Spoiler tags have been used for easier reading. No story spoilers will be included in this post.
Want to join a Destiny clan with fellow NeoGAF members? Forum member
has volunteered their clan, which I suggest everyone use if they're looking for people to play with.
So what comes with this Forsaken thing?
What's new in the Forsaken update, even for those who don't buy the expansion?
Looking for some Forsaken DLC tips?
Pretty sure the above is all accurate, but let me know if I got anything wrong, and I'll be happy to correct it.
Also enjoy these new character class trailers that were just released:
Want to join a Destiny clan with fellow NeoGAF members? Forum member

If you guys still need a clan, my clan has room. A few of the old Gaffers who don't enjoy the Era stuff. Vex Enthusiasts is the Clan name https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2054005
PSN is the same as here
So what comes with this Forsaken thing?
Nine new supers, each being a part of nine new perk collections, one for each subclass.
An all new campaign and new patrol destinations, which are located in the reef.
A new class of enemies called the Scorn. They're related to the Fallen, but they are not reskins.
An all new Raid.
A new PVE / PVP mode called Gambit which sees two teams each racing to complete their own separate public event like PVE task, with players able to invade the opposing team.
New legendary and exotic weapons and armor, and a new weapon type, the bow.
Random perk rolls for the new Forsaken weapons and armor.
An all new campaign and new patrol destinations, which are located in the reef.
A new class of enemies called the Scorn. They're related to the Fallen, but they are not reskins.
An all new Raid.
A new PVE / PVP mode called Gambit which sees two teams each racing to complete their own separate public event like PVE task, with players able to invade the opposing team.
New legendary and exotic weapons and armor, and a new weapon type, the bow.
Random perk rolls for the new Forsaken weapons and armor.
What's new in the Forsaken update, even for those who don't buy the expansion?
Shotguns, Snipers, and Fusion Rifles are no longer considered power weapons. While you can still equip two primary weapons, you can also trade one or both out for any of these three classic special weapons.
A new collections tab in the menu will allow you to view all of your collected weapons and gear. In addition to this being amazing / a nightmare for competitions, any of the gear that you've ever collected can be remade and obtained again for a small amount of game currency.
All crucible maps are free for everyone, so the community isn't split.
The Eververse store has been updated with new cosmetic gear, which can be earned by all players.
A new collections tab in the menu will allow you to view all of your collected weapons and gear. In addition to this being amazing / a nightmare for competitions, any of the gear that you've ever collected can be remade and obtained again for a small amount of game currency.
All crucible maps are free for everyone, so the community isn't split.
The Eververse store has been updated with new cosmetic gear, which can be earned by all players.
Looking for some Forsaken DLC tips?
Level cap is 50 with a gear softcap of 500. Anything higher will require powerful gear engrams, or end-game area loot drops.
Early into the DLC, you will get to choose ONE new subclass / super. Choose very carefully, and look at all of the new perks and supers before you decide. You won't be able to unlock the other two supers / perk trees until you finish the main campaign, and get to the post-campaign content.
You can buy a masterwork cores from the main Tangled Shore vendor. The price is 10 legendary shards per day, but double that if you're buying more than one, so you should probably buy one each day. The same vendor also allows you to spend glimmer to buy other forms of currency or upgrade materials, and has weekly wanted bounties that reward lots of glimmer.
Early into the DLC, you will get to choose ONE new subclass / super. Choose very carefully, and look at all of the new perks and supers before you decide. You won't be able to unlock the other two supers / perk trees until you finish the main campaign, and get to the post-campaign content.
You can buy a masterwork cores from the main Tangled Shore vendor. The price is 10 legendary shards per day, but double that if you're buying more than one, so you should probably buy one each day. The same vendor also allows you to spend glimmer to buy other forms of currency or upgrade materials, and has weekly wanted bounties that reward lots of glimmer.
Pretty sure the above is all accurate, but let me know if I got anything wrong, and I'll be happy to correct it.
Also enjoy these new character class trailers that were just released:
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