Woo! I got an upgraded Plan C from a legendary engram! Not handing in my old one to Xur paid off!
Todd hasn't spoken to us since that day. I wonder how he's taking it.
Still a free shard for me.Don't even use mine. That weapon doesn't interest me enough to use an exotic slot.
I was one of the late bloomers to elemental weapons, it wasn't until my cousin told me about it that I learned. Kind of amazing because I'm usually all about reading up on mechanics and stuff, but I wasn't really feeling Destiny for the first few weeks so it was a slow burn for me. Totally understand people putting their weapon resume on the LFG sites and stuff, or maybe just linking to their destiny profile or something.Yes, unfortunately the only sure bet will be 32 in a few weeks. I guess it's the reason why everyone puts their whole weapon resume on LFG now lol.
In no MMO game ever has that made it okay to be OP in PvE.
And no one doesn't like it. I love it. It doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge that it's ridiculously powerful.
It helps tremendously that he's a 32, but still...Sunbros across the world rejoice!Wow. Got the last shield break with grenades and radiance only. Omg. Thorn is nasty.
I bet on 2 energies.Moment of truth. Time to turn in this legendary chest engram.
I wasn't refusing to acknowledge that myself, I was just explaining why bungie won't nerf it, its a perfect carrot for the stick.
It wasn't. Oh it wasn't. Though I may need to hide somewhere far away from Todd.I bet on 2 energies.
Uh fig, hold Todd back when we next raid together please.
I'm a dead man! D:damn
don't know if I can
Yeah, this is what I'm banking on also. If they really want to throw an Xmas bone, it will be GH upgrade with some DLC weapon like Dragon's Breath.
Hahahaha.It wasn't. Oh it wasn't. Though I may need to hide somewhere far away from Todd.
Mmmhmm. I just did a weekly and someone from my friends list hops in. I don't really know who they are, I think they added me from a Roc strike this weekend. Cool.
He's level 27. Ok no big deal I inspect his weapons, no arc except for a blue rocket launcher.
Someone else joins, a friend of his, level 30. I think sweet and I inspect him. Not a single arc weapon. Goddamit.
It went fast anyway cause I was all arc'd out but still.
Any groups need help with crota?
It wasn't. Oh it wasn't. Though I may need to hide somewhere far away from Todd.
I was one of the late bloomers to elemental weapons, it wasn't until my cousin told me about it that I learned. Kind of amazing because I'm usually all about reading up on mechanics and stuff, but I wasn't really feeling Destiny for the first few weeks so it was a slow burn for me. Totally understand people putting their weapon resume on the LFG sites and stuff, or maybe just linking to their destiny profile or something.
To the earlier person where the guy was using TLW ... did you talk to him and did he not understand about the elemental dmg, or did he just refuse to use arc because he was being a jerk? Would suck if it was the later, hopefully it was just an honest not knowing better.
Uh fig, hold Todd back when we next raid together please.
So yeah, I got Heart of Praxic Fire from a legendary chest engram. I'm gonna need some protection.
Wow. Got the last shield break with grenades and radiance only. Omg. Thorn is nasty.
And now a Titan has solo'd the Crota Raid
Warlocks stay losing.
Quick question:
Does dismantling legendary/exotic fusion rifles add towards the 10 fusion rifles requirement for Pocket Infinity?
Quick question:
Does dismantling legendary/exotic fusion rifles add towards the 10 fusion rifles requirement for Pocket Infinity?
Quick question:
Does dismantling legendary/exotic fusion rifles add towards the 10 fusion rifles requirement for Pocket Infinity?
Aw yeah! Good bye you piece of shitty unupgraded Pocket Infinity and Plan C!Yes, you rebel.
If there's a group forming I'd be game. Still need to take him down with my alt level 31 warlock.
I've read in this thread someone say exotics do NOT.Quick question:
Does dismantling legendary/exotic fusion rifles add towards the 10 fusion rifles requirement for Pocket Infinity?
Aw yeah! Good bye you piece of shitty unupgraded Pocket Infinity and Plan C!
Me too!
Kerash, are you still game?
Me too!
Kerash, are you still game?
Already for the disappointment tomorrow during the raids and nightfalls. Give me that legendary shotgun RNGesus!Don't even suggest this! The only christmas xur miracle that can happen is actual gjallarhorn for sale. I will accept no substitutes. My soul is dead, I keep getting loot that other people would be happy with but I'm dead inside to everything until the gjallarhorn is in my inventory.
Got one while doing the Nexus Strike for the "Complete a strike without dying" bounty and another from daily.Where did you pick up the two legendary engrams if you don't mind me asking?
So yeah, I got Heart of Praxic Fire from a legendary chest engram. I'm gonna need some protection.
So that makes 3-4 of us?
OK so right now we've got
1. Dhruv
2. Grimlock33
3. Hzoltan69
Anyone else wanna join for a Crota beat down.
that sucks, I don't understand people that just keep 1 weapon in a slot at a time. I only keep about 2 open spots per slot so I can swap things on the fly. Of course I'm also a pack rat so I don't like throwing stuff away ... except shotguns, I have pretty much got to the point where if I get a shotgun its just auto dismantle as I never use them. Even in PVP, I would rather use a fusion rifle over them.He refused to change it simply because he had no other weapons, and the only other thing worthwhile was a fire lmg. It was a mess and I just quit. These days, I don't even waste my gaming time when I see it's going no where.
Was bored an helping people kill Crota, and one random group didn't have rockets and could barely down him. I just left after 4 tries. With limited time, I just can't stick around for long.
You lucky man! Coolest chest in the game.
I have this TERRIBLE feeling that the Black Hammer and Fatebringer are two weapons that I will not ever get. Sends shivers down my spine.