So ... any groups planning on trying for flawless raider anytime soon? Kind of thinking about becoming a guardian lord. I would probably bring my 32 warlock.
Groovy, were you with kosanuke's group, or did you have others already that you were planning to go with? I don't have a ton of plans this weekend and I play a ton. Already did all the usual before the reset.I'm still looking for people.
Has anyone tried to dismantle a Crota weapon that was fully maxed xp wise to see if it gives 5 rad shards?
Dear aspiring flawless raiders: If glitches and/or jumps are getting you down, just wait until everyone has a Lv32 and do it on Crota's Ass.
Posting for new page. Has anyone tried to dismantle a maxed Crota weapon (xp wise) to see if it gives 5 rad shards?
I only saw 2 for dismantling Crota weapons and armor.Dear aspiring flawless raiders: If glitches and/or jumps are getting you down, just wait until everyone has a Lv32 and do it on Crota's Ass.
I have but not 100% positive what it gave. I think each one gave 4 energies, I really don't think I saw 5 from either one.
That's assuming people know how to do the Bridge without cheese. I have yet to do it because every group I've run has just cheesed the bridge.... I don't have any idea how to do the encounter legit.
I only saw 2 for dismantling Crota weapons and armor.
That's assuming people know how to do the Bridge without cheese. I have yet to do it because every group I've run has just cheesed the bridge.... I don't have any idea how to do the encounter legit.
Still only a couple for Crota/Atheon?slow night
Plague of Rahool, I think it says.
Not to mention you can cheese the bridge without dying / reso ... did it earlier this week on my Titan, but I have also done it the legit way more times than anything. It's easy.2 people on left, middle and right. One person from each of the three spots takes the first 3 swords after killing the sword bearer. Run across the bridge and kill GKeeper (stupid easy as a Lv32).
Once you have three people across, they assume control of the bridge (one on each spot). People on original side get off the plates and focus on killing each successive Sword Bearer and sending the next guy over until all 6 are across. Get off the plates and bridge dismantles.
Knights, Wizards, and eventually two Hollowed Ogres will spawn (one from far back of each side). Phase completes as soon as both Ogres are dead. Cheese is so silly for this phase, it's crazy fast/easy if everyone is at least 31.
Groovy, were you with kosanuke's group, or did you have others already that you were planning to go with? I don't have a ton of plans this weekend and I play a ton. Already did all the usual before the reset.
Comet: Plague of ???
September, 2015.
First section is "Destinations"
Main destiny has 4. Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars but Earth is going by another name I can't make out.
EP1 has nothing new on Destination but has a +1 for Earth, Moon and Mars. Assuming this is referring to Missions, Strikes and Raid content.
EP2 has a new Destination in Green. Looks like Reef maybe? That's where the Raid is suspected. New missions and Strikes on Earth, Moon and Venus.
Comet has a new Destination in Green. Looks like "Hive Ship" maybe? New missions, strikes and Raid on Earth, Moon and Venus
Very disappointed not to see anything like Mercury, Io, Europa, Titan or Encaledus on there.
I've been looking for people for the past 2-ish days. Couldn't find anyone that wanted to go. :/
If we do get 4 more people the weekend is fine for me as well.
That's assuming people know how to do the Bridge without cheese. I have yet to do it because every group I've run has just cheesed the bridge.... I don't have any idea how to do the encounter legit.
It's quite easy. It won't take much for people to do it legit once the cheese gets patched.
Did VoG hard.
Atheon teleported 2 people. Still buggy![]()
I can help out, 32 lock1. Ourobolus
2. SlenderBeans
3. Jaguwar
4. Dhruv_hanom
5. Kenniikaos
Anyone else? Or anyone just feeling generous to help out?
You can get Flawless raider trophy from CE raid?
Never stayed up for Xur before. Does he require logging out and back in?
No, but you do have to leave the Tower, and come back if you're on it.
legendary engram from daily, psyched about this thing. that stability is... out of control. 8)
1. Ourobolus
2. SlenderBeans
3. Jaguwar
4. Dhruv_hanom
5. Kenniikaos
Anyone else? Or anyone just feeling generous to help out?
CE bridge part gave my Warlock boots. Anyone got Crota CP to share? I wanna finish the last part.
legendary engram from daily, psyched about this thing. that stability is... out of control. 8)
legendary engram from daily, psyched about this thing. that stability is... out of control. 8)
Lik I can give you the CP in about 10 mins
edit: We has space :-D
I always log out and back in since the daily doesn't show up unless you do.Never stayed up for Xur before. Does he require logging out and back in?
Predictions: No backup plans, Hunter spider helm, Heart of Praxic Fire, Gjallarhorn
One can dream right.
Posting for new page. Has anyone tried to dismantle a maxed Crota weapon (xp wise) to see if it gives 5 rad shards?
Yeah! I have a void one and it's my go-to anytime minotaurs are involved.