Azure Phoenix
Alright, you'll have to let me know what account I need to accept the FR from as I've got a load of unaccepted ones that have piled up.
Alright, you'll have to let me know what account I need to accept the FR from as I've got a load of unaccepted ones that have piled up.
1 Tsukuyomi for 1 Verdandi?
I'm interested in this. Send me a friend request and tell me what your ID is so I know who to accept. My ID is Ventara.
Hi No Kagutsuchix2
Why is tsukiyomi in both FT and LF?
Nemesis for 2 urds? She is up if you agree.
JoD for T-Rex
1 Tsuku and 1 Nemesis for 1 T.Rex, 2 Kagutsuchis and Konohana?
Rs: Gunslinger
Not sure if i want to keep her or not so i put it on both to see what to do. As for the urds i tried to trade offer but someone beat me.
Guys, I'm Looking For Urd (Event) x 7 and Vairocana x 3. Here's a link to my trade list.
I'll have one slot opening up in 4.5 hours (though I'm still waiting on a reply to see if it'll be taken), but I should be free tomorrow for any trades.
You haven't accepted the friend request yet.
What's your ID? Is it the same as your username (I'm on my alt right now)? My trade slots will open up in a little over 4 hours. Will you be on then?
Yes, it's Doomshine. I probably won't be on after 4 hours, no.
If you want, just leave it up and I can send a request for you to accept when you wake up in the morning?
Cancelled that trade offer so it is up again.
Sure, but I've had to cancel a bunch of requests already so hopefully it will be available.
Done want to make a deal for the next 2 for a nemesis?
How about this? I'm fine with trading tomorrow.
Here's my list guys.
I'm kinda bussy trading with Azure Phoenix for the day and part of tomorrow, tho.
@Azure Phoenix I sent you a PM, btw. Check it out and let me know.
Gravity Panther (As many LF SRs as I can get)
Zeus (As many LF SRs as I can get)
Aphrodite (For Hunt SR only)
Sun Wukong (For Hunt SR only)
Leviathan SR (For Hunt SR only)
Nuada The Silver Hand
Azure Dragon
Tsukuyomi x2
Spy Yunica x4
Spy Kat
Spy Raven x2
(Two Spy Girls for Takemika or Konohana)
Gukumatz (For Takemikazuchi or Konohana only)
Oohoroc x2
Nuwa x4 (For Urd, Barong or Nezha)
Fukkrokuju x2
Yum Kaax
Vampire Hunter
Greys x2
Jokers: JoM, JoWa
SR: Arthur, T.Rex, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Yellow Emperor, Himiko, Apollo, Ashura, Eingana, Igaluk, Senju-Kannon.
aRs: Takemikazuchi, Hi No Kagutsuchi & Konohanasakuya-Hime.
Rs: Barong, Ixchel, Freyja, Nezha, Gunslinger, Urd (Event).
Urd x 2 for Nuwa x 2?
Yella, yes. I think I have 1 slot free. Wanna start with the first one?
Sure, if you still have that slot free. will put the spirit up now.
5.0 cost
Atk 150
Spd 150
Eternal Truth 30
Raises inflicted damage by 3% until the end of battle (1 enemy).
Core Reality
Raises Atk by 40% when HP is 40% or less (all allies)
Vairocana stats taken from gamefaqs
Damn. I was really hoping she'd be something better. She's not bad, though. Her skills will come in handy in long fight, but most battles don't last long, and in long fights, I'd much rather use a time stopper. Kinda disappointed. Still gonna max her since she's the #1 waifu art-wise right now.
Sorry. Only have free slots on my alternate now and my 2 last Nuwas are on my main.
Tomorrow, then?
Vairocana stats taken from gamefaqs
Damn. I was really hoping she'd be something better. She's not bad, though. Her skills will come in handy in long fight, but most battles don't last long, and in long fights, I'd much rather use a time stopper. Kinda disappointed. Still gonna max her since she's the #1 waifu art-wise right now.
Edit: Vairocana is a bit tougher than the other bosses. My alt account is gonna be having a hard time soon enough. I'll probably be needing to fight her twice before she hits 30. I really should level up some more on my alt. Would make things so much easier.
She is clearly supposed to be used against Nemesis.
Anyway, I dont need another light spirit, but damn that artwork is gourgeous. Really hard to say no...![]()
I have way too many R spirits.
I'll be trading 1:1 for any Battle/Hunt only C, UC, and R (2:1) spirits.
Please save your battle/hunt spirits. I'll be posting a list of what I need and what I own later today.
Same here. I'm gonna max her, but she'll just be a benchwarmer. The LotD is so much better as a 5.0 SR Light spirit.
Edit: And here's a better, English image of her.
Sure. I'll put them both up.
Ehhhhh, 5.0 cost again combined with being Light element makes her essentially useless to me. I'll keep one for Aoin collection purposes but ditch all the rest just like Nemesis.
Edit: Updated trade list, looking for 1 Frigg now as well and I should have a Joker of Earth to add to the list a little later today.
Tried to offer but somebody already requested both. Let me know when they are ready again.
Sent the first Urd. My other 2 slots open in 23 minutes.![]()
I have way too many R spirits.
I'll be trading 1:1 for any Battle/Hunt only C, UC, and R (2:1) spirits.
Please save your battle/hunt spirits. I'll be posting a list of what I need and what I own later today.
Accepted. I'll throw the last junk regular spirit up before I head to bed tonight, these should be finished trading by then.Azure, second Urd + fodder for Takemika were sent.
I've got quite a few EU battle spirits I've been collecting so I might have some you need, let me know if you need an Amphisbaena though as I'm going to need to merge it away very soon for space.
Accepted. I'll throw the last junk regular spirit up before I head to bed tonight, these should be finished trading by then.
Urds are ready to be claimed.
Done want to make a deal for the next 2 for a nemesis?
Urd (raid), Frigg, artemis, Aphrodite, black tortoise, yellow emp, vermilion bird, Valkyrie, phoenix, unicorn, koro pok guru, hi no, zhuge liang, genie, umibozu, heremod, benzaiten, grey, ashura evil, hunt sr spirits, and jokers
Lv13 Vairocana and I'm already struggling. Looks like I'll have to start renting spirits. This is gonna be a huge drain on my SS points now that the cost of renting spirits is back to normal. And fuck, how am I supposed to make it to Lv65, lol.
SR Nuada, danu
Raid shin x3, yinglong x4, Ladon x2, wizard, tsukuyomi x4, iyatiku, Vairocana, nuwa
R tangata x3, peron, nezha, ghost ship, yum kaax, adaptive camo, chal gal, tlaloc, clione x2, wyvern x3, bunyip, Prometheus x3, lugh, wakan, huo po, abzu x2, and 9 tail fox
Urd (raid), Frigg, artemis, Aphrodite, black tortoise, yellow emp, vermilion bird, Valkyrie, phoenix, unicorn, koro pok guru, hi no, zhuge liang, genie, umibozu, heremod, benzaiten, grey, ashura evil, hunt sr spirits, and jokers
Also need mazu, urd, and sleeve tuggers UC