Also the demo is vastly different then the final game (slight spoilers)Isaacs helmet won't close, his suit is busted thus the hand shielding animation. You now have to find your way through the snow to light from fires due to the crash to stay warm or you DIE. Your waypoint marker doesn't work till you get yourself the snow suit. Also pretty much everything else in the demo is different after that short begining part. Will the demo stuff take place at a later point?, I'm guessing yes, but it's def not the same. I'm guessing they took segments and combined them.
Slasher, I'm going to be interested in how long it takes for you to get through the game. Are you exploring every nook and cranny, and listening to the logs? Or are you just plowing thorough. Or somewhere in between?
Can't wait.
Damn, that snow sequence sounds great. How old is the demo build?
Damn, that snow sequence sounds great. How old is the demo build?
Well it is the same thing they showed at E3, so maybe it's been around for a while.
What's the best deal on this game right now for PC? I've decided I'm going to get it but not sure whether to get the retail version from amazon or if greenmangaming/whomever has a deal on it. Didn't seem to accept the coupon they've got right now.
Yes sir. Also say you stop at chapter 3, then replay chaper 2. There is an option to load story, which takes you to the last known story point.Pretty cool. So basically you could jump around to previous chapters at your hearts content and no worry about over writing your lastest story progress. Also the game tells you in the extras how many secret items are collectable per chapter, and how many you collected. Also tells you if it has a side mission or co-op only mission and check them off if you have done them.
Well there is one or two inside if I recall correctly but not long. There is a few that takes place outside as well. I don't want to spoil to much but they are pretty to look at and alot of room to move around so to speakNow that I'm on the planet I'm curious if that's all done.
Yeah the PR is a bit perplexing. I'd love to see some dude bros pick this up not knowing what they are about to play and inedvertedly shit themselves in fear.If only I could get EA or codecow/Visceral to approve me streaming a chapter on twitch!
Come on guys! Let me do it for GAF. Just give me the rules, I'll obide!
Also the demo is vastly different then the final game (slight spoilers)Isaacs helmet won't close, his suit is busted thus the hand shielding animation. You now have to find your way through the snow to light from fires due to the crash to stay warm or you DIE. Your waypoint marker doesn't work till you get yourself the snow suit. Also pretty much everything else in the demo is different after that short begining part. Will the demo stuff take place at a later point?, I'm guessing yes, but it's def not the same. I'm guessing they took segments and combined them.
Hi slasher, so you said you took about 5 hour to complete 9 chapters... my question is: you did all the side missions till then or you miss some of them?
Well if I look at the extras tab on the main menu, it appears there is more side quests in the later half. I have only encountered 3 (one I couldn't do because it was co-op only) and then another one now on chapter 9. So I've only been able to do one, that leaves me with the one I'm about to do and 5 more single player and 2 other co-op ones. So yeahAlot left.
I know! Wish I would have gotten my hands on it for the weekend. Going to be playing both this and Sly 4 on my vita at the time same time. Should balance out nicely between the two tones of the games.Gah, so close, yet so far away now![]()
I'm not going to lie, the last time I felt this way about a action horror game was RE4. What I mean by that is just a sense of really not knowing what they will throw at me next scenario wise. Yes It's DS and the wonder and WTf is going on is kinda gone, but the way this one is crafted and things constantly changing with variation in gameplay. I've just been constantly amazed.
I've got a question for you. Would you say we achieved....
an AAAA game?
I've got a question for you. Would you say we achieved....
an AAAA game?
RE4? now I'm interested...I'd say in between. In no way am I rushing though. I am listening to the logs and reading them aloud on my walkthrough. Skimming sometimes but yeah. Def not rushing.Even though my time says 5 hours, I don't think it counts the time when you die and restart. So I think really I've been playing about 6 to 6.5 hours.
Not sure but again, it's all pretty different from the final game. I thought I knew what was coming, I had NO IDEA!
I'm not going to lie, the last time I felt this way about a action horror game was RE4. What I mean by that is just a sense of really not knowing what they will throw at me next scenario wise. Yes It's DS and the wonder and WTf is going on is kinda gone, but the way this one is crafted and things constantly changing with variation in gameplay. I've just been constantly amazed.
Reading through slashers posts, is getting me seriously hyped.
anyone else got it and want to try coop? hit me up on psn d0c_zaius
My TV doesn't have audio out or a headphone jack.
What the fuck. I bought headphones for nothing. is that even possible?
8/10Goddammit Samsung, I trusted you! FUCK YOU! AND FUCK YOUR TV!
GameInformer gave DS3 a 7.75/10
Basically it praised the game for it's improvements in the graphical department, especially the snow effects and the enhanced depth of field effects, but felt that parts of the game were not nearly as polished as others. They of course praised the game for it's very satisfying shooting and loved the new weapon crafting system.
