Phogoth again, heh, oh well, without lightswitch should be easy.
If the missus is back by then I can tag along
Psn djralford
RedViperN7. 30 Titan.
The weekly strike order is the only thing in this game that isn't RNG lol. Next week is Nexus, then Ta'aurc and after that Archon Priest. Then it goes back to Sepiks Prime.
So anyone on ps4 for nightfall?
Too bad they won't give us PS-players the Flayers strike ever![]()
Yeah, that actually would be a really interesting one to do Nightfall in. Especially a solar one. So many mobs at the end.
Also, no solar was expected. There is nothing that does solar damage in the summoning pits. Maybe next week with the Vex or after with Ta'aurc. Archon Priest is also a bitch with solar and lightswitch. Especially now with them removing the cheese. I'm not convinced about the ledge at the start area. Had way more trouble there than under the platform, and the jump there now seems really difficult. Especially risky on nightfall.
Phogoth again, heh, oh well, without lightswitch should be easy.
Okay, need three more people for normal raid. Any takers?
Nothing is as bad as the Valus Ta'aurc music. Nightfall in that was absolutely horrible a few weeks back with no burn. Spend so long on the boss, the music drove me nuts.
Pretty happy with my Grimoire score right now!
Archon Priest is not bad if you just take turns shooting at the boss from the ledge.
How can you not love those bongos in the intro. pata dudu
Since they balanced it even with a maxxed epilogue and preydeth it'll be a pain solo
Summoning Pits with void? ohhh yeah Atheon's Epilogue, Praedyth's Revenge and finally my Truth is gonna get some play again. Should be cake.
Maybe bring some solar and arc for wizard and knight shields. Using the burn is okay, but nothing still beats using the correct element against shields.
Epilogue will come in handy at least, with Praydeths and Corrective measure
Summoning Pits with void? ohhh yeah Atheon's Epilogue, Praedyth's Revenge and finally my Truth is gonna get some play again. Should be cake.
Easiest nightfall ever.
10 fixing fuckin' shards![]()
I'm thinking about getting this game on Xbox One. I got rid of my PS4 until bloodborne, but I know the game is really focused more on the PS4 community. Is the Xbox one community alive and kicking for this game? Not that this is any comparison, but titianfall had barely 1000 people on when I logged in tonight and I'm afraid to start a game with a community that on a downward slope.
What do you think GAF? Should I grab the Xbox one version. I'm really into competitive shooters with friends and since my halo itch isn't being scratched I thinking of moving games. I'd say I'm more interested in crucible then anything, so I really want a game with an active competitive multiplayer scene)
I have seen some Xbox one players on this thread. However the very vast majority are ps4 users in this thread.I'm thinking about getting this game on Xbox One. I got rid of my PS4 until bloodborne, but I know the game is really focused more on the PS4 community. Is the Xbox one community alive and kicking for this game? Not that this is any comparison, but titianfall had barely 1000 people on when I logged in tonight and I'm afraid to start a game with a community that on a downward slope.
What do you think GAF? Should I grab the Xbox one version. I'm really into competitive shooters with friends and since my halo itch isn't being scratched I thinking of moving games. I'd say I'm more interested in crucible then anything, so I really want a game with an active competitive multiplayer scene)
Maybe bring some solar and arc for wizard and knight shields. Using the burn is okay, but nothing still beats using the correct element against shields.
Maybe bring some solar and arc for wizard and knight shields. Using the burn is okay, but nothing still beats using the correct element against shields.
6 coinsEasiest nightfall ever.
10 fixing fuckin' shards![]()
Pocket Infinity says hello.
Welp, my Warlock's fucked. They couldn't make the IB two weeks long? People that gotta work over the weekend got boned if they had multiple characters. If I didn't have three pieces fo Raid gear for my Hunter, she'd be SOL too.
And as soon as the DLC drops, nobody here'll be doing the VoG anymore. Then there's the slim chances of getting the boots to drop for my Lock anyway.
I see your PI and raise you a Ballarhorn. That thing destroys everything even without burn lol.
Thanks for that. I forgot all about the Mythoclast and the Fatebringer. I should be able to find peeps with checkpoints for those. Throw on Fireborn, and I can hold my own at an Atheon checkpoint.Yeah, two weeks would have been a lot better, but it'd be really easy to reach the cap, especially with the buff, since that one was already pretty potent halfway through the first week. No need for VoG gear with the new lv32 gear. Wouldn't be so sure about people not wanting to run VoG anymore though, plenty of people still want that Mythoclast. Hard VoG is gonna be a lot easier too as a lv32, so I expect quicker runs there too.or Fatebringer
VoG will still be played after TDB drops because you can probably get the new exotics out of the gorgon chest or from atheon too. The more chances to get no land beyond or dragon's breath the better!
Exactly. I've often had more luck with exotics from one hard Atheon run than three weekly nightfall runs.
Where'd you get the second emblem?
Its just RNG i got way more exotics from nightfall then the raid.
Is there a way to cheese the dinklebot section?
Stay at the entrance of the room.Is there a way to cheese the dinklebot section?
General rule of Destiny: nearly every section can be "cheesed" by backing up to the entry of the room.![]()
Yeah, there are a few exceptions like that.Yup. The only exception I know of is Sepiks; if you die you spawn in the room and the door will be closed (atleast, that's what happened during last weeks weekly during my attempt)
The small walls near the entrance to the room. Fall back only if you have to, just watch the spawns at the top of the staircase. They will spawn if you stay in the staircase room too long. Having a bubbleshield in the middle really helps against the wizards. Thank god it's not arc anymore though, that shit was brutal a couple weeks back.
Yeah I was actually trying this during the last nightfall and the wizards were just fucking relentless. But since this is void hopefully it won't be too bad.Stay at the entrance of the room.
Only the wizards of the last wave will chase you down in the corridor leading to this room, but not further away, so back up when they spawn and stay at the entry of the corridor.
General rule of Destiny: nearly every section can be "cheesed" by backing up to the entry of the room.![]()
Not a bad nightfall. Better than last Moon strike which had Arc burn. Only Phogoth and one Ogre does Void Damage.
I'd be (positively) surprised if they do, seeing that not anyone will have access to it.Hopefully they'll start including the DLC strike(s) in the weekly rotation in two weeks.
I'd be (positively) surprised if they do, seeing that not anyone will have access to it.
It would be a good way to push their DLC to more people, but I suppose they could get a lot of rants for it...
Yeah, that actually would be a really interesting one to do Nightfall in. Especially a solar one. So many mobs at the end.
Also, no solar was expected. There is nothing that does solar damage in the summoning pits. Maybe next week with the Vex or after with Ta'aurc. Archon Priest is also a bitch with solar and lightswitch. Especially now with them removing the cheese. I'm not convinced about the ledge at the start area. Had way more trouble there than under the platform, and the jump there now seems really difficult. Especially risky on nightfall.
So does doing the NF Summoning Pits count towards Xyor for Thorn bounty?
Well I don't see any reason for anyone to rant about it.I'd be (positively) surprised if they do, seeing that not anyone will have access to it.
It would be a good way to push their DLC to more people, but I suppose they could get a lot of rants for it...