[2017] Updated PC install guide : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=238719756&postcount=1826
Known PS3 ver. glitch
Fishing Rod disappearance bug - It seems that an item necessary to complete a sidequest has a tendency to disappear from the inventory, making it impossible to complete that particular quest as the item cannot be obtained by other means. This item is not required to finish the story, you only need it if you want to complete the game 100% and obtain the Platinum trophy. To avoid the problem do the quest in one sitting without saving until you finish the quest.

These puppies are making me go to another town in the boondocks again.

• Release : EU April 26 2013 / NA April 30 2013 / PC October 29 2013
• Price : $24.99
• FK : In the coffee
• Developer : Access Games / TOYBOX inc.
• Genre : Third person open world psychological horror
• Title Credit : LeadenStride

Playing as special agent Francis York Morgan (call him York – everyone else does), it’s your job to investigate the brutal murder of a young local beauty in the town of Greenvale. Amidst the backdrop of soaring mountains and a small American suburb, York must solve the mystery of the Red Seed Murders and stay alive in a place where supernatural creatures and a mysterious raincoat-clad, axe-wielding killer seek to end his investigation for good.
Part suspense-filled horror, part action-adventure game, Deadly Premonition offers an open-world experience packed with locals to meet and places to discover, as well as numerous side quests and mini-games that will help you solve the murders and uncover Greenvale’s deepest, darkest secrets.

• Reworked control system allowing a smoother experience and the ability to remap control actions.
• Playstation Move Support
• Extended story cutscenes and brand new game scenarios including a new prologue,epilogue and branching ending written by Swery.
• Complete graphical overhaul including re-drawn textures, improved lighting and upgraded character models.
• New tweaked single difficulty that lies somewhere in between the original easy and normal.
• Full Stereoscopic 3D support.
• New in-game digital camera, players can take photos as they play.
• Additional downloadable content exclusive to the PS3 version, including new costumes for York and the residents of Greenvale as well as usable items to aid your investigation. Pre-order content will be available on PSN at a later date.
• 30 day free trial of Playstation Plus in first run of European copies

• Destructoid
• Gamespot
• Metro
• Game Informer
• GamesRadar