Overall, they said replay value was moderately low.They noted that one of the spaceships you explore is just far less interesting than the sprawl in Dead Space 2 and the general atmosphere of the game is not nearly as creepy and terrifying as previous iterations.
They criticized the human fights, saying they were poorly implemented and unnecessary in a game like this. They put a lot of hatred toward the crouch, saying it does not belong in this game at all. They stated that coop is a lot of fun, but is very different to what was promised by visceral, saying hallucinations were not all that special and occurred rather infrequently. The game seems more geared toward coop, with puzzles having a noticeable quality that renders them perfect for coop.
They also said that while the campaign is longer than previous DS games, it drags on near the end for far too long, in other words , it overstays its welcome. They didn't mention anything about the leaked ending, which everyone hated recently.
Finally (though I probably forgot to mention a few things) they mentioned that coop experienced some rather sharp framerate drops on planet tau volantis.
GameInformer gave DS3 a 7.75/10
Basically it praised the game for it's improvements in the graphical department, especially the snow effects and the enhanced depth of field effects, but felt that parts of the game were not nearly as polished as others. They of course praised the game for it's very satisfying shooting and loved the new weapon crafting system.
Overall, they said replay value was moderately low.They noted that one of the spaceships you explore is just far less interesting than the sprawl in Dead Space 2 and the general atmosphere of the game is not nearly as creepy and terrifying as previous iterations.
They criticized the human fights, saying they were poorly implemented and unnecessary in a game like this. They put a lot of hatred toward the crouch, saying it does not belong in this game at all. They stated that coop is a lot of fun, but is very different to what was promised by visceral, saying hallucinations were not all that special and occurred rather infrequently. The game seems more geared toward coop, with puzzles having a noticeable quality that renders them perfect for coop.
They also said that while the campaign is longer than previous DS games, it drags on near the end for far too long, in other words , it overstays its welcome. They didn't mention anything about the leaked ending, which everyone hated recently.
Finally (though I probably forgot to mention a few things) they mentioned that coop experienced some rather sharp framerate drops on planet tau volantis.
^Interesting what they say about the human fights, considering a number of people who've played through the game said that theThat's a pretty heavy nick for rare occurrences and a crouch feature that doesn't have to be used for the majority of the game, even when factoring what else they said.fights round to half a dozen in number of occurrence.
In context, Game Informer gave Dead Space a 9.3, while Dead Space 2 received a 90.
They also gave Zombi U a 5.0, which was completely ridiculous, so it could just be a load of malarkey and them focusing on the negatives to artificially bring the score down instead of doing so at an objective stand point.
Wow. That blows my mind so far with what I played. Hmmm well I'll update as I get further. I smell something fishy here... but I could be wrong.![]()
I'm gonna knock over the magazine rack if the ending is awful. Especially if it ends like ME3.
I've had it with the last entry having awful conclusion.
Yeah this news is not good in regards to a shitty ending. Especially with that 'truth' dlc or whatever it is.
Well, were all of these scores given by the same reviewer? I doubt they are on a mission to artificially bring down the score as they don't gain anything from that.
It's also possible that, you know, they really enjoyed the game less than the other 2! I'm actually quite happy by the recent trend in reviews where you have outliers or people having different opinions. There was a while where you could predict that any big game would mostly get 9 or 10 only for the sake of hyping them. As long as they explain what they don't like I'm usually happy we get different opinions.
As long as it's well explained and not a 2/10 click bait I really welcome this trend.
GameInformer gave DS3 a 7.75/10
Overall, they said replay value was moderately low.They noted that one of the spaceships you explore is just far less interesting than the sprawl in Dead Space 2 and the general atmosphere of the game is not nearly as creepy and terrifying as previous iterations.
They criticized the human fights, saying they were poorly implemented and unnecessary in a game like this. They put a lot of hatred toward the crouch, saying it does not belong in this game at all. They stated that coop is a lot of fun, but is very different to what was promised by visceral, saying hallucinations were not all that special and occurred rather infrequently. The game seems more geared toward coop, with puzzles having a noticeable quality that renders them perfect for coop.
They also said that while the campaign is longer than previous DS games, it drags on near the end for far too long, in other words , it overstays its welcome. They didn't mention anything about the leaked ending, which everyone hated recently.
Finally (though I probably forgot to mention a few things) they mentioned that coop experienced some rather sharp framerate drops on planet tau volantis.
People are saying some of the side missions can only be done in coop. Is that true or false?3. During my time with it, I've never felt like the game was designed for co-op only. I've felt like it's a single player game all the way. Again just my thoughts.