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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?


Can you explain how this works? Wouldn't replaying older levels rewrites the existing save?
no you have 2 different autosaves. "continue last save" will be overwritten, but the other is called something like "continue story where you left it" or something like that.
Will probably post more detailed impressions of the game later but man did it really fall apart in the last few hours. The final environment was boring and repetitive and the "twist" was so silly. Still had a good time with the game in general but the endgame were disappointing to say the least. Easiest final boss ever?

That whole love triangle business was so poorly done as well. The guy kept acting like a jerk for no reason and Ellie would say "oh no he's not acting himself, I don't know what's wrong" which made me think he might be under some form of influence but no, just a random asshole. And given how quickly ellie forgot about him after you shoot him I don't really see the point of Its inclusion. Everyone is really a jerk to Isaac considering how much he's had to sacrifice :/


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Will probably post more detailed impressions of the game later but man did it really fall apart in the last few hours. The final environment was boring and repetitive and the "twist" was so silly. Still had a good time with the game in general but the endgame were disappointing to say the least.

Agree, just finished the game myself. Clocked in a hard run at ~14 h though as the game dragged on towards the end it almost felt closer to 20 h. Nonetheless the fact that I have been playing the game now for 4-5h a day for the past 3 or so days means I really enjoyed myself. Going to collect my thoughts and see if I can write a line or two about my experience.

Thanks for an overall enjoyable game Visceral :)
Midway though chapter 2. Analysis so far: The game should be called "clinging precariously to a falling object only to barely clamour up at the last second- the cutscene".

Prologue was a little out of place but mostly gorgeous to look at, chapter 1 is a classless turd that will tarnish every replay, chapter 2 shows slightly more promise but I'm still not sold. Environments are the highlight so far, but I'm not convinced it's enough to prop up a slew of regressive design choices. I'll write up something a bit more substantial when I've had a chance to press a bit further. Kinda hoping the middle chapters give me something more positive to hang my hat on.
Started hardcore mode and played it for a bit and then got killed by space debris in the sequence where you're trying to catch up with Carver's escape vessel. Think I'll put that mode aside for a good while. Wish you could skip cutscenes on one of those special playthoughs.

Has anyone gone through the files and found a way to increase the length bodies stay? It's rather distracting when they just disappear before you eyes. Seems a lot faster than it was in the first two games although It's perfectly likely I'm just more akin to noticing such things these days.
Chokes/massive FPS drops finally solved by a complete format. Shutdown issue also resolved(Unrelated to Dead Space 3 obviously), god knows what happened with that Windows install.

Now I can finally play this game. Well, after work tomorrow that is.


Really like how you can use Ration Seals to buy a majority of the DLC. I used them to get a bunch of those Ultimate and Resource packs last night. Good stuff.

Right now I'm running with a pumped up Evangelizer and Negotiator. The Negotiator is basically a Contact beam with a powerful fucking Line Gun as its lower attachment. Partnered with the Evangelizer, I've got the only weapons I need for the rest of the game, until I find those acid rounds. Really curious to try those out.

Chapter 6 so far.


Wish you could skip cutscenes on one of those special playthoughs.

Wait you can't skip cutscenes?

Please Visceral patch an option so you can skip them. I already played through Max Payne 3 6 times last year to get all the difficulty achievements and wasted half a day watching cutscenes over and over again.

I don't think I can take another 4 playthrough's watching cutscenes again.

def sim

You can't skip cut scenes in Dead Space 2 either. I don't remember if the first was the same. I doubt they'll patch it out.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Wait you can't skip cutscenes?

Please Visceral patch an option so you can skip them. I already played through Max Payne 3 6 times last year to get all the difficulty achievements and wasted half a day watching cutscenes over and over again.

I don't think I can take another 4 playthrough's watching cutscenes again.

Mu gut-feeling is that like the first 2 chapters of Max Payne 3 have longer cutscenes than entire DS3 :p


Mu gut-feeling is that like the first 2 chapters of Max Payne 3 have longer cutscenes than entire DS3 :p

To be honest they were all pretty short so far, so it is not like the end of the world. I still think it should be an option unless they mask loading times.


So I am running into a problem on the PC version of Dead Space 3. Yesterday when I first booted up the game I was able to hit the downloadable content button and see some items that cost either real money or ration seals. I did not have enough, so I decided to get more and check it out again later. Now that I have enough I can't find the damn screen again. The only DLC screens I see are for the suit+weapon and bot packs. Am I doing something wrong, am I bugged, or are other people running into this issue as well?


Am I doing something wrong, am I bugged, or are other people running into this issue as well?

No you are not doing anything wrong. Someone else in this thread had this problem too. I think it just fixed itself. Maybe try restarting the game or reloading a checkpoint. Seems like an Origin issue.
Started solo camp. on Impossible difficulty.
It was easy at the beginning but now (chapter 5 or 6, I don't remember) I die and restart A LOT. I had to stop playing yesterday, I can't kill all the necromorphs and my stasis isn't upgraded enough to stop the regenerators where you have to wait for the train... It's just too insane.


