Be glad as it is priced at $50.
It's not $50 for me. I live in Canada so I'm currently suffering from the recent price hiking and this game is listed as $59.99 for PS3.
EDIT: Just checked EBGames' listing again, it is now actually $69.99 for PS3 ...................... -_-
EDIT 2: Just checked GameStop US's price listing and it's $60, so what do you mean $50?
Apologies for the previous subtitle of this OT, I stole the line from T-K's twitter and meant no disrespect to any members of GAF. Please continue to enjoy this thread and the game in the future.
Not all people have a Vita and a PS3.
Why not just make a US PSN account, grab some US PSN codes off Amazon and get the PS3 ver. from there?
I respect the title change and I think it's the correct decision... but am I the only one who thinks the new title makes this sound like an H-game?You made the right choice. Even if there was no malicious intent behind the old title, it certainly could have been interpreted as such.
That's too much of a hassle for a game I'm only interested in trying. It looks like fun, but I'm not sure if it's one of those things where the novelty of it wears off too quickly.
Japan had an LE that came with a series history OST. I would've bought that.
Trust me on this: it may be a hassle to make, but if you just give it 30 minutes of your time, then afterwards you won't have to worry about overpriced games if you can get them for cheaper digitally off US PSN.
If not for this game, then just have a US PSN account active and handy for any future sales or discounts on it.
At any rate, any impressions on the Vita ver. of this?
As great as the torture horse is one thing that folks will have to get used to is it screws with the trajectory of said target a bit so you will have to make adjustments for that. When I still had time to play always forgot about that and screwed up my trap placement calculations and such.
But by far its one of the more useful devices in the game.
after the horse don't u put the swinging scythe next to it so it propels the enemy right after the horse triggers.
thats the issue when you use any type of trap that knocks the enemy in a direction when they are on the horse the height of the horse screws with the trajectory, so what is shown to you by the arrows is not totally correct and you will have to make the extra distance judgment call yourself. So a bit more planning than usual is required if you use one.
It's not $50 for me. I live in Canada so I'm currently suffering from the recent price hiking and this game is listed as $59.99 for PS3.
EDIT: Just checked EBGames' listing again, it is now actually $69.99 for PS3 ...................... -_-
EDIT 2: Just checked GameStop US's price listing and it's $60, so what do you mean $50?
Pre-ordered my copy today. So hype, but my Vita backlog is growing at an alarming rate.
I don't remember the combo breaking but once the horse descends down i think u can trigger the wall buzzsaw.
That's weird. I seem to recall this game having a price of $50 for PS3 and $30 for Vita. Or is it another game? I honestly don't know.
Getting my copy next Friday. Probably won't play it until I run through the first three Deception games. My first exposure to the series was Trapt, so I've got some catching up to do. I knew about these games back during the PSone days, but I never played them, for whatever reason. Bought all three on Ebay a year or two ago and they've been on my to-do list for awhile now. I have started the original game recently, so I should probably get back into that soon. Ugh, too many games.
Trapt pretty much is Deception IV, which is why the title to this kind of irks me.
Despite the stupid title(and idiot protagonist), it pretty much is the most fleshed out game of the series, even though I prefer elements of 3.
It's not $50 for me. I live in Canada so I'm currently suffering from the recent price hiking and this game is listed as $59.99 for PS3.
EDIT: Just checked EBGames' listing again, it is now actually $69.99 for PS3 ...................... -_-
EDIT 2: Just checked GameStop US's price listing and it's $60, so what do you mean $50?
As someone who has never played this series (but Im familiar with the PS1 classics), is it newcomer friendly?
As someone who has never played this series (but Im familiar with the PS1 classics), is it newcomer friendly?
Someone gonna die
let me guess the bosses r huge guys or knights who ignores buzzsaw wall or anything small. Final boss have regen health.![]()
Amazon can be pretty terrible with niche games sometimes. Had to wait three weeks for Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll. (Which I loved! But that's another story.) Its better to go digital if you're not opposed to that for launch day stuff.