You might as well use the DLC weapons if you've already unlocked stuff like the Electro Rod. That is the only thing you need for the rest of the game it is so OP
well now im debating if I should just start again on nightmare
damn you guys
This game is a blast, will get on steam sale probably since i have not played the 4 DLC packs. Does this version have the best DLC ?
That's the only one i've played
Did you get overtime mode and see the "true ending"? That ending shocked me!
EDIT: I do agree that the side quest sucked and were basically fetch quest. I did like having a survivor with me to help defeat bosses. Nightmare mode plays like traditional Dead Rising so I don't have any complaints about tha. They made the game more accessible but they gave you options for fans of the original formula.
Just finished it, story was underwhelming and just boring as shit. Needed more campiness, felt like they were afraid of stepping away from the grimdark bullshit. Map layout made traversal tedious with the constant roadblocks. Hated how nearly side mission was essentially a shitty fetch quest. Boss battles were ridiculously easy, almost no need to even prepare unlike with 1 and 2. Time limit was barely a factor, so there was no sense of urgency, which is incredibly important to the franchise. And Nick is a shit protagonist. Give me Frank West and a double layer of cheese please. None of this conflicted hero, walking doormat bullshit.
Nightmare mode is pretty ass, tbqh.How's the difficulty on nightmare mode? I found the game incredibly easy. It's the first time I beat a game without dying.
The Electric Crusher has to be the best weapon for exp grinding. Hit an enemy and its lightning will branch out to kill every other zombie nearby. Allows you to get in a ton of kills before it breaks. It's also super easy to make with the right perks. Any blunt object and any piece of electronics.
Just hit level 43. Gained like 10 levels in a very small amount of time.
No, but availability makes it more convenient than either of those. Ultimate shout is a pain in the ass to make on the fly because you have to have the precise make and model speaker to make lvl1 shout, and that reg speaker is a rare find. The staff is much easier to pull out of your ass though, because even at lvl1 it's pretty beastly, and there are always batteries laying around and stoplights to destroy to make them. The crusher though you can basically make at will once you level out of having to find a sledge hammer and a battery to make it, and it will kill basically anything with its both vicious and insanely fast hold y attack, not to mention it's one of the most all around weapons in the game because it also has a falling attack done with jump x that secures landings from mistimed jumps or just general encounter starting leaps from cars and such.Is it better than the Ultimate Shout or Elemental Staff?
Nothing official yet but the steam database entry of DR3 already shows a fifth, unnamed DLC so that Ultra Hyper thingy might just be thatThis game is a blast, will get on steam sale probably since i have not played the 4 DLC packs.
Does this version have the best DLC ? That's the only one i've played
Also nightmare is the way to go
Looks like the files for the Xbox's Day One Edition DLC are still included with the game. I was able to get this with a quick rename.
Hopefully Capcom release this and the Frank outfit officially at some point.
Looks like the files for the Xbox's Day One Edition DLC are still included with the game. I was able to get this with a quick rename.
Hopefully Capcom release this and the Frank outfit officially at some point.
Finished it last night and I guess overall it was a positive experience. Since I don't own either an X1 or a PS4 (and probably won't for sometime), I'm still glad to get it on the PC warts and all.
Now as a huge fan of the first, and even the second one, I feel like the game is missing a lot of the charm ,personality and urgency from previous titles. The main missions and survivor missions were the very definition of busy work, especially towards the tail end of the game where it essentially turned into travelling from one side of the map to the other side...over and over and over. I actually really missed escorting groups of dumb-AI survivors and dragging 8 of them back to the safe room. Mostly because it felt risky as hell and the reward for success was there.
The combat and the streamlined combo weapons are balls out awesome though. It does detract from the thriftiness of the previous games, but scythe weapons, flare guns and gigantic explosives make killing dozens of zombies at once super satisfying.
Thanks for talking about the ending without spoiler tags.
Oh come off it man. If "spoilers" that vague and nondescript piss you off then you shouldn't be browsing the op in the first place. The point of an op is for discussion of the game, and if you can't handle that then the onus is on you to avoid discussion, not the people discussing the game in its very own discussion thread.Thanks for talking about the ending without spoiler tags.
Fun game but
1. where are all the psychopaths? Halfway through the campaign and there's been like.. 3?
2. I miss the hard time limits. Zero sense of urgency at all to complete missions which basically defined the first two games.
3. I also miss the almost brain-dead survivors and having to escort them back to the safe house. Most don't need escorting and there's so many safe houses anyway that it's not the least bit difficult to rescue the few that do need escorting.
It just doesn't quite feel like Dead Rising anymore.
Nightmare mode is pretty ass, tbqh.
It's totally an afterthought that was designed and thrown together in five minutes after seeing the negative reaction at e3 and panicking. The mode is broken for 2 very important reasons...
1. No main mission timers. This breaks progression with the sped up clock because you have no idea if you're running on, behind, or ahead of time to complete the game unless you've beaten it before, because there is zero consistency between the chapters on how long they are, with some being as short as a five min cutscene and a single boss encounter and others being 4-6 hours of busy work + sidequests.
2. Save spots are unmarked on map. Hey wanna know what's super duper fun? Loosing 3 hours of progress because you died to a super powered boss (they're much harder on nightmare) because you missed the unmarked save spot 5 steps from the boss room because the fov is like 45 degrees. This is also something that's somewhat alleviated by beating the game first.
So yeah. Don't do nightmare on your first run.
gAME'S crashed two times on me now :/
Anyone know what's casuing this? Gonna have the game run on Lowest settings with high AA and the like andsee if it'd crash again.
yeah, im definetly stalling my nightmare run till I finish the game on normal. That point of not being able to tell if you're running late on main missions before the bomb strikes cause there's no story mission timer is.. a great point, lol
normal mode shows you how much time is left until the bomb on the map screen. Does it not in Nightmare Mode?
Everything, this.
Its definitely a good game, but it just hasn't grabbed me the same way DR1 & 2 did. I know the city is open world, but it does feel so much more linear. It seems to follow a set script of 'receive 1 story mission, receive 2 side missions'. But whereas in DR1 & 2 everything was timed and you had to plan your routes and what missions you could do in the allotted time, this is just like "yeah heres a couple of missions and all the time in the world to do them", theres no risk/reward anymore. You don't have to plan ahead, don't have to choose what mission you can and cant do.
Theres no random stuff so far either, like how you would just wander around Fortune City or Willamette Mall and come across the occasional hidden psycho or something. 6 hours in and so far ive seen 2 psychos. The way survivors are done now sucks too. You clear out some zombies and then they just say thanks and fuck off. I liked doing survivor escort missions in the old games, but I don't want survivors hanging around with me the whole time like in DR3. As soon as I rescue one now I just drop them off at the safehouse and leave it at that.
The story so far is crap too. Theres barely anything interesting going on, no really memorable characters, and only 1 decent psycho so far. The guy on the phone who gives you missions, its just stupid. At least in 1 & 2 you had a reason why people were calling you and giving you missions, in 3 its like, Nick gets a random phone call from someone and that's it. And Nick himself is so dull. Like how the fuck do you go from Frank West to that? Even Chuck was miles better than Nick. The only character I like so far is Rhonda. And its a shame because DR1 actually has a really cool story, and DR2 has a decent story (would've been a great story but it falls apart at the end)
Being able to make combo weapons on the spot is an improvement, but overall I think so far its easily the weakest of the 3 games, with Off the record probably being the best.