Nork unification denier
So I am running into a problem on the PC version of Dead Space 3. Yesterday when I first booted up the game I was able to hit the downloadable content button and see some items that cost either real money or ration seals. I did not have enough, so I decided to get more and check it out again later. Now that I have enough I can't find the damn screen again. The only DLC screens I see are for the suit+weapon and bot packs. Am I doing something wrong, am I bugged, or are other people running into this issue as well?

I'm on Origin, but I'm not experiencing this problem - I'm using an Xbox controller instead of the mouse and keyboard interface. DLC prompts appear whenever I'm using a bench (at the bottom of the bench overlay). What I am -not- seeing, however, is the option to pay for items with ration seals. I wasn't even aware this was an option - everything's priced in USD.


Wait you can't skip cutscenes?

Please Visceral patch an option so you can skip them. I already played through Max Payne 3 6 times last year to get all the difficulty achievements and wasted half a day watching cutscenes over and over again.

I don't think I can take another 4 playthrough's watching cutscenes again.

Yes I know, I lost on this one (sorry). Many of them would not be possible anyway as we're loading in the background.

I did get in an option to disable the tutorials, I play with them off.

nel e nel

You can't skip cut scenes in Dead Space 2 either. I don't remember if the first was the same. I doubt they'll patch it out.

Having just replayed 1 about a month ago or so, nope. No skipping. Even when you're just doing a vid-com and are still able to walk around all the doors lock with the "Equalizing Pressure" message on them.


I'm on Origin, but I'm not experiencing this problem - I'm using an Xbox controller instead of the mouse and keyboard interface. DLC prompts appear whenever I'm using a bench (at the bottom of the bench overlay). What I am -not- seeing, however, is the option to pay for items with ration seals. I wasn't even aware this was an option - everything's priced in USD.

I'm not sure if you can buy everything with ration seals. The only things I saw -before- my options f***ed up were the MK-V weapon packs. I can access the other DLC packs that can only be purchased with money.


Nork unification denier
I'm not sure if you can buy everything with ration seals. The only things I saw -before- my options f***ed up were the MK-V weapon packs. I can access the other DLC packs that can only be purchased with money.

Don't recall even seeing those packs up for sale (whether for USD or seals), but I will check again tonight. Thanks for the info!
Got the game earlier this morning (in the UK).

Unsurprisingly, unlike you Americans, the discs were stacked on top of each other, not separated. Hate that shit.

Anyway, I'm gonna start it co-op with a buddy, what difficulty do you guys recommend?

I've played DS1/2, but my buddy has not, he only picked it up because of the co-op integration.


I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I've just seen it. The item 'glitch' to get unlimited resources has made the front page of the Technology page of BBC News.


However, one solicitor told the BBC that the practice became "legally grey" once micro-transactions were involved.

"If you go into a baker's to buy a bun and they give you the wrong change and you walk away knowing you have been given more change than you handed over in the first place, that's theft," Sara Ludlam, an intellectual property expert at Lupton, Fawcett, Lee & Priestley told the BBC.

"So, arguably if you go into this game knowing you are supposed to be paying for these weapons and you notice a glitch allows you to accumulate them without paying, that's theft as well.

"But it is arguable because it's a new area."


Lost 3 chapters worth of progress. Finished up a side mission, hit Save and Exit yesterday and go to bed. Today, I continue from my last save and am back to where I started yesterday!


After a terrible start that seemed to confirm pretty much every fear and concern fans had about the changes, like going through a hilariously sad check list, things have started to improve upon reaching the Roanoke.

But what happened to some of the character models in this? I've just found Ellie and her crew and man, the faces look bad. Like, really bad. Not sure if you guys had to downgrade the tech or something or if standards have just evolved a ton since 2008.

Aside from all that, I'm on board again, even though there are some smaller touches that really drag it down and pull you out of the in-world immersion (by far the original's greatest achievement), like the completely out of character blueprint names and "downloadable content" buttons on the benches. Oh well. Chalk it up to collateral damage when getting that EA money, I suppose.


I'm pretty early (4th or 5th chapter) but I have to say the environments look incredible. I also love the light effect from Issac's helmet in the dark. On the other end of the spectrum, the faces don't look so hot. If I remember correctly, they look worse than dead space 2.


Is anybody else having trouble getting into a co-op game with a friend on PC?

It worked fine earlier, then my connection went out for a second during a cutscene and now my friend and me can't get into a game together.
We both already restarted the game, origin and our PCs. It's really frustrating.

Edit: It just worked after an hour of trying. Yay.
I'm pretty early (4th or 5th chapter) but I have to say the environments look incredible. I also love the light effect from Issac's helmet in the dark. On the other end of the spectrum, the faces don't look so hot. If I remember correctly, they look worse than dead space 2.
The facial animation looks really off.


