U K Narayan said:What's the best method for taking out small, gel-like critters? Once they swarm on you, it sucks. I've only run into them twice, though.
I doubt it, but it would be nice. I aim to beat this game on Impossible... so I will need all of the underhanded tricks I can find.Kadey said:I hear if you beat it on a difficulty twice, you can actually carry stuff over to a higher one. Someone should confirm this.
Watch the online comic. Altogether, it should take you about 20-25 minutes to watch all of them.hteng said:someone spoil me, what exactly are those necromorphs? what is the "marker"? and why was it made?
You could, but you can also buy it. I got mine with the Ultra Limited Edition.Truant said:Can I watch the movie online?
U K Narayan said:Yeah. The thing is awesome. Ammo is very limited, though. :\
So, um, I'm confused here. Is there no New Game+ on a beaten round? What I mean is, when you beat the game, can you replay the game on that save with all your equipment and stuff?
Sweet!vilmer_ said:Yes. I'm doing my Round 2 right now, with all of my previous gear and some very nice bonuses from finishing the game![]()
ChrisGoldstein said:Can I equip a DLC suit once I started?
You'll see it in the store for 0 credits, so first time you find a store kiosk in game you equip it.ChrisGoldstein said:Can I equip a DLC suit once I started?
kathode said:All right, I got the engines working and everything is great, hooray! Let's fix this orbit thing and we're good to .... what? Seriously, what did you say? Asteroid defense... Asteroid-- Ok, now you're just pulling random sci-fi word combinations out of your ass. Did you really need another hour of gameplay that badly?
calder said:You'll see it in the store for 0 credits, so first time you find a store kiosk in game you equip it.
And yes, there are some amazingly good visuals in this game. I've never seen "blood splattered wrecked spaceship covered in gibs and debris" as good looking as this one. :lol Some of the times you step outside or see space around you are incredible, just a fantastic design to the graphics and top notch audio all around.
He probably means the ADS section in total, it did feel a bit tacked on to me too but it gave the game a great 'outside' sequence and it wasn't that terribly long so I was ok with it. There is definitely some quest padding going on, similar to Bioshock when you are given a pretty standard task for a chapter and then, wouldn't you know it, suddenly the one task is 3 separate sub quests. Even the characters in DS are going "I don't believe this, ____ is broken too! I'm sorry Isaac, you're going to have to ____ the ____ as well!"Zeliard said:Another hour of gameplay? The asteroid part is literally 2 minutes long, if not less. And it's really not as hard as people make it out to be. Slow, steady movements is the key. And alternate between the two turrets so both don't overheat at the same time.
calder said:He probably means the ADS section in total, it did feel a bit tacked on to me too but it gave the game a great 'outside' sequence and it wasn't that terribly long so I was ok with it. There is definitely some quest padding going on, similar to Bioshock when you are given a pretty standard task for a chapter and then, wouldn't you know it, suddenly the one task is 3 separate sub quests. Even the characters in DS are going "I don't believe this, ____ is broken too! I'm sorry Isaac, you're going to have to ____ the ____ as well!"
Revolutionary said:Chapter 6 question:
Okay, I'm up to the Leviathan (anyone else think RE "Plant Room", btw?) and I'm having difficulties.
I've figured out that the Line Gun is the best against the tentacles. 5-6 hits to the weak spot while they're exposed and it cuts off. Cut off all 3, chuck the pods back in his mouth... but then the tentacles grow up.
I simply don't have enough Line Racks to do it again... and possibly again.
How exactly am I supposed to do this?
Revolutionary said:Chapter 6 question:
Okay, I'm up to the Leviathan (anyone else think RE "Plant Room", btw?) and I'm having difficulties.
I've figured out that the Line Gun is the best against the tentacles. 5-6 hits to the weak spot while they're exposed and it cuts off. Cut off all 3, chuck the pods back in his mouth... but then the tentacles grow back.
I simply don't have enough Line Racks to do it again... and possibly again.
How exactly am I supposed to do this?
I suck with the Ripper. I can never get it to cutt off limbs on Hard lol. They seem to always rush me while the blade is cutting them up and knock me down or something.Snapshot King said:Man, is it just me, or does the ripper basically do the same job as the flamethrower but 100 times better? And even fully upgraded the force gun seems startlingly ineffective, especially compared to say the linecutter.
Snapshot King said:Man, is it just me, or does the ripper basically do the same job as the flamethrower but 100 times better? And even fully upgraded the force gun seems
startlingly ineffective, especially compared to say the linecutter.
Revolutionary said:Chapter 6 question:
Okay, I'm up to the Leviathan (anyone else think RE "Plant Room", btw?) and I'm having difficulties.
I've figured out that the Line Gun is the best against the tentacles. 5-6 hits to the weak spot while they're exposed and it cuts off. Cut off all 3, chuck the pods back in his mouth... but then the tentacles grow back.
I simply don't have enough Line Racks to do it again... and possibly again.
How exactly am I supposed to do this?
Phthisis said:This game is always scaring me with bodies on the floor. Every time I think it's going to be a necromorph, it ends up just being a dead human. Every time I think it's just a dead human, it jumps up right at my feet and scares the shit out of me. I can't predict this shit.
Baron said:All right, so if you upgrade to the Obsidian/Elite or Scorpion suit, if I understand this right, you are screwed and can't upgrade again? What if you upgrade to the Level 2 suit - can you continue to upgrade the suit from that or is it the same situation? Or is it just a restriction with the downloadable suits? Because that suit you get after beating the game is fucking cool as ice. I want that.
Freedom = $1.05 said:For the dismemberment trophies: Does dismembering a corpse count? I've been stomping anything and everything to try and get this :lol
jacobs34 said:I'm seven chapters in and I'm really loving the game. I have one question for everybody. How are you guys rolling weapons wise? I've sticked mostly to the plasma cutter, but I picked up the flamethrower a level ago just have a second option if I run out of ammo.
Chris_C said:I love the fluidity of Isaac's movement, it seems a small thing, but he animates nicely and is responsive.
Thanks for the weapons guide.Zeliard said:I think they serve different purposes. The flamethrower is more to take care of the smaller mobs and to finish off those creatures you've dismembered that are crawling towards you, while the ripper just cuts up whatever's in front of you. Having said that, yeah, I do think the ripper is a much better weapon. It's probably the best weapon in the game against a single opponent, since you need so little ammo to take someone down (usually just one saw can do it on the lowest upgrade level, at least on medium).
As far as the force gun, I love it. Might be my second favorite weapon in the game after the line gun, which is probably the best weapon overall. The force gun's pushback capabilities alone make it hugely valuable in a game like Dead Space, where the #1 priority in combat is to keep the enemies from getting to you. Plus the alt-fire's long range force grenade thing comes in handy a lot as well. It's true it's not nearly as good at dismembering as the other weapons, but if you're close enough you can still explode an enemy pretty nicely with it at times.
linsivvi said:So I started a new game on impossible, and interestingly I am wearing the level 6 suit instead of the level 1 one. Nothing else carried over except the suit because it's a totally new game. I wonder if this is intentional or a bug. It will certainly make my life a little bit easier.