Looking for hard raid 30 sunbro psn pansargryning
Still doing PVP?
question to those who watch streams often: do you prefer it with voice from the players or with just the game audio? i've never had a recording-worthy talking voice so am not sure if my commentary is necessary, esp since my tone is a bit misleading.
Let's say I wanna do flawless raider with some ppl here but during the raid I do we restart the raid? Just beat it and start over or just switch characters if everyone else has a character to switch.
Let's say I wanna do flawless raider with some ppl here but during the raid I do we restart the raid? Just beat it and start over or just switch characters if everyone else has a character to switch.
Yeah, it's the same as with missions. Just hit square when selecting the raid.I believe there is an option in orbit to reset your checkpoint and start the beginning. So die --> orbit--> reset
Done for the night but thanks for the run Qwell and others. Was fun even though we didn't top Atheon before the group had to go. Qwell knows that VoG better than anyone I've played with. If you need help with anything just ask him.
Going from a regular raid group doing the same role every time it was cool to switch it up for once. Struggled the first couple times with that relic lol I need to make it a point to learn every role early on for Crota's End.
Oh and no FateBringer
Commentary for sure. Even if the streamer isn't extremely entertaining it at least provides some insight into their gameplay, team objective, etc.
Ohh i see well in that case I will try to get a group one of these daysI believe there is an option in orbit to reset your checkpoint and start at the beginning. So, die --> orbit--> reset ---> start over
I mean when you die flawless raider is gone so i was wonder how we would go about restarting so we can attempt flawless raider again.Start over from orbit and practice the jumping puzzle if that's the issue. Watcha mean by dieing? Are you just asking what happens when you do die?
haha yeah it's rough going.I can see why a level 30 is preferred for hard raid. Yikes.
Its really not the level, its being comfortable enough to know when to back off, I think too many people try to follow the objective to a tee, so if you are trying to keep a portal up people will stand on the portal the whole time. Or if they are the relic holder they try to make sure everything is dead even if it kills them.I can see why a level 30 is preferred for hard raid. Yikes.
I can see why a level 30 is preferred for hard raid. Yikes.
I would rather take a 29 with maxed weapons that knows how to kill Oracles, we keep wiping because we can't kill oracles fast enough. Once you know the oracles spawns, people should be shooting as soon as they spawn cause they die super fast.i'd rather take a 29 with maxed weapons than a 30 with basic gear.
given how easy it is for everyone to get and how valuable it is in the VoG - get that 77 Wizard (void) from the crucible vendor, guardians. that thing eats praetorians for breakfast after having minotaurs as appetizers. also works great for oracles.
i'd rather take a 29 with maxed weapons than a 30 with basic gear.
given how easy it is for everyone to get and how valuable it is in the VoG - get that 77 Wizard (void) from the crucible vendor, guardians. that thing eats praetorians for breakfast after having minotaurs as appetizers. also works great for oracles.
Its really not the level, its being comfortable enough to know when to back off, I think too many people try to follow the objective to a tee, so if you are trying to keep a portal up people will stand on the portal the whole time. Or if they are the relic holder they try to make sure everything is dead even if it kills them.
Agreed, but you also need solid 30's backing you up. If someone says "since I'm 30, I'll get the relic," they better kill every last add. Nothing like being a 29, coming down the stairs, looking up at oracles, with your world going black, and getting punched by a headless goblin.
question to those who watch streams often: do you prefer it with voice from the players or with just the game audio? i've never had a recording-worthy talking voice so am not sure if my commentary is necessary, esp since my tone is a bit misleading.
My first experience in Hard raid is kinda hard. Got last checkpoint, our group tries to do it today evening. Got nice rewards sofar: Raid Boots, Chest, Gloves, energy & shards. After 2½ raids (2 normals and this hard which is unfinished) I can get my 29 level warlock to 30 after I leveled gear.
Sofar I havent got any Exotic weapon drops, got Pocket Infinity (Bounty), MIDA (Xur). But really lucky with raid gear (I have 2 pairs of boots).
Took nice mountain view picture too.
Its really not the level, its being comfortable enough to know when to back off, I think too many people try to follow the objective to a tee, so if you are trying to keep a portal up people will stand on the portal the whole time. Or if they are the relic holder they try to make sure everything is dead even if it kills them.
If you better understood the difference in damage output between a level 29 and 30 with the same weapon versus the same level character with a 260 and 300 weapon, your opinion would be different
Yup.Yah but that is why its not a solid 30 ... its a solid player. I have run the hard raid more times than I can count on my lvl 29 hunter and I've been the relic holder plenty of times. You see people die because they try to stay alive for too long in situations where they can't, don't take a chance on that last hit if its going to kill you.
Yah but that is why its not a solid 30 ... its a solid player. I have run the hard raid more times than I can count on my lvl 29 hunter and I've been the relic holder plenty of times. You see people die because they try to stay alive for too long in situations where they can't, don't take a chance on that last hit if its going to kill you.
Bungie needs to completely rework exotic armor.
Even the best exotic armor perks simply do not matter in comparison to jumping from level 29 to level 30. Furthermore, there is no such thing as build optimization because "builds" don't even exist in this game.
Melee and strength already don't matter and Grenades/discipline really don't either (though it's certainly convenient to have them more often) so exotic armor should be Bungie's way of enhancing the grenade or melee and making people want to make a build around getting one or the other more often.
Exotic armor needs to do something that actually matters. To throw out an example, Sunbreakers tripling the damage of my Solar grenades and Scorch attacks as opposed to adding two seconds of solar grenade. Or Achlyophage Symbiote quadrupling the damage of Golden Gun. Then we're talking about something that actually matters. Right now it's sad and pathetic. While the Icebreaker has a nearly game-breaking perk of ammo regeneration, your Apotheosis Veil restores your HP once every 2 minutes when you decide to fuck around and not use Fireborn.
Still looking?Need 2 more for normal raid.
PSN: El_Bombastico
So this is me @625+ Hours or 26 days roughly:
Picked up thunderlord and hezen vengeance. Thanks guys!Full up and can't get messages!
Damn psn
do you sleep