Oh, I forgot to say what I'm using right now.
Warlock 28 on Xbone.
Haven't played in forever since most of my friends traded this in.
I'm down for whatever
Feel free to add me as well, gt is purg3. I play a good bit.
Just need 1 more for HM VoG, message Qwell or Ykerr
Anyone for a Crucible group? We have 5
Shoot me an invite and I'll play a few games with you guys.Anyone for a Crucible group? We have 5
Anyone for a Crucible group? We have 5
Slacker.Damnit, I know I"ll be getting one soon no matter what. My brother and sister has one and they p9lay Destiny with two 42 inch tvs next to each other. I need to fill out that fire team.
thems clinic hours so i'm in if you need the help.Will anyone be up to do some nightfalls later? Just got back from being away for two weeks. Remote play wasn't working where I was. It was a rough time.
I'll also need to roll through CE a bunch of times but first things first.
Let me know what the interest level is for a nightfall or three in about two and a half hours or so.
PS4: GKW212
I'm down to run a couple nightfalls. I'm in the same boat. I think we're already friendly.Will anyone be up to do some nightfalls later? Just got back from being away for two weeks. Remote play wasn't working where I was. It was a rough time.
I'll also need to roll through CE a bunch of times but first things first.
Let me know what the interest level is for a nightfall or three in about two and a half hours or so.
PS4: GKW212
thems clinic hours so i'm in if you need the help.
Do exotics in the inventory affect engrams turned in?
Do exotics in the inventory affect engrams turned in?
Way late, but thanks again to the both of you for a great experience today. This makes the game so much more for me.squidhands and grayfour, trying to add you PSN is just being its typical self
Way late, but thanks again to the both of you for a great experience today. This makes the game so much more for me.
Do exotics in the inventory affect engrams turned in?
I just completed Vault of Glass for the first time and got Gjallarhorn off the last boss! It was even the last slot in which i had a blue item! SO good
Hunter - specifically Gunslinger. I never use Bladedancer unless it's bounty specific.
The stacking abilities for stability and reload are just too good and in a FPS game, benefits to the primary method of dealing damage are high on my list.
I also like the control I have with triple jump and I feel I can gauge distances better with it. I also don't have to worry about turning my jump "on" or "off", as the double and triple jumps are more natural from having played so many other games.
With that said, self revive is just about game breaking/saving for NF and VoG hard raid.
I just completed Vault of Glass for the first time and got Gjallarhorn off the last boss! It was even the last slot in which i had a blue item! SO good
I just completed Vault of Glass for the first time and got Gjallarhorn off the last boss! It was even the last slot in which i had a blue item! SO good
Can't imagine a higher high in Destiny than defeating Atheon for the first time and receiving Gjallarhorn in return.I don't know what is cooler, you getting to complete Vault of Glass for the first time or getting Gjallahorn.
Congrats on both. It is always fun tackling new content.
I'm no expert but I find the best primary to be one I'm most familiar with, so a hand cannon for me. I tried to get on board the auto rifle hype train and was getting pasted. Tried a match with my regular hand cannon and held my own more or less, so what you feel comfortable with certainly has a bearing on it.
They should not...
RNG is RNG and purely RNG per Bungie.
Got Ruin Wings and No Backup plans when I have them already. Final engram was finally something different but it was for a Warlock which I don't have.
I just completed Vault of Glass for the first time and got Gjallarhorn off the last boss! It was even the last slot in which i had a blue item! SO good
Agree. I like my new Hunter. But there is nothing else like saving a wipe at the NF boss with a revive.
Nice one! I'm going to have to start raiding soon I think, but I have no idea where to begin. I'll have to try and stay awake for one of Hawkian's first timer raids!
A lot should be RNG, but I've noticed - and so have many - people are predestined for certain loot. For instance I got my 3rd Ice breaker recently. Some people have gotten 15 Fatebringers. Not everything is RNG as Bungie says.
I sent you a friend request.Got room for one more in Nightfall and doing weekly after.
I can't really argue with this.
I feel and keep this in mind its is an opinion only of mine (So it probably sucks) That the loot tables need to be restructured greatly to take in more variables instead of just pure random.
Wouldn't it be funny if Bungies loot system was entirely made off of a randomized check that took into account your profile name... Like assigned values to letters...
Oh god the laughs that would be had if something as simple and stupid as that actually happened. Purely speculation mind you.
Congrats! You are lucky! Now the first thing you should do is to go upgrade you GHorn with Xur to the 331 attack version before Xur leaves the tower.
Nice one! I'm going to have to start raiding soon I think, but I have no idea where to begin. I'll have to try and stay awake for one of Hawkian's first timer raids!
2 blues from the cryptarch. Seriously he needs to guarantee one legendary if he's gonna take so much exp to level.
Time to work on podcast stuff.
He's a bonus, you shouldn't be trying to purposely level him. Also his rewards level him too so what's the problem? He's a lottery, you should be getting what you need elsewhere like xur and night falls.
2 blues from the cryptarch. Seriously he needs to guarantee one legendary if he's gonna take so much exp to level.
Time to work on podcast stuff.
He's a bonus, you shouldn't be trying to purposely level him. Also his rewards level him too so what's the problem? He's a lottery, you should be getting what you need elsewhere like xur and night falls.
His package should at least be downgraded from legendary status. Two blue engrams does not a legendary package make.2 blues from the cryptarch. Seriously he needs to guarantee one legendary if he's gonna take so much exp to level.
Time to work on podcast stuff.
32 hunter if it's just a quick Crota kill. Psn is MacelloKilling Crota have two spots, anyone? PS4