the fact that Necros seem to show zero reactions when shot at. They just soak up the rounds and then crumble apart.
are you using the gun only?
with the plasma cutter and many other weapons you can easily dismember the necromorphs, just like in the other 2 games. feels and plays exactly the same.
humans is another issue though.
are you using the gun only?
with the plasma cutter and many other weapons you can easily dismember the necromorphs, just like in the other 2 games. feels and plays exactly the same.
humans is another issue though.
Plasma cutter and ripper are awful in the game. Use the SMG barrell for the military gun and it becomes godlike.
isnt the "military" tool already the barrel part of the gun? which parts exactly do you mean?
I play on hard and I am somewhere on chapter 10 and the plasma cutter (standard, NOT planetcracker) is incredibly strong. shooting of limbs and heads with 1 shot. I use the military gun (evangelizer) only for small, fast and weak enemies.
are you using the gun only?
with the plasma cutter and many other weapons you can easily dismember the necromorphs, just like in the other 2 games. feels and plays exactly the same.
humans is another issue though.
I think you might be right
but anyway I dont think I already found the SMG barrel, not sure though, I found a barrel for the military gun that increased fire rate but decreased damage, maybe its that one. but I usually prefer accurate weapons with high damage, so I didnt try that one out on live enemies.
no it doesnt feel the same. randomly you can one shot a limb off but for the most part they seem to have their own health bars
no it doesnt feel the same. randomly you can one shot a limb off but for the most part they seem to have their own health bars so it feels like you have to pump a few shots to even get a reaction. it doesnt help that everything moves at super speed and is rubbing chests with you in the time it takes to reload a gun. tbh with enemies right up on you so fast you might as well just dump rounds into them as you can clear a room faster than trying to aim shots. shooting limbs went from strategic in previous games to inefficient in this one.
It doesn't, but you can rotate it around to see his face.
That is scary![]()
How much easier is this game then Dead Space 1 and 2? I Found DS1/2 to be a challenge later on on normal setting and was always struggling for ammo
That's good. Most longish linear campaigns reach a dull point near the middle. I'm still in theAh that's what I was thinking of, forgot that you had to do it yourself manually.
Though not to worry, I reached 14 now and I'm enjoying this more than the ~2-3 chapters leading up to it and from the looks of it the game is heading towards another direction thematically which I'm happy to see.
How much easier is this game then Dead Space 1 and 2? I Found DS1/2 to be a challenge later on on normal setting and was always struggling for ammo
I'm playing on hard and they dump so much ammo and health onto you that it feels like the challenge is completelty stripped away.
That is until three or four Necros bum rush you and you start firing away out of panic. That's when all of those health and ammo packs become really useful.
I'm only up to chapter 7 and the game has already slapped me with regenerators several times. You will definitely need those consumables.
Does rig upgrades carry on to your other suits?
I still dont get how I missed both side missions in Chapter 4. Does anyone know where they are located or how to trigger them?
If you finish it I'm curious to know your final thoughts![]()
This is when you're in thelittle shuttle craft in space right? When you first enter the shuttle craft you're provided with a screen that allows you to pick one of four ships to travel to. Two of the ships are the side mission locations - one of them is the single-player side mission, the other is the co-op side mission.
My basic line gun sucks, any tips to make it like the previous ones?
I have upgraded rate of fire a lot and it still sucks, and it doesn't do remotely the same damage as the previous games.
With a pair of Turtle Beaches, the sound production in this game is through the fucking roof. I had my friend almost shit himself twice last night.
And now imagine how the game would sound with good headphones.
Hook me up with a link where I can find better then, please.
So there's QTE rock climbing in this?
Wait the N7 rig gives you more item slots? I thought the rigs were only cosmetic now.
Kotaku has a lot of concept art in sizes that can be used as desktop backgrounds:
Think they got most of it from the concept artist's personal site.
Do you ever get to go to the Brusliov in SP?
Co-op only area? Alright.Pretty sure that's a bro op side mission...
Have to find a suit kiosk.This may sound stupid, how do you change suits?
Co-op only area? Alright.
Have to find a suit kiosk.