena are the best.
these guys have bad taste. we all know christie and helena are the best.
So much Marie Rose salt. Who or what is number 5/6? Is that just people who didn't want to pick one character, or "didn't know"?
It's the new unrevealed female.
Is that the image they're rolling with? (top right)
Kinda... eh.
Japan voted for their favourite girl. Believe the nr1 gets a poster with the game. You guys could probably guess who won.
Helena is last???? Don't get me wrong, all of the girls are attractive, but Helena arguably has the prettiest faces.
Haha, that could explain Tekken 7 Lucky Chloe's appearance.
Wait, where is Christie?????
It's just their top10 of girls they wanted their poster for. They only showed the top 10 can't seem to find how the girls under 10 did. we also have Tina out of top 10. Heard she was a fan favourite over in the USA. My favorite girl used to be Hitomi but don't really like her iteration in 5 now Kokoro is my favourite.
Lisa didn't even chart...
Lisa didn't even chart...
It looks like we should do a Neogaf top 10 best girl.