So far I played up to chapter 9 solo, and restarted with a friend last night and got to the same area I stopped at, with me as Carver. Seems like once you get to Tau Volantis Carver has a lot more of an active role in terms of lines and cutscene activity. Even the level design seems more co-op minded...my friend and I laughed when we saw a pair of RIG kiosks next to each other, since before that point it was so annoying waiting for the other player to finish upgrading his suit when you wanted to change yours etc.

Some cute touches when playing as Carver, like when Isaac goes on a private radio channel with someone you can't hear it. Also, on the first co-op sidemission we got different cutscenes
with Carver experiencing hallucinations and Isaac seeing him just stand there freaking out.

But yeah I'll probably finish the game in co-op, I'm really glad I did the first chapters solo though. The game is fun as hell with a partner but the atmosphere is of course nowhere near as oppressive. Although I think I shattered any suspension of disbelief with my forcegun/linegun combo that tends to cause the physics to freak out (more than usual) while on Tau volantis, sending Necromorphs flying into orbit occasionally.


Nork unification denier

Lost 3 chapters worth of progress. Finished up a side mission, hit Save and Exit yesterday and go to bed. Today, I continue from my last save and am back to where I started yesterday!

You can only safely quit after you've seen the "Progress Saved" indicator in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

"Inventory Saved", as you and I both found out, just saves your guns/inventory.

I don't think co-op was worth this awful save system. There was no way we could save at benches? It's the logical place.



Lost 3 chapters worth of progress. Finished up a side mission, hit Save and Exit yesterday and go to bed. Today, I continue from my last save and am back to where I started yesterday!

This doesn't make sense as it auto saves multiple times per chapter.

Yes I know, I lost on this one (sorry). Many of them would not be possible anyway as we're loading in the background.

I love Dead Space but this irritates me. There is no reason to not have a skip option for cut scenes in this day and age. Even with loading, the loading isn't likely going on during the entirety of the cut scene so being able to skip "when loaded" or just go to a loading screen (like every other game with skippable cut scenes) would be more acceptable than having to wait x minutes just because it had to load for the first 30-45 seconds. Obviously not your call as you said you lost on this one, but still annoying.

EDIT: a buddy just reminded me that AC3 actually did the "wait til loaded then allow skip" in some of the cut scenes. I completely forgot about that (probably cause the game is forgettable).


This doesn't make sense as it auto saves multiple times per chapter.

Something similar happened to me - I unlocked my game early with the date trick so it might have been related to turning on cloud saves?

It happened at a really bad place too, considering how much I
hate fighting regenerators.


@Visceral, possible to get light rays and bloom effect on a different graphic setting? They are both tied to Bloom setting. I don't like bloom and I do like godrays.
Something similar happened to me - I unlocked my game early with the date trick so it might have been related to turning on cloud saves?

It happened at a really bad place too, considering how much I
hate fighting regenerators.

I also did that trick and by the sounds of it, we were at the same place.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Will probably post more detailed impressions of the game later but man did it really fall apart in the last few hours. The final environment was boring and repetitive and the "twist" was so silly. Still had a good time with the game in general but the endgame were disappointing to say the least. Easiest final boss ever?

That whole love triangle business was so poorly done as well. The guy kept acting like a jerk for no reason and Ellie would say "oh no he's not acting himself, I don't know what's wrong" which made me think he might be under some form of influence but no, just a random asshole. And given how quickly ellie forgot about him after you shoot him I don't really see the point of Its inclusion. Everyone is really a jerk to Isaac considering how much he's had to sacrifice :/
Ellie's response to killing Norton was amusing. Something along the lines of 'so he stuck a gun in your face and was going to shoot you? That was no excuse to shoot him!'. I was thinking to myself this girl needs some serious dose of reality and couldn't believe she said that. So, I'd just like to think she was in a bit of shock over the whole thing, although she seems to handle everything else pretty well (monsters, losing an eyeball, etc). As for the ending and lost boss, I thought it looked awesome. This was how the Gravemind in Halo should look like I thought to myself.


Ellie's response to killing Norton was amusing. Something along the lines of 'so he stuck a gun in your face and was going to shoot you? That was no excuse to shoot him!'. I was thinking to myself this girl needs some serious dose of reality and couldn't believe she said that. So, I'd just like to think she was in a bit of shock over the whole thing, although she seems to handle everything else pretty well (monsters, losing an eyeball, etc).

Absolutely stupid. The whole damn thing was handled in the worst possible manner.Chap.14-
She doesn't really ask what happened to escalate it to that point. Carver being an asshole and yelling at her was even worse. Would it have been too much for Isaac to quickly talk to her for more than a minute? Norton's reasoning is idiotic at best. The directing in regards to the camera angles in the fight scene when you're ambushed by the Unitologists is poor. Ellie's lack of reaction was just icing on the cake.
Piss poor storytelling at its finest.
Just beat it. Create-a-weapons and universal ammo didn't click until the halfway mark, but when it did, it was typical Dead Space greatness. I still prefer DS2's finesse and balance, but I really enjoyed this game.

Escape Goat

I just got my Ice suit and I'm kind of losing interest in the game. I just don't feel compelled to complete this story or to save any of the characters.
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