This Steam review sums it up well:
So many stupid design choices that hold back what could be a really cool, if not short, single player shooter experience.
- No balance for numbers of squad members. It's just as difficult with 1 player as it is with 4. This makes it incredibly difficult as a solo player to the point where it's not even an option unless you're looking to try as hard as possible and constantly die and restart
- There are no checkpoints. If you get 20 minutes into a mission, bad luck. You go back to the mission selection menu and have to select your loadout and watch the opening cutscene again. (Press Space to skip it btw, it doesn't tell you anywhere)
- There is no way to get ammo or bandages if you don't have someone playing support. You cannot make it through most of the missions without playing support for the extra ammo, and even then you're probably going to run out of ammo anyway. Even if you play as a duo with a medic who can give bandages and a support to give ammo, the interaction randomly breaks so you won't be able to give ammo or bandages. This happens randomly and is very frustrating.
- Once you're out of ammo, and you can't get/give any from support players, that's it. There's no melee (even though the enemy clearly can), and there's no picking up enemy weapons, and there's no ammo or bandage drops in any of the missions. Just a completely baffling decision.
- The humvee section feels completely RNG whether or not you survive. RPGs spawn everywhere, sometimes they shoot into the sky with their first rocket, sometimes they hit you directly. Luck of the draw
- The number of RPGs on ground missions is simply ludicrous. Anytime you have to deal with RPGs, good luck. They one hit you, but the worse problem is that they shake your screen an incredible amount and kick up an insane amount of smoke and dust, so you can't even see who fired it let alone hit them
- The objectives are bland and unimaginative. It's just "Move X, survive for X time" on repeat. The vehicle missions are on rails and not special. You're discouraged from exploring due to time limits or "Return to battlefield" warnings that are placed inconsistently. That, and you just don't have enough supplies to mess around. If you don't stick to the script you will run out of ammo or bandages and die.