Added my name, thanks!
Thanks for adding your info - I'm really excited about the co-op in this game.
Added my name, thanks!
First time for everything, I guess.
Not to mention the shit PR they've been spewing as of late.
I'm on XBL as RoKKeR IV, hit me up if you're interested in co-op some time.
One question I have is if joining somebody's single player game screws up your safe files (or adds a new one) or if it just pulls from the host?
I'm probably going to rent this like I did Dead Space 2 and depending on my enjoyment I'll buy it or not (like I did for Dead Space 2). What's the online pass restriction for this game? Co-op? If it's just some janky multiplayer mode I'm fine with that but I'd like to try out the co-op.
Not you again.Give me a bigger font option, you jerks.
Give me a bigger font option, you jerks.
I didn't know until last week.Well, I'm shocked. I had no idea this was anywhere near releasing until this OT popped up.
When is the review embargo up?An online pass is required for co-op play. Inventory works much like a loot-grind game each save file has an inventory. So if you join someone else's game, you carry your stuff with you, including anything in your safe.
It's from Liberation.Link to the animated short re Carver.
(I think this is taken from Liberation?)
Maybe see an optometrist first.
When is the review embargo up?
It's from Liberation.
Christopher Shy is an amazing artist.
Awesome, thanks for the info.Release day, which isn't unusual. EA did make sure to get code out really early, and sent multiple copies of both versions.
Moment of the generation.
Do we know how many discs for Xbox yet? I might want to start making room on HDD.
Release day, which isn't unusual. EA did make sure to get code out really early, and sent multiple copies of both versions.
He really is. I have to say I really liked Ben Templesmith's work on the original graphic novel and motion comic though. I have trouble seeing what's happening in Shy's work for some reason.
I've never winced so hard before this.
The eyeball machine absolutely is the moment of the generation.
The eyeball machine absolutely is the moment of the generation.
The eyeball machine absolutely is the moment of the generation.
Not a lot of people know this, but the eyeball on the machine display is my eyeball and the bloodshot crud on there is all natural.
I have never been so stressed by a game before.
Not a lot of people know this, but the eyeball on the machine display is my eyeball and the bloodshot crud on there is all natural.
Mad props.Not a lot of people know this, but the eyeball on the machine display is my eyeball and the bloodshot crud on there is all natural.
Not a lot of people know this, but the eyeball on the machine display is my eyeball and the bloodshot crud on there is all natural.
Can you imagine being the guys who had to program/design the whole Eye machine part?
We only had to endure it for a minute or so, they spent a whole lot more time getting it right. Unless they like seeing that kind of shit all day, I guess, haha.