But you're one of the only people who actually played the game already. I'm about as clueless as everyone else here. D:Lets just say Im doing your job for you. Since it should be the OP taking care of everyone not me lol
But you're one of the only people who actually played the game already. I'm about as clueless as everyone else here. D:Lets just say Im doing your job for you. Since it should be the OP taking care of everyone not me lol
Wow, i'm surprised at the general positive reception it has gotten from mainstream press.
Didn't expect this at all. Hope it encourages Experience/NISA to bring over Stranger of Sword City over. Of course actual sales have more influence, i'll be buying this game once i get some extra cash.
But you're one of the only people who actually played the game already. I'm about as clueless as everyone else here. D:
Played through a little of the intro last night, right up until the first time you can save your game in the inn.
Yeah, I can tell that I'm really going to enjoy this game. But first I need to finish my currebt in-progress vita games: Danganronpa, LEGO Hobbit and The Walking Dead Season 1.
Side note, the Demon GazeLE is considerably better packaged than the Danganronpa LE. Not mention that it's constructed much better than my Danganronpa LE that has a terrible glue job and looks like it's falling apart. I was worries when I order this LE, but now my faith in NISA is restored. Bring on the Neptunia PP and Danganronpa 2 LEs!
Any updates? I wanna know if there's something game breaking I have to look out for.
Ended up being one more chat option with weapon shop guy I thought I hit.
Got the disgaea skins yay! Just got my 5th char going just gotta remember to have money for rent -_-
Any updates? I wanna know if there's something game breaking I have to look out for.
Never seen a Vita game crash before.
Ok so it was that event which I had written out for you then. Glad to hear that you found what the issue is and are progressing again!
From all the time spent with the JP version I dont recall anything being actually game breaking. There has been some odd / but hard to reproduce reports by JP players, but its not something that is a common occurrence so dont think for the most part you would have anything to worry about.
Trust me they can crash...ooooh boy yeah they can crash... Not fun having to hard reset ones vita as its not like we can actually remove the battery like the PSP. Its more like hold the power button, hope it turns off, then leave it alone and hope it recovers itself next time you try turning it on. Thankfully not with this game though.
I've never had one out of the 6-7 games I have (some I've platinum'ed).
What I can remember though I know there are other titles, Ive managed to crash Soul Sacrifice by getting stuck in a wall and the game didnt know what to do.
In Japan Zero no Kiseki Evolution used to crash PSVs before the patch.
Sen no Kiseki also had a rare crash in it pre-patch.
There is other stuff too but Id have to look it up.
All I remember is that the other ones were most def in an RPG. Which are the worst kind of game to have crashes in... After the crash too all my icons / bubble folders were screwed up. That wasnt cool having to rearrange all that again... Though for whatever reason it seems that my 2000s is more "unstable" than the OG Vita. Though have had a crash on the OG before too.
OG for life/until it dies!
I just use the 2k since its lighter and holds the charge a little longer. My OG is enjoying its long vacation in storage lol.
I just pulled the trigger on a 2K model today. I'll be throwing my white 1k model up for sale next week. Can't wait!
The 2K is a great addition though am quite happy with mine. Which was the LE version bundled with the GE2 package. The front looked the same with the whole black shell, it was the back thats different.
Was a little let down with how the front shell wasnt the tan / olive drab color too.
Is the front of yours black? Would you mind uploading some first hand photos of it?
Eh, I seem to be stuck in the Hermes dungeon; should I be able to walk over water or something?
Oh my god, I can't believe I skipped over the sign telling me to kick here.No you should not need to. Most likely its either a hidden door you are missing or did not find the area you need to get unlocked.
If you want a map go here
I'm not sure I got this right but what's wrong with the "Information" menu after you long press a bubble? It shows the size of the game.One thing about the Vita and games is really wish that they would have a button showing the game details in terms of how much space it takes up. Know there is a way to see that from some system setting, but like an actual icon on the page before initiating said game. Similar to the other buttons. Was going to check the file size of how big this is installed. Not too bad considering the DL is like 460MB or something.
I'm not sure I got this right but what's wrong with the "Information" menu after you long press a bubble? It shows the size of the game.
Oh my god, I can't believe I skipped over the sign telling me to kick here.
Thanks for the help.
DemonGAF, sell me on this game. I normally am not a fan of dungeon crawlers, but I loved SMT IV and apparently that's a dungeon crawler, so. I'm torn. It looks super pretty; I've been staying away from gameplay videos out of sheer fear of being spoiled. (Blame Danganronpa).
Damn it, Hermes is so tough...
Can anyone tell me what stats are best to add for what class?
Maybe spoiler it if other people don't want to know. I'd like to have the best team I can.
Not sure how relevant this is in here but a global edition of the Japanese version was just announced. http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201404230049/
Has dual audio/subtitles, and first print includes Disgaea D2 DLC. It's fairly cheap at about $43 retail and $37 psn.
Edit- looks like the western version already has dual audio so I guess this is pretty much the same release lol
Not sure how relevant this is in here but a global edition of the Japanese version was just announced. http://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201404230049/
Has dual audio/subtitles, and first print includes Disgaea D2 DLC. It's fairly cheap at about $43 retail and $37 psn.
Edit- looks like the western version already has dual audio so I guess this is pretty much the same release lol
Is there a way to respec stat points later on in the game? And what gets carried on to NG+?
Now shipment has reached 180k.
You can change difficulty in the basement.Started with the default human paladin, put gems in the circle like game tells me to, Goblin King fucks me 10000% over. Going to Gamestop for trade-in
Started with the default human paladin, put gems in the circle like game tells me to, Goblin King fucks me 10000% over. Going to Gamestop for trade-in
Started with the default human paladin, put gems in the circle like game tells me to, Goblin King fucks me 10000% over. Going to Gamestop for trade-in
y helo thar~ welcome to demon gaze
From my experience with Demon's Souls and sticky white stuff being labeled everywhere I think it may just be an every gamer thing.Also why are there sex notes all over the place, NISA gamers I guess
Goblin King is a boss? Didn't have much trouble with him and I use 3 stones per portal.
So in terms of party balance, are any party member types really critical? I just mean that not having something will make the game much harder/more of a grind than necessary?
Particularly I'm wondering if its almost necessary to have a Healer or a Wizard?
The classes I'm interested in are Paladin, Samurai, Assassin, and I guess Warrior. Doesn't leave much room along with the main Character. Are a Healer/Wizard back row pretty critical?
So in terms of party balance, are any party member types really critical? I just mean that not having something will make the game much harder/more of a grind than necessary?
Particularly I'm wondering if its almost necessary to have a Healer or a Wizard?
The classes I'm interested in are Paladin, Samurai, Assassin, and I guess Warrior. Doesn't leave much room along with the main Character. Are a Healer/Wizard back row pretty critical?
Still getting my ass handed to me in the water area at times. Lol. Sometimes Im doing just fine and then bam! Dead. Lol. I don't think I really have any other area to go at this point so. Away I grind.
No hes not a boss. Just "can" be a pain in the ass for new players who would only have 2 characters, if he shows up with escorts. Its all really luck based for the most part.